Yamlet is a tool for writing complex configurations in YAML.
It is reminiscent of GCL, but it adheres to strict YAML syntax, while offering complex expression evaluation and templating operations that would otherwise require an engine such as Jinja.
YAML itself doesn't support even simple operations such as string concatenation, so a common wishlist item for people is the ability to use a YAML anchor to extend one value inside another.
For example:
key1: &anchor my common value
key2: *anchor extra specialized value # THIS DOES NOT WORK IN YAML!
Yamlet solves this explicitly, on top of bundling a comprehensive templating engine:
key1: my common value
key2: !expr key1 + ' my extra specialized value'
GCL, Google's Generic Configuration Language, solves this problem more
generally by deferring variable lookups into each scope that includes
them. Yamlet is a Pythonic implementation of this idea, in the way that
JSonnet is a... jsonish implementation. The key difference is that JSonnet
is owned by Google while Yamlet is hacked together by a former Google
employee in a few hundred lines of Python. On the plus side, tuple
composition seems to actually work in this engine, which is more than
I can say for gcl.py
on Pip.
(Note for the uninitiated to GCL: A "Tuple" is the equivalent of a dictionary.)
This tool is lightweight at the moment and kind of fun to reason about, so drop me issues or feature requests and I'll try to attend to them.
The biggest change that would make this project nicer is if YAML supported
raw strings (literal style) for specific constructors without the use of a
specific style token. In particular, it's annoying having to insert a pipe
and newline before any expression that you'd like to be evaluated GCL-style
instead of YAML style. Similarly, it would be great if I could define an
constructor that starts a mapping block, or revise the spec to
disallow colons at the end of tags (where followed by whitespace). Until then,
the best workaround I can recommend is to habitually parenthesize every Yamlet
expression and put spaces after all your tokens like it's the 80s.
To help work around this, I've added !fmt
and !composite
tags on top of
the core !expr
tag so that the YAML parser can handle string interpretation
and nested tuple parsing. In the examples below, I could have used
coolbeans: !fmt 'Hello, {subject}! I say {cool} {beans}!'
instead of that
pipe nonsense if I didn't want to show off string concatenation explicitly.
I could probably have also gotten away with parentheses.
I've also added a stream preprocessor that replaces !else:
with !else :
for when someone inevitably forgets or doesn't read this.
pip install yamlet
Yamlet is a single Python file; you may also just copy yamlet.py
into your
project wherever you like.
Here’s a summary of Yamlet’s features:
- String formatting
- GCL-Like tuple composition
- Conditionals, as seen in procedural languages
- File Imports (to allow splitting up configs or splitting out templates)
- Comprehensions
- Lambda expressions
- Custom functions (defined in Python)
- Custom tags for building user-defined types.
- Local Variables and Templates to control which values are exposed to the Python API.
- GCL Special Values
. - Explicit value referencing in composited tuples using
refers to the scope that contains the current scope, as in nested tuples.super
refers to the scope from which the current scope was composed, as in the template from which some of its values were inherited.
Here’s a whirlwind tour of Yamlet. Consider a main file, yaml-gcl.yaml
t1: !import yaml-gcl2.yaml
beans: beans
coolbeans: !expr |
'Hello, {subject}! ' + 'I say {cool} {beans}!'
childtuple: !expr t1.tuple t2
childtuple2: !expr t2 t1.tuple2
And a separate file, yaml-gcl2.yaml
cool: cooool
beans: sauce
subject: world
tuple2: !composite
- tuple
- {
cool: awesome
In Python, you can read these files like this:
import yamlet
loader = yamlet.Loader()
t = loader.load_file('yaml-gcl.yaml')
This will print the following:
Hello, world! I say cooool beans!
Hello, world! I say awesome sauce!
You can try this out by running example.py
Flipping the definitions of childtuple
and childtuple2
to instead read
t2 t1.tuple
and t1.tuple2 t2
would instead print cooool sauce
awesome beans
, respectively—which would be upsetting, so don't do that.
(It's by design; this is how GCL templating works.) Each tuple you chain onto
the list overwrites the values in the previous tuples, and then expressions
inherited from those tuples will use the new values.
Placing tuples next to each other in Yamlet composites them. For example, you
can use my_template { my_key: overridden value }
to instantiate the tuple
and override my_key
within that tuple with a new value.
I'll break this down better later in this document (see Tuple Composition).
Yamlet adds support for conditional statements, on top of cond()
as used in
the Google GCL spec. In Yamlet, conditionals look like this:
!if platform == 'Windows':
directory_separator: \\
executable_extension: exe
dylib_extension: dll
!elif platform == 'Linux':
directory_separator: /
executable_extension: null
dylib_extension: so
directory_separator: /
executable_extension: bin
dylib_extension: dylib
Note that YAML requires you to have a space between the !else
tag and the
following colon. However, Yamlet's stream preprocessor handles this for you,
at the cost of any data that would otherwise contain the string "!else:"
which should be a non-issue, right?
Yamlet offers several syntaxes for string composition.
subject: world
str1: !expr ('Hello, {subject}!')
str2: !expr ('Hello, ' + subject + '!')
str3: !fmt 'Hello, {subject}!'
All of these will evaluate to Hello, world!
The next section explains how to create a template that lets you modify the
value of subject
from within your program or other contexts in Yamlet.
In GCL, the basic unit of configuration is a tuple, and templating happens through extension. Yamlet inherits this behavior. Tuple composition can be tricky to understand, so I’ll push the system to its limits to paint a clearer picture.
In both languages, extension occurs by opening a mapping immediately following a tuple expression (i.e., an expression naming or creating a tuple). For example:
parent_tuple {
new_key: 'new value',
old_key: 'new overriding value',
Yamlet differs from GCL here by adopting Python’s key: value
mapping syntax
rather than GCL’s key = value
. This is a crucial difference, as GCL maintains
a distinction between old_key { ... extension ... }
old_key = { ... override ... }
, which in Yamlet would need to be accomplished
by replacing the old dictionary with a new expression, not tuple.
However, in most cases, you want nested tuples within a child to extend the identically named tuples in the parent. This is easy to express in Yamlet, and can be done in several ways.
The first of these is just as above, more GCL-style:
child_tuple: !expr |
parent_tuple {
new_key: 'new value', # Python dicts and YAML flow mappings require commas.
old_key: 'new overriding value', # String values must be quoted in Yamlet.
This example uses a literal-style scalar (denoted by the pipe character, |
so that the YAML parser correctly reads the Yamlet expression snippet.
Quoting the entire expression by any other means is equally valid, but probably much harder to read.
Another approach is to explicitly denote the tuple composition using the
tag, which was created for that purpose:
child_tuple: !composite
- parent_tuple # The raw name of the parent tuple to composite
- new_key: new value # This is a mapping block inside a sequence block!
old_key: new overriding value # Note that normal YAML `k: v` is fine.
Both examples above behave identically.
Depending on how well your eyes are trained on YAML vs GCL, you may prefer one style to the other. A further option is to use a flow mapping for the extension fields. This makes it look closer to the GCL syntax while still allowing YAML tags and unquoted (plain-style) values. Plain style is not allowed in Yamlet mapping expressions; unquoted words are assumed to be identifiers.
This approach looks like this:
child_tuple: !composite
- parent_tuple # The raw name of the parent tuple to composite
- {
new_key: new value, # A comma is now required here!
old_key: new overriding value # Plain style is still allowed.
Once again, all these examples behave the same, and in fact, the YAML parse for the latter two snippets is identical.
As mentioned, any nested tuples appearing both within the first element of the
composite operation (parent_tuple
) and the second element (the inline mapping)
will be extended in the same way.
For the morbidly curious, strictly replacing a tuple in Yamlet (i.e. overriding a nested tuple rather than extending it) would look something like this:
shared_key: Value that appears in both tuples
t1_only_key: Value that only appears in t1
t1_only_key2: Second value that only appears in t1
shared_key2: Nested value in both
t2: !composite
- t1
- t2_only_key: Value that only appears in t2
sub: !expr |
{ t2_only_key2: 'Second value that only appears in t2' }
t2_only_key3: Nested value only in t2
In this case, the sub
tuple is overridden, while sub2
is extended.
Any nested tuples can be extended or overridden depending on how you structure
the composite operation.
Note that there are usually several ways of expressing a tuple composition in
Yamlet; you can typically use any of YAML's means of expressing the mapping
node of your choosing, or use a Yamlet !expr
expression and dict literal to
denote the same thing. In this case, however, Yamlet's mapping syntax lacks a
clean way to mark a nested tuple as an override rather than an extension.
There are, however, ways of accomplishing this. The following snippet would technically have the same effect:
t2: !expr |
t1 {
t2_only_key: 'Value that only appears in t2',
sub: [{
t2_only_key2: 'Second value that only appears in t2'
}][0], # Trick to replace `sub` entirely
sub2: {
t2_only_key3: 'Nested value only in t2'
In this case, evaluation of the nested tuple is deferred within the child using
an identity function, specifically [x][0]
. This is not exactly recommended
behavior, though you could accomplish this more cleanly by adding an identity
function through your YamletOptions
and then passing the nested tuple to it.
Importing allows you to assign the structured content of another Yamlet file to a variable:
t1: !import my-configuration.yaml
The example above reads my-configuration.yaml
and stores its content in t1
Importing is actually deferred until data from the file is accessed, so you
may import as many files as you like, import files that don't exist, import
yourself, or import files cyclically—errors will only occur if you try to
access undefined or cyclic values within those files.
Yamlet expressions inherit list comprehension syntax from Python.
my_array: [1, 2, 'red', 'blue']
fishes: !expr r', '.join('{x} fish' for x in my_array)
In this example, the fishes
array evaluates to
1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish
A couple notes:
- A raw string is used for the comma character to stop YAML from interpreting just the first literal as the scalar value.
- Though an f-string could be used in the generator expression, it is not required as all Yamlet literals use {} for formatting. Using an f-string would allow Python's formatting options in the {}.
Lambda expressions in Yamlet are read in from YAML as normal strings, then executed as Yamlet expressions:
add_two_numbers: !lambda |
x, y: x + y
name_that_shape: !lambda |
x: cond(x < 13, ['point', 'line', 'plane', 'triangle',
'quadrilateral', 'pentagon', 'hexagon', 'heptagon', 'octagon',
'nonagon', 'decagon', 'undecagon', 'dodecagon'][x], '{x}-gon')
is_thirteen: !lambda |
x: 'YES!!!' if x is 13 else 'no'
five_plus_seven: !expr add_two_numbers(5, 7)
shape_with_4_sides: !expr name_that_shape(4)
shape_with_14_sides: !expr name_that_shape(14)
seven_is_thirteen: !expr is_thirteen(7)
thirteen_is_thirteen: !expr is_thirteen(13)
In addition to lambdas, you can also directly expose Python functions for use in Yamlet configurations. For example:
loader = yamlet.Loader(YamletOptions(functions={
'quadratic': lambda a, b, c: (-b + (b * b - 4 * a * c)**.5) / (2 * a)
data = loader.load('''
a: 2
b: !expr a + c # Evaluates to 9, eventually
c: 7
quad: !expr quadratic(a, b, c)
print(data['quad']) # Prints -1
With this approach, you can define custom functions for use in Yamlet expressions, which can lead to even more expressive configuration files.
You can add custom tag constructors to Yamlet the same way you would in Ruamel:
loader.add_constructor('!custom', CustomType)
In this example, CustomType
will be instantiated with a Ruamel Loader and
Node, which you can handle as you would with vanilla Ruamel.
On top of this, however, Yamlet offers an additional "style" attribute for your custom types:
loader.add_constructor('!custom', CustomType,
With this setup, CustomType
will be instantiated using the final scalar value
obtained from Ruamel. Additionally, Yamlet provides the following composite tags
by default (unless tag_compositing=False
is specified):
: Applies string formatting (as with Yamlet’s!fmt
tag) and constructsCustomType
with the formatted string result.!custom:expr
: Evaluates the input as a Yamlet expression (similar to Yamlet’s!expr
tag) and constructsCustomType
with the resulting value, regardless of type.!custom:raw
: ConstructsCustomType
directly from the scalar value obtained from Ruamel. This is the default behavior forConstructStyle.SCALAR
, so in this case,!custom
behave identically.
You can also specify ConstructStyle.FMT
or ConstructStyle.EXPR
registering the constructor to set the default behavior of the base tag
) to formatting or expression evaluation. All three composite tags
, :expr
, and :raw
) will still be available by default unless you
set tag_compositing=False
Sometimes you want to control which values are exposed by for-loops or even
explicit access in the fully-parsed configuration (i.e. the tuple returned by
or the dict obtained by calling evaluate_fully()
that tuple).
For this, you can use local expressions:
!local var_that_will_not_show_up: Hello, world!
!local var_that_would_error: !expr undefined varnames with bad syntax
var_that_will_show_up: !expr var_that_will_not_show_up
Then in Python, the fully-evaluated tuple will contain no locals:
t = yamlet.load(yamlet_config)
{'var_that_will_show_up': 'Hello, world!'})
This will remain the case even if additional values (not marked !local
) are
composited into that tuple. For example:
!local my_local: irrelevant
my_nonlocal: !fmt 'Hello, {my_local}!'
tup2: !composite
- tup1
- my_local: world
In this case, the following assertion would succeed:
{'my_nonlocal': 'Hello, world!'})
Additionally, you may use the !template
type for tuples (YAML mapping values)
which should only be used for composing other tuples (and will also not be
exported). Because Yamlet lazily-evaluates everything, there is no observable
distinction between templates and non-template tuples outside of this behavior.
As an example:
library_template: !template
!local STATIC_LIB_PREFIX: !expr ('s' if platform == 'windows' else '')
static_libs: !expr |
['{LIB_PREFIX}{STATIC_LIB_PREFIX}{name}.{STATIC_LIB_EXT}' for name in lib_names]
dynamic_libs: !expr |
['{LIB_PREFIX}{name}.{SHARED_LIB_EXT}' for name in lib_names]
!local lib_names: !external
When observed from the Python API, accessing the library_template
will return
the template tuple, even though it would not appear in the dict returned by
. However, accessing the lib_names
field on that template will
raise a KeyError
. This behavior may be modified in a later version of Yamlet.
In addition to up
and super
, GCL defines the special values null
. Yamlet has rudimentary support for these.
evaluates toexternal
when used in any operation. Requesting an external value explicitly results in an error. The observable behaviors of this value are the default behaviors for using any undeclared value in Yamlet, so unless I've missed something,external
is not worth using.null
removes a key from a tuple, omitting it in compositing operations unless it is added again later by an overriding tuple composition.- Because of this behavior, having
assigned to a tuple key is not the same as not having that key in the tuple. Anull
value still counts toward thelen()
of a tuple, for example, until after composition.
- Because of this behavior, having
As a simple example of null
, consider the following:
key_to_keep: present
key_to_delete: also present
key_to_delete: !null
t2: !expr t1 deleter
t3: !expr t1 t2
In the above example,
has bothkey_to_keep
has onlykey_to_keep
has bothkey_to_keep
once again. This is because the key was missing fromt2
, notnull
within it.len(t1)
is 2.len(t2)
is 1.len(deleter)
is also 1.len(t3)
is again 2.
Yamlet is pretty good about telling you where a problem happened by converting the Python stack trace into Yamlet traces, showing the lines involved in evaluating an expression. You can also directly query Yamlet's provenance information to discover where a value came from.
Yamlet is built on top of YAML, meaning that the first tool to parse your configuration file is a YAML interpreter, namely Ruamel. The facilities offered by Yamlet will only work for you if you can convey your expression strings through Ruamel.
To help with this, Yamlet offers separate tags for !fmt
(formatting string values) and !expr
(general expression evaluation).
These are there because if you try to write this:
my_string: !expr 'my formatted string with {inlined} {expressions}'
...you are NOT going to get a string! Ruamel will interpret the string value, removing the single quotes and handing Yamlet a bunch of drivel.
The !fmt
tag works around this by treating the entire Ruamel value as a
string literal. Alternatively, you can use a literal style block:
my_string: !expr |
'my formatted string with {inlined} {expressions}'
At the time of writing, this is the only way to trigger literal style for a YAML value. I can’t achieve this behavior directly through a tag implementation.
Yamlet mappings (tuples, dictionaries) resemble YAML mappings but have slight differences:
my_yamlet_map: !expr |
key: 'my string value with {inlined} {expressions}',
otherkey: 'my other value'
This is because the Yamlet uses the Python parser to handle expressions,
including flow mappings, which are based on Python dicts. I have taken the
liberty of allowing raw names as keys (per YAML) without unpacking them
as expressions (per Python). To use a variable as the key, you would have to
say '{key_variable}': value_variable
, but note that the key_variable
must be available in the compositing scope (the scope containing the mapping
expression) and CANNOT be deferred to access values from the resulting tuple.
The values within a Yamlet mapping, however, are deferred, with the exception of nested mappings, which are treated as part of the current mapping expression.
For your curiosity, a dynamic key would look like this:
static_key: dynamic
tup: !expr |
{ '{static_key}_key': 'value' }
The above example would define dynamic_key
within the tup
Note that other values defined in that mapping would be inaccessible
for use in keys; attempting to access them would result in an error
or a different value being pulled in than the one you might expect.
This setup means that Yamlet mappings are neither pure Python dict literals
nor pure YAML mappings. They are not like Pthon literals because identifiers
tokens) used as keys are not treated as variables. They are also not
YAML flow mapping literals, because every value is a raw Yamlet expression in
which operators can be used and strings must be quoted.
One additional difference from YAML flow mappings is that all keys must have values; you may not simply mix dict pairs and set keys (YAML allows this; Python and Yamlet do not).
Tuples (GCL or Yamlet dicts) inherit their scope from where they are defined.
fruit: Apple
fruit: Banana
value: !fmt '{up.fruit} {fruit}'
tuple_C: !expr |
tuple_A {
tuple_B: {
fruit: 'Blueberry',
value2: '{super.up.fruit} {super.fruit} {fruit} {up.fruit}',
value3: '{super.value} -vs- {value}',
fruit: 'Cherry'
This example contains four tuples; let's start by examining the first two,
and tuple_B
. The latter is nested within the former, but does
not inherit from it. That is, there’s no composition at this point, so
is undefined. But due to the nesting, tuple_B.up
refers to tuple_A
so tuple_B.value
evaluates to Apple Banana
It gets complicated as we do composition.
Here, tuple_C
is defined as a specialization of tuple_A
, where fruit
is overridden, and tuple_B
is extended in much the same way as tuple_A
Because composition is involved, the super
of tuple_C
becomes tuple_A
and the super
of its nested tuple, tuple_C.tuple_B
, in turn becomes
. Expressions from each super
tuple will be inherited by
their respective children, but will be re-evaluated in the new scope.
That means expressions that reference variables (or even keywords such as up
and super
themselves) will be re-evaluated based on the new values
within tuple_C
Because fruit
is overridden in the inheriting scope (tuple_C.tuple_B
), and
also in the enclosing scope thereof, the expression in tuple_A.tuple_B.value
takes on an entirely new meaning in the context of tuple_C.tuple_B
's scope.
The resulting value in that context is Cherry Blueberry
Thus, tuple_C.tuple_B.value3
will evaluate to
Apple Banana -vs- Cherry Blueberry
All of these values are accessible from the innermost inheriting scope,
. In that scope, value2
will evaluate to
Apple Banana Blueberry Cherry
, representing the values from the super
pair first, followed by the values from the inheriting tuple pair.
It’s worth noting that super.up.fruit
is equivalent to up.super.fruit
In Yamlet, an expression can simply refer to another tuple without attempting to instantiate (extend or modify) it.
In this case, the tuple is returned from the expression by reference. It will NOT be re-evaluated under its new enclosing scope.
In other words, the Yamlet expressions t1
and t1 {}
are semantically
completely different; the former references t1
, and the latter extends it
without modification, creating a simple copy in the new scope.
This applies for composition done by listing tuples sequentially (e.g. t1 t2
as well; this expression creates a new tuple in the current scope.
There are a few features present in GCL that Yamlet currently doesn’t implement:
- Assertions are not yet supported.
- Additional builtin functions (
, etc.). The Python built-ins and available list comprehensions pretty much suffice for this. - GCL-style (C++/C-style) comments cannot be used anywhere in Yamlet. Yamlet uses Python/YAML-style comments, as handled by Ruamel.
- The
tuple is not supported. This would ideally be the responsibility of a command-line utility that preprocesses Yamlet into some other format (such as Protobuf). - Support for
expressions is missing. The language might be better without these... though adding them could create a way to reliably pre-evaluate entire Yamlet files into other formats.
Yamlet tracks all origin information, so there's no need for a separate utility
to trace where expressions came from. Consequently, you may chain super
expressions and it will "just work." You can also invoke explain_value
in any
resulting dictionary to obtain a description of how a value was computed.
From the included example, print(t['childtuple'].explain_value('coolbeans'))
will produce the following dump:
`coolbeans` was computed from evaluating expression `'Hello, {subject}! ' + 'I say {cool} {beans}!'` in "yaml-gcl.yaml", line 4, column 14
- With lookup of `subject` in this scope in "/home/josh/Projects/Yamlet/yaml-gcl2.yaml", line 2, column 3
- With lookup of `cool` in this scope in "/home/josh/Projects/Yamlet/yaml-gcl2.yaml", line 2, column 3
- With lookup of `beans` in this scope in "/home/josh/Projects/Yamlet/yaml-gcl2.yaml", line 2, column 3
Be advised that a complex Yamlet program can generate tens of thousands of lines of traceback for a single value... so don't get carried away. I suggest leaning on user-defined functions rather than miles of inter-tuple dependencies.
Yamlet is probably the only templating or expression evaluation engine that doesn't use jq. If you want to use jq, you can create a function that accepts a jq string and use Yamlet's literal formatting to insert values into the string.
Yamlet shares a more procedural syntax with GCL, and supports basic arithmetic operations and several built-in functions, with more likely to be added in the future.
A Yamlet configuration file (or "program," as GCL calls its own scripts) doesn't really need jq, because you can just invoke custom routines in it using a more traditional, functional syntax.
Additionally, Jinja, a popular templating engine, does not pair well with YAML because Jinja is designed for manipulating lines of text, while YAML relies on indentation as part of its syntax. Import statements in Yamlet work differently: they import the final tuple value, not raw lines of unprocessed text.
Who knows! The name "Yamlet" might play on "JSonnet," drawing on a sort of Shakespearean motif around the name "Hamlet." It might also be a Portmanteau of "YAML" and "template," or, more obscurely, some amalgam of "YAML" and "Borglet." Perhaps it plays more directly on "applet" and how one might write one in YAML. Or maybe it's simply the product of whatever sort of fever dream leads to the inception of a tool such as this. Regardless, rest assured that a rose by any other name would still smell as much like durian.