Elixir library with debugging functions for making life easier.
The package can be installed
by adding ex_debug
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_debug, "~> 1.0.0"}
When using the ExDebug.console\2
function, it's possible to pass some formatting options to the function. There is a configuration in config/config.exs
file that can be adjusted to set these options globally:
# config/config.exs file
config :ex_debug,
width: 80,
color: 255,
line_color: 238,
time_color: 247,
syntax_colors: [
atom: :cyan,
binary: :white,
boolean: :magenta,
list: :white,
map: :white,
nil: :magenta,
number: :yellow,
regex: :light_red,
reset: :yellow,
string: :green,
tuple: :white
width: Lenght of characters to be used in the console print.
color: Color of the label if its given. Values between 0-255.
line_color: Color of the header and footer lines. Values between 0-255.
time_color: Color of the execution time. Values between 0-255.
syntax_colors: Keyword list for term syntax color.
Use the ExDebug.console\2
function chaining it anywhere in your functions pipelines, to print in console the current data on that point of the pipeline.
This behavior is only present in the dev and test environments. If it's called in the prod (or any other) environment, it will simply ignore the command and pass through the data.
The second argument of the function is optional. It's a keyword list of options: :width
, :color
, :line_color
, :time_color
, :syntax_colors
iex> "Lorem-Ipsum"
...> |> String.split("-")
...> |> ExDebug.console(label: "Split return")
...> |> Enum.join()
...> |> String.downcase()
# Split return -------------------------------------- 2022-03-10 - 00:47:07.523741
# ["Lorem", "Ipsum"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- MyApp v0.0.0
"loremipsum" # <- This is the actual pipeline return, besides de console print.
The test suite can be executed as follows:
mix test