ASDepthModal is mostly inspired by a nice CSS work from
It gives a sense of depth between the current fullscreen view which is sent backward with a blur effect and a modal popup view which appears in front.
Works on iOS 5 and 6.
The blur effect is a code borrowed from
Download the whole project and run it under Xcode. You can choose either iPhone or iPad destination. It supports all orientations change.
Just copy ASDepthModalViewController.h, ASDepthModalViewController.m, UIImage+Blur.h and UIImage+Blur.m in your project and #import "ASDepthModalViewController.h"
where you need it.
You can also add pod 'ASDepthModal'
to your Podfile.
Once you have your popup view, here is how you would present it
[ASDepthModalViewController presentView:yourPopupView];
The popup view is automatically closed as soon as you tap outside of it.
If you need to close the popup view by code (you usually have a "close" button for this purpose)
[ASDepthModalViewController dismiss];
You can configure the background color as well and different kind of options:
- the effect applied on the popup when it appears ans disappears
- whether the underlay view is blurred
- whether a tap outside of the popup closes it. You can also add some code to execute once the popup is closed.
[ASDepthModalViewController presentView:yourPopupView
Three styles are available : no effect, grow effect or shrink effect.
This class requires ARC.
QuartzCore and Accelerate frameworks are needed.