Tour management plugin.
Allows a Tour-Badge holder or a guide to create a temporary group that other players can join.
The hosts then have access to teleportation commands that can only be used on members of that group.
This is a bungee plugin, so it allows cross-server tours.
Author: Jubo
All users with 'Tours.user' permission node can:
- '/tour help' to find info on Tour-commands.
- '/tour join <tourname>' to join a currently running tour.
- '/tour leave' to leave the currently running tour.
- '/tour request' sends an alert to any Rangers online that use is looking for a tour.
- '/ttp' teleports the user to their tour guide.
Users with the 'Tours.ranger' permission node can:
- '/tour start' creates new tour, names it after user, and announces it.
- '/tour stop' stops user's current tour and removes all group members.
- '/tour list' lists all users in the tour group.
- '/tour hat' allows the tour guide to wear their currently held block as a hat.
- '/ttp <player>' teleports <player> to user. <player> must be part of tour group.
- '/ttpa' teleports all players in tour group to user.
- '/tour kick <player>' kicks a player
- '/tour announce' announces the tour ingame and in discord
- '/tour info <message>' sets a description for the tour announcement
- '/tour host <player>' sets a new host for the tour
- '/tour cohost <player>' sets co-hosts for the tour (less perms than host)
- '/tour glow' lets the host and their co-hosts glow and can switch it off
Tours is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3:
In the spirit of good-faith that this source has been made available, the author requests accreditation for works, in the form of the follow tag, to be appended to any class that contains his/her original code:
(This request is an optional, additional courtesy)
* @author Jubo