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some fixes to outdated language
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wheeheee committed Oct 21, 2023
1 parent e8a2cf5 commit 12c395c
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 75 deletions.
115 changes: 59 additions & 56 deletions src/feacalc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,56 +3,60 @@

## Feacalc. Feature calculation as used for speaker and language recognition.

nrow(x) = size(x,1)
ncol(x) = size(x,2)
nrow(x) = size(x, 1)
ncol(x) = size(x, 2)

## compute features according to standard settingsm directly from a wav file.
## this does channel at the time.
compute features according to standard settings directly from a wav file.
this does channel at the time.
function feacalc(wavfile::AbstractString; method=:wav, kwargs...)
if method == :wav
(x, sr) = wavread(wavfile)
x, sr = if method == :wav
elseif method == :sox
(x, sr) = soxread(wavfile)
elseif method == :sphere
(x, sr) = sphread(wavfile)
sr = Float64(sr) # more reasonable sr
feacalc(x; sr=sr, source=wavfile, kwargs...)

## assume we have an array already
function feacalc(x::Array; augtype=:ddelta, normtype=:warp, sadtype=:energy, dynrange::Real=30., nwarp::Int=399, chan=:mono, sr::AbstractFloat=8000.0, source=":array", defaults=:nbspeaker, mfccargs...)
function feacalc(x::AbstractArray; augtype=:ddelta, normtype=:warp, sadtype=:energy,
dynrange::Real=30., nwarp::Int=399, chan=:mono, sr::AbstractFloat=8000.0,
source=":array", defaults=:nbspeaker, mfccargs...)
if ndims(x) > 1
nsamples, nchan = size(x)
if chan == :mono
x = vec(mean(x, dims=2)) # averave multiple channels for now
elseif in(chan, [:a, :b])
channum = findall(in([chan]), [:a, :b])
x = vec(x[:,channum])
elseif isa(chan, Integer)
x = vec(mean(x; dims=2)) # average multiple channels for now
elseif chan in (:a, :b)
channum = chan == :a ? 1 : 2
x = x[:,channum]
elseif chan isa Integer
if !(chan in 1:nchan)
error("Bad channel specification: ", chan)
x = vec(x[:,chan])
chan=[:a, :b][chan]
x = x[:,chan]
chan = (:a, :b)[chan]
error("Unknown channel specification: ", chan)
nsamples, nchan = length(x), 1
## save some metadata
meta = Dict("nsamples" => nsamples, "sr" => sr, "source" => source, "nchan" => nchan,
"chan" => chan)
meta = Dict("nsamples" => nsamples, "sr" => sr, "source" => source,
"nchan" => nchan, "chan" => chan)
preemph = 0.97
preemph ^= 16000. / sr

## basic features
(m, pspec, params) = mfcc(x, sr, defaults; preemph=preemph, mfccargs...)
m, pspec, params = mfcc(x, sr, defaults; preemph=preemph, mfccargs...)
meta["totnframes"] = nrow(m)

## augment features
if augtype==:delta || augtype==:ddelta
if augtype in (:delta, :ddelta)
d = deltas(m)
if augtype==:ddelta
dd = deltas(d)
Expand All @@ -67,14 +71,7 @@ function feacalc(x::Array; augtype=:ddelta, normtype=:warp, sadtype=:energy, dyn

if nrow(m)>0
if sadtype==:energy
## integrate power
deltaf = size(pspec,2) / (sr/2)
minfreqi = round(Int, 300deltaf)
maxfreqi = round(Int, 4000deltaf)
power = 10log10(sum(pspec[:,minfreqi:maxfreqi], 2))

maxpow = maximum(power)
speech = findall(power .> maxpow - dynrange)
speech = sad(pspec, sr; dynrange=dynrange)
params["dynrange"] = dynrange
elseif sadtype==:none
speech = collect(1:nrow(m))
Expand All @@ -86,14 +83,14 @@ function feacalc(x::Array; augtype=:ddelta, normtype=:warp, sadtype=:energy, dyn
## perform SAD
m = m[speech,:]
meta["speech"] = map(UInt32, speech)
meta["nframes"] , meta["nfea"] = size(m)
meta["nframes"], meta["nfea"] = size(m)

## normalization
if nrow(m)>0
if normtype==:warp
if !iszero(nrow(m))
if normtype == :warp
m = warp(m, nwarp)
params["warp"] = nwarp # the default
elseif normtype==:mvn
elseif normtype == :mvn
if nrow(m)>1
Expand All @@ -102,60 +99,66 @@ function feacalc(x::Array; augtype=:ddelta, normtype=:warp, sadtype=:energy, dyn
meta["normtype"] = normtype
return(map(Float32, m), meta, params)
return (map(Float32, m), meta, params)

## When called with a specific application in mind, call with two arguments
function feacalc(wavfile::AbstractString, application::Symbol; kwargs...)
if (application in [:speaker, :nbspeaker])
if application in (:speaker, :nbspeaker)
feacalc(wavfile; defaults=:nbspeaker, kwargs...)
elseif application==:wbspeaker
feacalc(wavfile; defaults=:wbspeaker, kwargs...)
elseif (application==:language)
elseif application == :language
feacalc(wavfile; defaults=:rasta, nwarp=299, augtype=:sdc, kwargs...)
elseif (application==:diarization)
elseif application == :diarization
feacalc(wavfile; defaults=:rasta, sadtype=:none, normtype=:mvn, augtype=:none, kwargs...)
error("Unknown application ", application)

function sad(pspec::Matrix{Float64}, sr::Float64, method=:energy; dynrange::Float64=30.)
deltaf = size(pspec,2) / (sr/2)
function sad(pspec::AbstractMatrix{T}, sr::T, method=:energy; dynrange::T=30.) where T<:Float64
## integrate power
deltaf = size(pspec, 2) / (sr/2)
minfreqi = round(Int, 300deltaf)
maxfreqi = round(Int, 4000deltaf)
power = 10log10(sum(pspec[:,minfreqi:maxfreqi], 2))
summed_pspec = vec(sum(view(pspec, :, minfreqi:maxfreqi); dims=2))
power = @. 10log10(summed_pspec)
maxpow = maximum(power)
speech = findall(power .> maxpow - dynrange)
activity = power .> maxpow - dynrange
speech = findall(activity)
return speech

## listen to SAD
function sad(wavfile::AbstractString, speechout::AbstractString, silout::AbstractString; dynrange::Float64=30.)
(x, sr, nbits) = wavread(wavfile)
sr = float64(sr) # more reasonable sr
x = vec(mean(x, dims=2)) # averave multiple channels for now
(m, pspec, meta) = mfcc(x, sr; preemph=0)
x, sr, nbits = wavread(wavfile)
sr = Float64(sr) # more reasonable sr
mx::Vector{Float64} = vec(mean(x; dims=2)) # average multiple channels for now
m, pspec, meta = mfcc(mx, sr; preemph=0)
sp = sad(pspec, sr, dynrange=dynrange)
sl = round(Int, meta["steptime"] * sr)
xi = falses(size(x))
for i in sp
xi[(i-1)*sl+(1:sl)] = true
xi = falses(axes(mx))
for i in @view sp[begin:end-1]
z = (i - 1) * sl
@. xi[z+1:z+sl] = true
y = x[findall(xi)]
wavwrite(y, speechout, Fs=sr, nbits=nbits, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
y = x[findall(.!xi)]
wavwrite(y, silout, Fs=sr, nbits=nbits, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
z = (sp[end] - 1) * sl
xi[z+1:min(z+sl, lastindex(mx))] .= true
wavwrite(mx[xi], speechout, Fs=sr, nbits=nbits, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
wavwrite(mx[.!xi], silout, Fs=sr, nbits=nbits, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)

## this should probably be called soxread...
function soxread(file)
nch = parse(Int, readall(`soxi -c $file`))
sr = parse(i=Int, readall(`soxi -r $file`))
nch = parse(Int, read(`soxi -c $file`, String))
sr = parse(Int, read(`soxi -r $file`, String))
sox = `sox $file -t raw -e signed -r $sr -b 16 -`
fd, proc = open(sox, "r")
x = Int16[]
while !eof(fd)
push!(x, read(fd, Int16))
open(sox, "r") do fd, proc
while !eof(fd)
push!(x, read(fd, Int16))
ns = length(x) ÷ nch
reshape(x, nch, ns)' / (1<<15), sr
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38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions src/io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ HDF5.write(fd::HDF5.File, s::AbstractString, ss::SubString) = write(fd, s, ascii
## x: the MFCC data
## meta: a dict with parameters anout the data, nsamples, nframes, totnframes (before sad), ...
## params: a dict with parameters about the feature extraction itself.
function feasave(file::AbstractString, x::Matrix{T}; meta::Dict=Dict(), params::Dict=Dict()) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
function feasave(file::AbstractString, x::AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractFloat}; meta::Dict=Dict(), params::Dict=Dict())
dir = dirname(file)
if length(dir)>0 && !isdir(dir)
if !(isempty(dir) || isdir(dir))
fd = HDF5.h5open(file, "w")
fd["features/data"] = map(Float32, x)
for (k,v) in meta
fd[string("features/meta/", k)] = v
for (k,v) in params
fd[string("features/params/", k)] = v
HDF5.h5open(file, "w") do fd
fd["features/data"] = map(Float32, x)
for (k, v) in meta
fd[string("features/meta/", k)] = v
for (k, v) in params
fd[string("features/params/", k)] = v

## JLD version of the same
Expand All @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ end
## the reverse encoding of Julia types.
function retype(d::Dict)
r = Dict()
for (k,v) in d
if (m=match(r"^(.*):Bool$", k)) != nothing
r[m.captures[1]] = v>0
elseif (m=match(r"(.*):Symbol", k)) != nothing
r[m.captures[1]] = symbol(v)
for (k, v) in d
if (m=match(r"^(.*):Bool$", k)) !== nothing
r[m.captures[1]] = v > 0
elseif (m=match(r"(.*):Symbol", k)) !== nothing
r[m.captures[1]] = Symbol(v)
r[k] = v
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ end

## Try to handle missing elements in the hdf5 file more gacefully
function h5check(obj, name, content)
content HDF5.keys(obj) || error('"', name, '"', " does not contain ", '"', content, '"')
HDF5.haskey(obj, content) || error('"', name, '"', " does not contain ", '"', content, '"')

Expand All @@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ function feaload(file::AbstractString; meta=false, params=false)
HDF5.h5open(file, "r") do fd
f = h5check(fd, file, "features")
fea = map(Float64, read(h5check(f, "features", "data")))
if length(fea)==0 # "no data"
if isempty(fea) # "no data"
m = read(h5check(f, "features", "meta"))
fea = zeros(0,m["nfea"])
fea = zeros(0, m["nfea"])
if ! (meta || params)
if !(meta || params)
return fea
res = Any[fea]
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