Python GUI built in Tkinter for operating the Harness with ease. The Harness serves as the "gate-keeper" of the MPS, operating between MME and Pleniter. See MME Gitlab documentation for more info on the Harness set-up.
The following are needed to run the Harness GUI software
- Python2 (2.7.5 and above)
- Tkinter library for GUI features
- Harness is run from a single-click (logger, planning server, Harness compiled+run)
- GUI Integrated w/ Harness (Server-side VM)
- Error checks for shell scripts on the Status Check window
- Configuration settings editable for user
To run the code, clone this repo onto Pleniter subnet. Then, from inside the HarnessGUI directory:
- Implement Start Planning option
- Implement a more robust check-pointing scheme
- Implement more robust shell scripting in back-end
- Improve UI as need be, document code for others
- Export to exe, stand-alone application for end user
- Justin Alvey - initial work, developed during internship
- JP Chavez, OneWeb
- Zach Meza, Oneweb