This project contains tooling used to investigate the old Betrayal at Krondor MS-DOS game.
It contains no BaK source code or data files.
Once enough information has been gathered, a new repo will be created to build a highly moddable version of the game in Unity.
Other tooling used:
- .NET 8 SDK (
- Clone the repository locally
- Open the BetrayalAtKrondor.sln in your IDE of choice (I use Rider)
This aims to convert original game data files to .NET objects, which can be saved as json or csv.
This is a development tool with no GUI, no documentation and no help.
- Uncomment/add/change anything you like in the Program.cs
- I use the built-in run/debug option in Rider to run the project.
- You can also build it, find the executable and run it from the commandline or a script.
This is supposed to work in conjunction with Spice86(
Spice86 is an MSDOS emulator like DosBox. But this one allows you to replace functions from the original program with C# code.
This project contains such overrides. They are used to replace existing functionalty, to add debugging, logging and perform other investigative functions. For example, all the low-level DOS file handling has been replaced by C# code. This allows us to fully control and snoop on all file operations.
For development purposes I have referenced my local Spice86 repository as project references. This will fail on your machine. In order to "fix" this you'll need to clone the [] repository to the location indicated in the BetrayalAtKrondor.sln file (or change that file to point at the Spice86 locations).
Then run the program from your IDE, or build it to run it standalone.
Use these program arguments: --Ems --Exe "C:\Games\Betrayal at Krondor\KRONDOR.EXE" --UseCodeOverride=true
but replace the exe path with your KRONDOR.EXE location.
This will start the emulator and output logging.
For more information about Spice86, command line arguments and overrides, see