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Revert missing to nothings
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#232 was found to be a huge mistake. For interface checks, you want `nothing` instead of `missing` because you want to handle the cases. The issue with `missing` is that it propagates, `missing + 1 == missing`. We don't want that here, we want clear and precise error messages at the spot where the `nothing` is found if it's not supposed to be there and it's supposed to be handled. That is antithetical to most of its usage here. So this is a strong revert with a breaking update, which should fix downstream libraries (LoopVectorization, OrdinaryDiffEq, etc.) which were never received the proper downstream PRs from the original change anyways.
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ChrisRackauckas committed Mar 1, 2022
1 parent 63617dd commit daed820
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Showing 13 changed files with 148 additions and 148 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "ArrayInterface"
uuid = "4fba245c-0d91-5ea0-9b3e-6abc04ee57a9"
version = "4.0.4"
version = "5.0.0"

Compat = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ julia> ArrayInterface.size(a)
(static(1), 3)

julia> ArrayInterface.known_size(typeof(a))
(1, missing)
(1, nothing)


Expand All @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ Methods should avoid forcing conversion to static sizes when dynamic sizes could
Fore example, `fxn(x) = _fxn(Static.static(ArrayInterface.size(x)), x)` would result in dynamic dispatch if `x` is an instance of `Matrix`.
Additionally, `ArrayInterface.size` should only be used outside of generated functions to avoid possible world age issues.

Generally, `ArrayInterface.size` uses the return of `known_size` to form a static value for those dimensions with known length and only queries dimensions corresponding to `missing`.
For example, the previous example had a known size of `(1, missing)`.
Generally, `ArrayInterface.size` uses the return of `known_size` to form a static value for those dimensions with known length and only queries dimensions corresponding to `nothing`.
For example, the previous example had a known size of `(1, nothing)`.
Therefore, `ArrayInterface.size` would have compile time information about the first dimension returned as `static(1)` and would only look up the size of the second dimension at run time.
This means the above example `ArrayInterface.size(a)` would lower to code similar to this at compile time: `Static.StaticInt(1), Base.arraysize(x, 1)`.
Generic support for `ArrayInterface.known_size` relies on calling `known_length` for each type returned from `axes_types`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ ArrayInterface.dimnames(::StaticDimnames{dnames}) where {dnames} = static(dnames
struct DynamicDimnames{N}
ArrayInterface.known_dimnames(::Type{DynamicDimnames{N}}) where {N} = ntuple(_-> missing, Val(N))
ArrayInterface.known_dimnames(::Type{DynamicDimnames{N}}) where {N} = ntuple(_-> nothing, Val(N))
ArrayInterface.dimnames(x::DynamicDimnames) = getfield(x, :dimnames)


Notice that `DynamicDimnames` returns `missing` instead of a symbol for each dimension.
This indicates dimension names are present for `DynamicDimnames` but that information is missing at compile time.
Notice that `DynamicDimnames` returns `nothing` instead of a symbol for each dimension.
This indicates dimension names are present for `DynamicDimnames` but that information is nothing at compile time.

Dimension names should be appropriately propagated between nested arrays using `ArrayInterface.to_parent_dims`.
This allows types such as `SubArray` and `PermutedDimsArray` to work with named dimensions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ using ArrayInterface: axes_types, parent_type, to_dims
for dim in 1:ndims(A)
# offset relative to parent array
O = relative_known_offsets(A, dim)
if O === missing # offset is not known at compile time and is an `Int`
if O === nothing # offset is not known at compile time and is an `Int`
push!(out.args, :(IdOffsetRange{Int, axes_types($P, $(static(dim)))}))
else # offset is known, therefore it is a `StaticInt`
push!(out.args, :(IdOffsetRange{StaticInt{$O}, axes_types($P, $(static(dim))}))
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/ArrayInterface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ buffer(x::SparseMatrixCSC) = getfield(x, :nzval)
buffer(x::SparseVector) = getfield(x, :nzval)

known_length(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Missing}
known_length(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Nothing}
If `length` of an instance of type `T` is known at compile time, return it.
Otherwise, return `missing`.
Otherwise, return `nothing`.
known_length(x) = known_length(typeof(x))
known_length(::Type{<:NamedTuple{L}}) where {L} = length(L)
Expand All @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ known_length(::Type{<:Number}) = 1
known_length(::Type{<:AbstractCartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = N
known_length(::Type{T}) where {T} = _maybe_known_length(Base.IteratorSize(T), T)
_maybe_known_length(::Base.HasShape, ::Type{T}) where {T} = prod(known_size(T))
_maybe_known_length(::Base.IteratorSize, ::Type) = missing
_maybe_known_length(::Base.IteratorSize, ::Type) = nothing
function known_length(::Type{<:Iterators.Flatten{I}}) where {I}
known_length(I) * known_length(eltype(I))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,10 +415,10 @@ Indicates the most efficient way to access elements from the collection in low-l
For `GPUArrays`, will return `ArrayInterface.GPU()`.
For `AbstractArray` supporting a `pointer` method, returns `ArrayInterface.CPUPointer()`.
For other `AbstractArray`s and `Tuple`s, returns `ArrayInterface.CPUIndex()`.
Otherwise, returns `missing`.
Otherwise, returns `nothing`.
device(A) = device(typeof(A))
device(::Type) = missing
device(::Type) = nothing
device(::Type{<:Tuple}) = CPUTuple()
device(::Type{T}) where {T<:Array} = CPUPointer()
device(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractArray} = _device(has_parent(T), T)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ end

function Base.length(A::AbstractArray2)
len = known_length(A)
if len === missing
if len === nothing
return Int(prod(size(A)))
return Int(len)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ function __init__()
Static.eachop_tuple(_offset_axis_type, Static.nstatic(Val(ndims(T))), ArrayInterface.parent_type(T))
function ArrayInterface.known_offsets(::Type{A}) where {A<:OffsetArrays.OffsetArray}
ntuple(identity -> missing, Val(ndims(A)))
ntuple(identity -> nothing, Val(ndims(A)))
function ArrayInterface.offsets(A::OffsetArrays.OffsetArray)
map(+, ArrayInterface.offsets(parent(A)), relative_offsets(A))
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/axes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function axes_types(::Type{T}) where {T<:PermutedDimsArray}
eachop_tuple(field_type, to_parent_dims(T), axes_types(parent_type(T)))
function axes_types(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractRange}
if known_length(T) === missing
if known_length(T) === nothing
return Tuple{OneTo{Int}}
return Tuple{SOneTo{known_length(T)}}
Expand All @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ end
function _non_reshaped_axis_type(::Type{A}, d::StaticInt{D}) where {A,D}
paxis = axes_types(parent_type(A), d)
if D === 1
if known_length(paxis) === missing
if known_length(paxis) === nothing
return paxis
return SOneTo{div(known_length(paxis) * sizeof(eltype(parent_type(A))), sizeof(eltype(A)))}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ end
# For now we just make sure the linear elements are accurate.
parent_type(::Type{LazyAxis{:,P}}) where {P<:Array} = OneTo{Int}
@inline function parent_type(::Type{LazyAxis{:,P}}) where {P}
if known_length(P) === missing
if known_length(P) === nothing
return OptionallyStaticUnitRange{StaticInt{1},Int}
return SOneTo{known_length(P)}
Expand All @@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ known_first(::Type{LazyAxis{N,P}}) where {N,P} = known_offsets(P, static(N))
known_first(::Type{LazyAxis{:,P}}) where {P} = 1
Base.firstindex(x::LazyAxis) = first(x)
@inline function Base.first(x::LazyAxis{N})::Int where {N}
if known_first(x) === missing
if known_first(x) === nothing
return Int(offsets(parent(x), static(N)))
return Int(known_first(x))
@inline function Base.first(x::LazyAxis{:})::Int
if known_first(x) === missing
if known_first(x) === nothing
return first(parent(x))
return known_first(x)
Expand All @@ -225,20 +225,20 @@ known_last(::Type{LazyAxis{N,P}}) where {N,P} = known_last(axes_types(P, static(
known_last(::Type{LazyAxis{:,P}}) where {P} = known_length(P)
Base.lastindex(x::LazyAxis) = last(x)
Base.last(x::LazyAxis) = _last(known_last(x), x)
_last(::Missing, x) = last(parent(x))
_last(::Nothing, x) = last(parent(x))
_last(N::Int, x) = N

known_length(::Type{LazyAxis{N,P}}) where {N,P} = known_size(P, static(N))
known_length(::Type{LazyAxis{:,P}}) where {P} = known_length(P)
@inline function Base.length(x::LazyAxis{N})::Int where {N}
if known_length(x) === missing
if known_length(x) === nothing
return size(getfield(x, :parent), static(N))
return known_length(x)
@inline function Base.length(x::LazyAxis{:})::Int
if known_length(x) === missing
if known_length(x) === nothing
return length(parent(x))
return known_length(x)
Expand All @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Base.axes1(x::Slice{<:LazyAxis}) = indices(parent(x.indices))
Base.to_shape(x::LazyAxis) = length(x)

@inline function Base.checkindex(::Type{Bool}, x::LazyAxis, i::Integer)
if known_first(x) === missing || known_last(x) === missing
if known_first(x) === nothing || known_last(x) === nothing
return checkindex(Bool, parent(x), i)
else # everything is static so we don't have to retrieve the axis
return (!(known_first(x) > i) || !(known_last(x) < i))
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/dimensions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ _is_named(x::NTuple{N,Symbol}) where {N} = x !== _nunderscore(Val(N))
_is_named(::Any) = true

known_dimnames(::Type{T}) -> Tuple{Vararg{Union{Symbol,Missing}}}
known_dimnames(::Type{T}, dim::Union{Int,StaticInt}) -> Union{Symbol,Missing}
known_dimnames(::Type{T}) -> Tuple{Vararg{Union{Symbol,Nothing}}}
known_dimnames(::Type{T}, dim::Union{Int,StaticInt}) -> Union{Symbol,Nothing}
Return the names of the dimensions for `x`. `:_` is used to indicate a dimension does not
have a name.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ An error is thrown if any keywords are used which do not occur in `nda`'s names.
1. parse into static dimnension names and key words.
2. find each dimnames in key words
3. if missing is found use Colon()
3. if nothing is found use Colon()
4. if (ndims - ncolon) === nkwargs then all were found, else error
@generated function find_all_dimnames(x::Tuple{Vararg{Any,ND}}, nd::Tuple{Vararg{Any,NI}}, inds::Tuple, default) where {ND,NI}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ previously executed `to_index(old_axis, arg) -> index`. `to_axis` assumes that
@inline function to_axis(axis, inds)
if !can_change_size(axis) &&
(known_length(inds) !== missing && known_length(axis) === known_length(inds))
(known_length(inds) !== nothing && known_length(axis) === known_length(inds))
return axis
return to_axis(IndexStyle(axis), axis, inds)
Expand Down
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/ranges.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@

_cartesian_index(i::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) = CartesianIndex(i)
_cartesian_index(::Any) = missing
_cartesian_index(::Any) = nothing

known_first(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Missing}
known_first(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Nothing}
If `first` of an instance of type `T` is known at compile time, return it.
Otherwise, return `missing`.
Otherwise, return `nothing`.
julia> ArrayInterface.known_first(typeof(1:4))
julia> ArrayInterface.known_first(typeof(Base.OneTo(4)))
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ julia> ArrayInterface.known_first(typeof(Base.OneTo(4)))
known_first(x) = known_first(typeof(x))
function known_first(::Type{T}) where {T}
if parent_type(T) <: T
return missing
return nothing
return known_first(parent_type(T))
Expand All @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ function known_first(::Type{T}) where {N,R,T<:CartesianIndices{N,R}}

known_last(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Missing}
known_last(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Nothing}
If `last` of an instance of type `T` is known at compile time, return it.
Otherwise, return `missing`.
Otherwise, return `nothing`.
julia> ArrayInterface.known_last(typeof(1:4))
julia> ArrayInterface.known_first(typeof(static(1):static(4)))
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ julia> ArrayInterface.known_first(typeof(static(1):static(4)))
known_last(x) = known_last(typeof(x))
function known_last(::Type{T}) where {T}
if parent_type(T) <: T
return missing
return nothing
return known_last(parent_type(T))
Expand All @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ function known_last(::Type{T}) where {N,R,T<:CartesianIndices{N,R}}

known_step(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Missing}
known_step(::Type{T}) -> Union{Int,Nothing}
If `step` of an instance of type `T` is known at compile time, return it.
Otherwise, return `missing`.
Otherwise, return `nothing`.
julia> ArrayInterface.known_step(typeof(1:2:8))
julia> ArrayInterface.known_step(typeof(1:4))
Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ julia> ArrayInterface.known_step(typeof(1:4))
known_step(x) = known_step(typeof(x))
function known_step(::Type{T}) where {T}
if parent_type(T) <: T
return missing
return nothing
return known_step(parent_type(T))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,21 +215,21 @@ known_last(::Type{<:OptionallyStaticUnitRange{<:Any,StaticInt{L}}}) where {L} =
known_last(::Type{<:OptionallyStaticStepRange{<:Any,<:Any,StaticInt{L}}}) where {L} = L::Int

@inline function Base.first(r::OptionallyStaticRange)::Int
if known_first(r) === missing
if known_first(r) === nothing
return getfield(r, :start)
return known_first(r)
function Base.step(r::OptionallyStaticStepRange)::Int
if known_step(r) === missing
if known_step(r) === nothing
return getfield(r, :step)
return known_step(r)
@inline function Base.last(r::OptionallyStaticRange)::Int
if known_last(r) === missing
if known_last(r) === nothing
return getfield(r, :stop)
return known_last(r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ end

@noinline unequal_error(x,y) = @assert false "Unequal Indices: x == $x != $y == y"
@inline check_equal(x, y) = x == y || unequal_error(x,y)
_try_static(::Missing, ::Missing) = missing
_try_static(x::Int, ::Missing) = x
_try_static(::Missing, y::Int) = y
_try_static(::Nothing, ::Nothing) = nothing
_try_static(x::Int, ::Nothing) = x
_try_static(::Nothing, y::Int) = y
@inline _try_static(::StaticInt{N}, ::StaticInt{N}) where {N} = StaticInt{N}()
@inline function _try_static(::StaticInt{M}, ::StaticInt{N}) where {M,N}
@assert false "Unequal Indices: StaticInt{$M}() != StaticInt{$N}()"
Expand All @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Base.lastindex(x::OptionallyStaticRange) = length(x)
Base.length(r::OptionallyStaticStepRange) = _range_length(first(r), step(r), last(r))
_range_length(start, s, stop) = missing
_range_length(start, s, stop) = nothing
@inline function _range_length(start::Int, s::Int, stop::Int)
if s > 0
if stop < start # isempty
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/size.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ size(a::Array, dim::Integer) = Base.arraysize(a, convert(Int, dim))
function size(a::A, dim::Integer) where {A}
if parent_type(A) <: A
len = known_size(A, dim)
if len === missing
if len === nothing
return Int(length(axes(a, dim)))
return StaticInt(len)
Expand All @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ size(x::Iterators.Zip) = Static.reduce_tup(promote_shape, map(size, getfield(x,

known_size(::Type{T}) -> Tuple
known_size(::Type{T}, dim) -> Union{Int,Missing}
known_size(::Type{T}, dim) -> Union{Int,Nothing}
Returns the size of each dimension of `A` or along dimension `dim` of `A` that is known at
compile time. If a dimension does not have a known size along a dimension then `missing` is
compile time. If a dimension does not have a known size along a dimension then `nothing` is
returned in its position.
known_size(x) = known_size(typeof(x))
Expand All @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ end

# 1. `Zip` doesn't check that its collections are compatible (same size) at construction,
# but we assume as much b/c otherwise it will error while iterating. So we promote to the
# known size if matching a `Missing` and `Int` size.
# known size if matching a `Nothing` and `Int` size.
# 2. `promote_shape(::Tuple{Vararg{CanonicalInt}}, ::Tuple{Vararg{CanonicalInt}})` promotes
# trailing dimensions (which must be of size 1), to `static(1)`. We want to stick to
# `Missing` and `Int` types, so we do one last pass to ensure everything is dynamic
# `Nothing` and `Int` types, so we do one last pass to ensure everything is dynamic
@inline function known_size(::Type{<:Iterators.Zip{T}}) where {T}
dynamic(reduce_tup(_promote_shape, eachop(_unzip_size, nstatic(Val(known_length(T))), T)))
Expand Down

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