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Social Media API - RESTful API with Spring

This learning project, inspired by the Udemy course Master Spring Boot 3 & Spring Framework 6 with Java, demonstrates the core concepts of Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring Security, and Spring Data JPA in the development of a basic restful api.


To use this project, you need to have knowledge of:

  • Java - Object Oriented Programming Language.
  • Spring Boot - Create stand-alone Spring applications.
  • Postman - API testing platform.

Installing the Project

To download this project, run the following command down below.

git clone

Install Docker Desktop and execute this command to launch MySQL as Docker Container:

docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_USER=social-media-user --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_DATABASE=social-media-database --name mysql --publish 3306:3306 mysql:8-oracle

Open a terminal in the project directory and run the following command:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Use Postman or any other API testing tool to start making requests at localhost:8080/users.

About this Project

This project is a RESTful API for a social network, developed to provide basic functionalities for user and post management. The API offers a series of endpoints that allow various operations related to users and their posts.


  • Get All Users /users: Allows retrieving a list of all users.


  • Get User by ID /users/{id}: Allows retrieving the details of a specific user by their ID.


  • Create User /users: Allows registering a new user in the system.


  • Delete User /users/{id}: Allows deleting an existing user by their ID.

  • Get Posts by User ID /users/{id}/posts: Allows retrieving all posts made by a specific user.


  • Create Post for User /users/{id}/posts: Allows adding a new post to a specific user.


  • Get Specific Post by User ID /users/{id}/posts/{id}: Allows retrieving the details of a specific post from a specific user.


Development Details

During the development of this API, the following tasks were performed:

  • User Controller: Created a user controller that provides the aforementioned endpoints, handling GET, POST, and DELETE requests.

  • Exception Handling: Implemented exception handling to return a 404 error when a resource is not found.



  • Validations with Spring: Integrated validations using Spring to ensure data integrity using @Size annotation in the name and @Past in the birthdate.

  • Documentation with Swagger: Used Swagger to generate the API documentation, facilitating its understanding and use. To access the documentation, go to localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.

  • Content Negotiation: Implemented content negotiation to support XML response formats.

  • HATEOAS: Integrated HATEOAS to provide navigation links in the API responses.

  • Spring Boot Actuator: Implemented Spring Boot Actuator to monitor and manage the application. To monitor the API go to localhost:8080/actuator.

  • Basic Authentication: Implemented basic authentication using Spring Security to protect the API endpoints.



  • Database in Docker: The information is stored in a database created and managed in a Docker container, ensuring a consistent development and production environment.

Build With

  • Spring Initializr - Tool used to set up Spring Boot projects.
  • Maven - Software project management and comprehension tool.
  • Docker - Accelerated container application development.




Juan Pablo Sánchez Bermúdez