Install options
Click on one of the buttons below to download the UniversalProbeFinder. Click on "" to download the the code as a zip file, or on "UPF_v1_1_1_Installer_web.exe" to download the stand-alone MCR installer if you do not have a matlab license.
Do not use the "Source code" buttons, because the zetatest submodule is not included. These buttons are automatically generated by GitHub.
v1.1 has many new features and bug fixes. See the manual for more information.
Slice Prepper
Updated image loading GUI. It can unpack .czi files and automatically combine channels
Editable image sorter using regular expressions
Switch between channels
Only asks to save data when you actually changed anything
Slice Finder
Uses new image format from Slice Prepper
Fixed a redrawing bug, so it might be slightly faster(?)
Probe Finder
Some minor bug fixes
New internal cluster format that forces cluster compatibility and warns you if something is off
Multi-shank support
Can load any tsv file that has a column called "cluster_id"
Select which properties you want to plot
Select which category you want to show
Loads and parses the IMEC channel map (both snsShankMap and snsGeomMap are supported) so your probe length should automatically be correct (hopefully)
New "Export ephys" button that saves the ephys data structure (and probe coordinates)