Sailor is a navigation library for Swift, designed to simplify the management of view transitions in SwiftUI and UIKit applications. Sailor provides an easy-to-use Navigator protocol, a default implementation (DefaultNavigator
), and a NavigationLogger
for testing and logging navigation actions (if desired and implemented).
- Simple navigation handling for both SwiftUI and UIKit
- Customizable with Navigator protocol and Navegatable protocol
- Navigation logging for easy debugging and testing (not by default).
Implement the Navegatable
protocol in an enum where you define all your app's destination screens:
import Sailor
enum Screen: Navegatable {
case login(params: LoginParams)
var view: AnyView {
switch self {
case .login(let params):
return Screen.loginView(params: params)
For every SwiftUI View that represents a screen in your app, create an extension of Screen. This example is for a LoginView:
extension Screen {
static func loginView(params: LoginParams) -> AnyView {
return LoginView(params: params)
Instantiate the DefaultNavigator with the initial root screen or create a custom Navigator by implementing the Navigator protocol (using an environment class as a singleton is recommended here to avoid passing the Navigator and to have access across the Module):
let navigator = DefaultNavigator(rootScreen: .login(params: LoginParams()))
navigator.push(to: .login(params: LoginParams()))
navigator.present(modal: .login(params: LoginParams()))
Add Sailor as a dependency to your Package.swift file:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Sailor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.