🚀 Start building a Vue app with Apollo and GraphQL in 2 minutes!
This is a vue-cli 3.x plugin to add Apollo and GraphQL in your Vue project using the graphql-ws
- Automatically integrate vue-apollo into your Vue app
- Embed Apollo client config (upgradable and customizable)
- Websockets
- File uploads
- Client state with apollo-link-state
- Included optional Graphql Server (upgradable and customizable):
- Dead simple GraphQL API sources generated into your project (with import/export support)
- Upgradable service running apollo-server
- Websocket subscriptions support
- Optional automatic mocking
- Apollo Engine support
- GraphQL playground integrated in the CLI UI
- Configuration screen in the CLI UI
- Server-Side Rendering with @akryum/vue-cli-plugin-ssr
- Included optional example component with:
- Watched query
- Mutation
- Realtime subscription using Websockets
- Fully working image gallery with image upload
- GraphQL validation using ESLint