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remove deprecations and CategoricalArrays.jl dependency #2554

merged 10 commits into from
Nov 27, 2020
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
# DataFrames v1.0 Release Notes

## Breaking changes

* No breaking changes are planned for v1.0 release

## Bug fixes

## New functionalities

## Deprecated

* all old deprecations now throw an error

## Dependency changes

## Other relevant changes

# DataFrames v0.22 Release Notes

## Breaking changes
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/DataFrames.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module DataFrames

using Statistics, Printf, REPL
using Reexport, SortingAlgorithms, Compat, Unicode, PooledArrays, CategoricalArrays
using Reexport, SortingAlgorithms, Compat, Unicode, PooledArrays
@reexport using Missings, InvertedIndices
using Base.Sort, Base.Order, Base.Iterators
using TableTraits, IteratorInterfaceExtensions
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15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions src/abstractdataframe/abstractdataframe.jl
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Expand Up @@ -556,16 +556,11 @@ julia> describe(df, :min, sum => :sum, cols=:x)
1 │ x 0.1 5.5
function DataAPI.describe(df::AbstractDataFrame, stats::Union{Symbol,
Pair{<:Base.Callable, <:SymbolOrString},
Pair{<:SymbolOrString}}...; # TODO: remove after deprecation
if any(x -> x isa Pair{<:SymbolOrString}, stats)
Base.depwarn("name => function order is deprecated; use function => name instead", :describe)
return _describe(select(df, cols, copycols=false),
Any[s isa Pair{<:SymbolOrString} ? last(s) => first(s) : s for s in stats])
stats::Union{Symbol, Pair{<:Base.Callable, <:SymbolOrString}}...;
cols=:) =
_describe(select(df, cols, copycols=false), Any[s for s in stats])

DataAPI.describe(df::AbstractDataFrame; cols=:) =
_describe(select(df, cols, copycols=false),
[:mean, :min, :median, :max, :nmissing, :eltype])
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/abstractdataframe/selection.jl
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# * add handling of empty ByRow to filter, and select/transform/combine for GroupedDataFrame
# * add handling of multiple column return rules for select/transform/combine for GroupedDataFrame

# normalize_selection function makes sure that whatever input format of idx is it
# will end up in one of four canonical forms
# 1) AbstractVector{Int}
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47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions src/dataframe/dataframe.jl
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Expand Up @@ -337,6 +337,30 @@ function DataFrame(columns::AbstractMatrix, cnames::Symbol)
return DataFrame(columns, gennames(size(columns, 2)), makeunique=false)

# Discontinued constructors
bkamins marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

DataFrame(matrix::Matrix) =
throw(ArgumentError("`DataFrame` constructor from a `Matrix` requires " *
"passing :auto as a second argument to automatically " *
"generate column names: `DataFrame(matrix, :auto)`"))

DataFrame(vecs::Vector{<:AbstractVector}) =
throw(ArgumentError("`DataFrame` constructor from a `Vector` of vectors requires " *
"passing :auto as a second argument to automatically " *
"generate column names: `DataFrame(vecs, :auto)`"))

DataFrame(column_eltypes::AbstractVector{T}, cnames::AbstractVector{Symbol},
nrows::Integer=0; makeunique::Bool=false) where T<:Type =
throw(ArgumentError("`DataFrame` constructor with passed eltypes is " *
"deprecated. Pass explicitly created columns to a " *
"`DataFrame` constructor instead."))

DataFrame(column_eltypes::AbstractVector{<:Type}, cnames::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString},
nrows::Integer=0; makeunique::Bool=false) where T<:Type =
throw(ArgumentError("`DataFrame` constructor with passed eltypes is " *
"deprecated. Pass explicitly created columns to a " *
"`DataFrame` constructor instead."))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,17 +508,6 @@ Base.getindex(df::DataFrame, row_ind::typeof(!),

function nextcolname(df::DataFrame)
col = Symbol(string("x", ncol(df) + 1))
hasproperty(df, col) || return col
i = 1
while true
col = Symbol(string("x", ncol(df) + 1, "_", i))
hasproperty(df, col) || return col
i += 1

# Will automatically add a new column if needed
function insert_single_column!(df::DataFrame, v::AbstractVector, col_ind::ColumnIndex)
if ncol(df) != 0 && nrow(df) != length(v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,18 +537,6 @@ function insert_single_entry!(df::DataFrame, v::Any, row_ind::Integer, col_ind::

function insert_multiple_entries!(df::DataFrame,
if haskey(index(df), col_ind)
_columns(df)[index(df)[col_ind]][row_inds] .= v
return v
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot assign to non-existent column: $col_ind"))

# df[!, SingleColumnIndex] = AbstractVector
function Base.setindex!(df::DataFrame, v::AbstractVector, ::typeof(!), col_ind::ColumnIndex)
insert_single_column!(df, v, col_ind)
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141 changes: 2 additions & 139 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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import Base: @deprecate
# commenting out till we decide to start deprecating things again

@deprecate DataFrame!(args...; kwargs...) DataFrame(args...; copycols=false, kwargs...)
# import Base: @deprecate

# TODO: remove these definitions in year 2021
by(args...; kwargs...) = throw(ArgumentError("by function was removed from DataFrames.jl. " *
"Use the `combine(groupby(...), ...)` or `combine(f, groupby(...))` instead."))

aggregate(args...; kwargs...) = throw(ArgumentError("aggregate function was removed from DataFrames.jl. " *
"Use the `combine` function instead."))
bkamins marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

export categorical, categorical!
function CategoricalArrays.categorical(df::AbstractDataFrame,
cols::Union{ColumnIndex, MultiColumnIndex};
compress::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing)
if compress === nothing
compress = false
categoricalstr = "categorical"
categoricalstr = "(x -> categorical(x, compress=$compress))"
if cols isa AbstractVector{<:Union{AbstractString, Symbol}}
Base.depwarn("`categorical(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform(df, cols .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform(df, cols .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)
elseif cols isa Union{AbstractString, Symbol}
Base.depwarn("`categorical(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform(df, cols => $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform(df, cols => (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)
Base.depwarn("`categorical(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform(df, names(df, cols) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform(df, names(df, cols) .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)

function CategoricalArrays.categorical(df::AbstractDataFrame,
cols::Union{Type, Nothing}=nothing;
if compress === nothing
compress = false
categoricalstr = "categorical"
categoricalstr = "categorical(x, compress=$compress)"
if cols === nothing
cols = Union{AbstractString, Missing}
Base.depwarn("`categorical(df)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform(df, names(df, $cols) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
Base.depwarn("`categorical(df, T)` is deprecated. " *
"Use transform(df, names(df, T) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform(df, names(df, cols) .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)

function categorical!(df::DataFrame, cols::Union{ColumnIndex, MultiColumnIndex};
compress::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing)
if compress === nothing
compress = false
categoricalstr = "categorical"
categoricalstr = "(x -> categorical(x, compress=$compress))"
if cols isa AbstractVector{<:Union{AbstractString, Symbol}}
Base.depwarn("`categorical!(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform!(df, cols .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform!(df, cols .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)
elseif cols isa Union{AbstractString, Symbol}
Base.depwarn("`categorical!(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform!(df, cols => $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform!(df, cols => (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)
Base.depwarn("`categorical!(df, cols)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform!(df, names(df, cols) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform!(df, names(df, cols) .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)

function categorical!(df::DataFrame, cols::Union{Type, Nothing}=nothing;
if compress === nothing
compress = false
categoricalstr = "categorical"
categoricalstr = "(x -> categorical(x, compress=$compress))"
if cols === nothing
cols = Union{AbstractString, Missing}
Base.depwarn("`categorical!(df)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform!(df, names(df, $cols) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
Base.depwarn("`categorical!(df, T)` is deprecated. " *
"Use `transform!(df, names(df, T) .=> $categoricalstr, renamecols=false)` instead.",
return transform!(df, names(df, cols) .=> (x -> categorical(x, compress=compress)), renamecols=false)

@deprecate DataFrame(pairs::NTuple{N, Pair}; makeunique::Bool=false,
copycols::Bool=true) where {N} DataFrame(pairs..., makeunique=makeunique, copycols=copycols)
@deprecate DataFrame(columns::NTuple{N, AbstractVector}, cnames::NTuple{N, Symbol}; makeunique::Bool=false,
copycols::Bool=true) where {N} DataFrame(collect(columns), collect(cnames);
makeunique=makeunique, copycols=copycols)
@deprecate DataFrame(columns::NTuple{N, AbstractVector}, cnames::NTuple{N, AbstractString}; makeunique::Bool=false,
copycols::Bool=true) where {N} DataFrame(collect(columns), [Symbol(c) for c in cnames];
makeunique=makeunique, copycols=copycols)
@deprecate DataFrame(columns::NTuple{N, AbstractVector};
copycols::Bool=true) where {N} DataFrame(collect(columns),
Symbol.(:x, 1:length(columns)), copycols=copycols)

# this deprecation is very important, becuase without it users will
# get strange results with old code as described in
@deprecate DataFrame(columns::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}; makeunique::Bool=false,
copycols::Bool=true) DataFrame(columns, :auto, copycols=copycols)
bkamins marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

@deprecate DataFrame(columns::AbstractMatrix) DataFrame(columns, :auto)

function DataFrame(column_eltypes::AbstractVector{T}, cnames::AbstractVector{Symbol},
nrows::Integer=0; makeunique::Bool=false)::DataFrame where T<:Type
Base.depwarn("`DataFrame` constructor with passed eltypes is deprecated. " *
"Pass explicitly created columns to a `DataFrame` constructor instead.",
columns = AbstractVector[elty >: Missing ?
fill!(Tables.allocatecolumn(elty, nrows), missing) :
Tables.allocatecolumn(elty, nrows)
for elty in column_eltypes]
return DataFrame(columns, Index(convert(Vector{Symbol}, cnames),
makeunique=makeunique), copycols=false)

nrows::Integer=0; makeunique::Bool=false) =
DataFrame(column_eltypes, Symbol.(cnames), nrows; makeunique=makeunique)

import Base: convert
@deprecate convert(::Type{DataFrame}, A::AbstractMatrix) DataFrame(Tables.table(A, header=Symbol.(:x, axes(A, 2))))
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/constructors.jl
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Expand Up @@ -355,4 +355,13 @@ end


@testset "removed constructors" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([1 2; 3 4])
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([Int, Float64], [:a, :b])
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([Int, Float64], [:a, :b], 2)
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([Int, Float64], ["a", "b"])
@test_throws ArgumentError DataFrame([Int, Float64], ["a", "b"], 2)

end # module
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/dataframe.jl
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DataFrame(variable=:a, min=1, min2=1, max2=2, max=2)

@test_throws ArgumentError describe(df, :mean, :all)
@test_throws MethodError describe(DataFrame(a=[1, 2]), cols = :a, "max2" => maximum)

@testset "append!" begin
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