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Setting it up for Development

Josh Cheek edited this page Jan 8, 2017 · 1 revision
  • Make sure you can install it.
  • Make sure you have bundler and rake (gem install bundler rake)
  • Fork the repo (there's a button on Github)
  • Clone your fork (git clone
  • Install the dependencies (rake install) This approach is painful, but it means the full test suite is 1 minute instead of 10min.
  • Get a list of rake tasks (rake -T)
  • Run the full test suite (rake)
  • Run the rspec tests bundle exec rspec from here you can pass options you want, such as a tag for the tests you're interested in.
  • Run the Cucumber tests bundle exec cucumber (these literally invoke the executable, as a user would)

I often have the dependencies installed in my Ruby environment, as well, which lets me invoke the binaries like rspec directly. This can get messed up because it ignores Bundler.

I often tag the test I'm working on so I can run it in isolation. You can do this with line numbers, too, but line numbers are harder to get to work, you can't add the tag to a second test and have them keep working, and they can break if your lines move around.

To run a specific cucumber scenario, I usually tag the cuke with @wip then run cucumber -t @wip.