following along with the book DevOps for the Desperate by Bradley Smith to build a homelab and learn devops concepts
outline of material:
installed virtualbox, vagrant, ansible, vagrant-vbguest plugin (didn't work, had to work around), went through simple Vagrantfile and Ansible playbook
set up password requirements and new linux user and group with ansible modules
disabled passwords over ssh, enabled public key authentication as well as 2fa with google authenticator
deployed a flask webapp with a systemd service, and assigned capabilities in the sudoers file to allow the developers group to start, stop, edit the app
configured the firewall to deny all ports except 22 and 5000 and rate limit 5000
containerized an app with docker and learned to run and interact with it
downloaded kubectl and got a deployment and two services up and running with our image of the telnet app and exposed it to the whole computer
set up a CI/CD pipeline with skaffold and the google testing tool, and learned how to roll back a kubernetes deployment
set up application monitoring dashboard using Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana