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Improve performance of dropmissing (#3256)
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svilupp authored Jan 27, 2023
1 parent 4e44ee8 commit fdd9193
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Showing 3 changed files with 84 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ This is a list of operations that currently make use of multi-threading:
* a transformation produces one row per group and the passed transformation
is a custom function (i.e. not for standard reductions, which use
optimized single-threaded methods).
- `dropmissing` when the provided data frame has more than 1 column and `view=false`
(subsetting of individual columns is spawned in separate tasks).

In general at least Julia 1.4 is required to ensure that multi-threading is used
and the Julia process must be started with more than one thread. Some operations
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23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions src/abstractdataframe/abstractdataframe.jl
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Expand Up @@ -970,15 +970,34 @@ julia> dropmissing(df, [:x, :y])
@inline function dropmissing(df::AbstractDataFrame,
cols::Union{ColumnIndex, MultiColumnIndex}=:;
view::Bool=false, disallowmissing::Bool=!view)
# Identify Bool mask of which rows have no missings
rowidxs = completecases(df, cols)
if view
if disallowmissing
throw(ArgumentError("disallowmissing=true is incompatible with view=true"))
return Base.view(df, rowidxs, :)
newdf = df[rowidxs, :]
disallowmissing && disallowmissing!(newdf, cols)
# Faster when there are many columns (indexing with integers than via Bool mask)
# or when there are many missings (as we skip a lot of iterations)
selected_rows = _findall(rowidxs)
new_columns = Vector{AbstractVector}(undef, ncol(df))

# What column indices should disallowmissing be applied to
cols_inds = BitSet(index(df)[cols])

use_threads = Threads.nthreads() > 1 && ncol(df) > 1 && length(selected_rows) >= 100_000
@sync for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(df))
@spawn_or_run use_threads if disallowmissing && (i in cols_inds)
new_columns[i] = Missings.disallowmissing(Base.view(col, selected_rows))
new_columns[i] = col[selected_rows]

newdf = DataFrame(new_columns, copy(index(df)), copycols=false)

_copy_all_note_metadata!(newdf, df)
return newdf
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions test/data.jl
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Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,17 @@ end
@test df1b == df1

# Zero column case
@test isempty(dropmissing(DataFrame())) && dropmissing(DataFrame()) isa DataFrame
@test isempty(dropmissing!(DataFrame())) && dropmissing!(DataFrame()) isa DataFrame
df = DataFrame(a=1:3, b=4:6)
dfv = @view df[:, 2:1]
# TODO: re-enable after is resolved
# @test isempty(dropmissing(dfv)) && dropmissing(dfv) isa DataFrame
@test_throws ArgumentError dropmissing!(dfv)
@test_throws ArgumentError dropmissing(df1, [])
@test_throws ArgumentError dropmissing!(df1, [])

df = DataFrame(a=[1, missing, 3])
sdf = view(df, :, :)
@test dropmissing(sdf) == DataFrame(a=[1, 3])
Expand All @@ -186,6 +197,16 @@ end
@test eltype(df2.a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test df.a == df2.a == [1, 3]

# view=true
df = DataFrame(a=[1, missing, 3])
@test dropmissing(df, view=false) == DataFrame(a=[1, 3])
@test dropmissing(df, view=true) == view(df, [1, 3], :)
@test typeof(dropmissing(df, view=true)) <: SubDataFrame
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, view=true, disallowmissing=false).a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test_throws ArgumentError dropmissing(df, view=true, disallowmissing=true)
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, view=false, disallowmissing=false).a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, view=false, disallowmissing=true).a) == Int

a = [1, 2]
df = DataFrame(a=a, copycols=false)
@test dropmissing!(df) === df
Expand All @@ -200,6 +221,46 @@ end
df = DataFrame(b=b)
@test eltype(dropmissing(df).b) == Int
@test eltype(dropmissing!(df).b) == Int

# disallowmissing argument
a = Union{Int, Missing}[3, 4]
b = Union{Int, Missing}[1, 2]
df = DataFrame(;a,b)
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, disallowmissing=false).a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test eltype(dropmissing!(copy(df), disallowmissing=false).a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, disallowmissing=true).a) == Int
@test eltype(dropmissing!(copy(df), disallowmissing=true).a) == Int
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, :a, disallowmissing=true).a) == Int
@test eltype(dropmissing!(copy(df), :a, disallowmissing=true).a) == Int
@test eltype(dropmissing(df, :b, disallowmissing=true).a) == Union{Int, Missing}
@test eltype(dropmissing!(copy(df), :b, disallowmissing=true).a) == Union{Int, Missing}

# CategoricalArrays
c = categorical([1, 2, 1, missing])
df = DataFrame(c=c)
@test dropmissing(df) == DataFrame(c=categorical([1, 2, 1]))
@test eltype(dropmissing(df).c) == CategoricalValue{Int, UInt32}
@test eltype(dropmissing!(df).c) == CategoricalValue{Int, UInt32}

# Multithreaded execution test (must be at least ncol > 1, nrow > 100_000)
N_rows, N_cols = 110_000, 3
df = DataFrame([rand(N_rows) for i in 1:N_cols], :auto) |> allowmissing
# Deterministic drop mask: IF remainder of index position divided by 10 == column index THEN missing
for i in 1:ncol(df)
missing_mask = (eachindex(df[!, i]) .% 10) .== i
df[missing_mask, i] .= missing

notmissing_rows = [i for i in 1:N_rows if i % 10 == 0 || i % 10 > ncol(df)]
@test dropmissing(df) df[notmissing_rows, :]

cols = [:x1, :x2]
notmissing_rows = [i for i in 1:N_rows if i % 10 == 0 || i % 10 > length(cols)]
returned = dropmissing(df, cols)
@test returned df[notmissing_rows, :]
@test eltype(returned[:, cols[1]]) == nonmissingtype(eltype(df[:, cols[1]]))
@test eltype(returned[:, cols[2]]) == nonmissingtype(eltype(df[:, cols[2]]))
@test eltype(returned[:, ncol(df)]) == eltype(df[:, ncol(df)])

@testset "deleteat! bug workaround" begin
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