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Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by jtag84 using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains.

In this repository, jtag84 is about to provide solutions for the puzzles using Kotlin language.

If you're stuck with Kotlin-specific questions or anything related to this template, check out the following resources:

How to create a new Day

A script can be used to create the skeleton for a new day, it will:

  • Create a new dayXX package under the yearXXXX package
  • Create a Part1.kt, Part2.kt, and Parser.kt from the templates in src/template
  • Retrieve the inputs and test inputs from the [Advent of Code] aoc website and place them in the corresponding resources folder
  • Update AllParts.kt with the newly added parts (this is used by the main app to run everything) usage

You must save your logged in [Advent of Code] aoc cookie in cookieSession.txt before running the script.



./ 2023 1

How to run the solutions for each part

Each part comes with a main method, allowing you to run them individually directly from your IDE.

fun main() {

val part1 = part1(142) { lines ->
        .sumOf {
            val leftDigit = getFirstDigitFromTheLeft(it)
            val rightDigit = getFirstDigitFromTheRight(it)
            leftDigit * 10 + rightDigit

fun getFirstDigitFromTheLeft(line: String): Int {
    return line.first { it.isDigit() }.digitToInt()

fun getFirstDigitFromTheRight(line: String): Int {
    return line.last { it.isDigit() }.digitToInt()

Running this will give you some profiling time and memory estimates:

Part 1 test: Succeeded 
Parsing duration: 15.973959ms
Running duration: 884.292us
Total duration:  16.858251ms
Memory usage: 0 bytes

Part 1: 55108
Parsing duration: 4.145250ms
Running duration: 2.376416ms
Total duration:  6.521666ms
Memory usage: 0 bytes

You can also choose to run everything from the main method in src/main/kotlin/App.kt or with

./gradlew run

This will give you a summary of the passing tests and the profiling information for each part:

Year 2023:

 Day | Part | Test Result | Test Runtime | Test Memory | Parsing Time | Runtime Duration | Memory Used 
  01 |    1 |      Passed |    147.584us |     0 bytes |   3.935667ms |       1.997458ms |      491 KB
  01 |    2 |      Passed |   2.576250ms |     0 bytes |   1.358625ms |      20.413375ms |        3 MB
  02 |    1 |      Passed |    267.625us |     0 bytes |  10.561917ms |       1.058667ms |     0 bytes
  02 |    2 |      Passed |     79.083us |     0 bytes |   3.016542ms |        726.417us |     0 bytes
  03 |    1 |      Passed |   4.445959ms |        1 MB |  14.727833ms |      30.028750ms |        5 MB
  03 |    2 |      Passed |   3.096083ms |      394 KB |   7.918250ms |      25.625041ms |        8 MB
  04 |    1 |      Passed |      62.25us |     0 bytes |      4.799ms |         205.75us |     0 bytes
  04 |    2 |      Passed |   1.046250ms |     0 bytes |   2.418125ms |      19.774334ms |        2 MB
  05 |    1 |      Passed |     733.75us |     0 bytes |   1.469792ms |        248.667us |     0 bytes
  05 |    2 |      Passed |   1.689167ms |     0 bytes |    744.833us |      10.837583ms |        9 MB
  06 |    1 |      Passed |    609.375us |     0 bytes |     54.792us |        118.792us |     0 bytes
  06 |    2 |      Passed |   7.309125ms |        2 MB |     71.875us |     699.712375ms |      315 MB
  07 |    1 |      Passed |    964.875us |     0 bytes |  21.087791ms |      15.828916ms |       17 MB
  07 |    2 |      Passed |   4.027708ms |     0 bytes |  15.119708ms |      25.549417ms |       21 MB
  08 |    1 |      Passed |    876.208us |     0 bytes |   3.164709ms |       4.616041ms |        1 MB
  08 |    2 |      Passed |   1.993458ms |     0 bytes |   1.312375ms |         12.681ms |        4 MB
  09 |    1 |      Passed |    134.292us |     0 bytes |   2.782375ms |       4.177542ms |        1 MB
  09 |    2 |      Passed |    312.792us |     0 bytes |   1.484917ms |       2.039625ms |        1 MB
  10 |    1 |      Passed |   1.289750ms |     0 bytes |  39.084709ms |       6.799625ms |        1 MB
  10 |    2 |      Passed |    744.625us |     0 bytes |  32.025834ms |      64.260666ms |       65 MB
  11 |    1 |      Passed |   5.038833ms |     0 bytes |  30.857250ms |      35.489584ms |       20 MB
  11 |    2 |      Passed |    766.541us |     0 bytes |  20.869375ms |         14.603ms |       19 MB
  12 |    1 |      Passed |      2.762ms |     0 bytes |  16.687875ms |      12.910500ms |        5 MB
  12 |    2 |      Passed |    715.958us |     0 bytes |   8.704709ms |     232.357125ms |      160 MB
  13 |    1 |      Passed |    395.625us |     0 bytes |   1.567958ms |       4.149208ms |     0 bytes
  13 |    2 |      Passed |   2.020292ms |     0 bytes |   1.576334ms |      70.039375ms |       64 MB
  14 |    1 |      Passed |    970.334us |     0 bytes |  19.184042ms |       8.619208ms |        3 MB
  14 |    2 |      Passed |   7.110750ms |        2 MB |     11.211ms |        1.484088s |      848 MB
  15 |    1 |      Passed |     44.292us |     0 bytes |   3.995042ms |       1.296583ms |     0 bytes
  15 |    2 |      Passed |    570.667us |     0 bytes |   4.814417ms |       1.967333ms |     0 bytes
  16 |    1 |      Passed |    442.417us |     0 bytes |  15.537834ms |      15.762042ms |      129 MB
  16 |    2 |      Passed |    725.917us |     0 bytes |     11.457ms |     1.920097625s |        1 GB
  17 |    1 |      Passed |  11.661208ms |        4 MB |  17.000375ms |     516.829083ms |      607 MB
  17 |    2 |      Passed |   1.769292ms |       84 KB |  17.268833ms |     2.587369042s |      564 MB
  18 |    1 |      Passed |     62.083us |     0 bytes |     600.25us |        339.666us |     0 bytes
  18 |    2 |      Passed |    137.916us |     0 bytes |    391.708us |        834.042us |     0 bytes
  19 |    1 |      Passed |     70.291us |     0 bytes |   8.015750ms |       1.684875ms |        3 KB
  19 |    2 |      Passed |     101.75us |     0 bytes |   5.268083ms |       2.058917ms |      343 KB


  1. Advent of Code – An annual event of Christmas-oriented programming challenges started December 2015. Every year since then, beginning on the first day of December, a programming puzzle is published every day for twenty-five days. You can solve the puzzle and provide an answer using the language of your choice.


Advent Of Code in Kotlin







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