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Lazy merge_indexes
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Linear indexing into a SubArray no longer allocates large arrays. Use lazy structures (a new MergedIndexes array type, as well as reshaped- and sub-arrays) instead to defer their computation in an efficient manner
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mbauman committed Apr 23, 2016
1 parent dea7ec8 commit 10076f7
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 62 deletions.
89 changes: 27 additions & 62 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
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# It returns a CartesianIndex or array of CartesianIndexes.

# Checking 'in' a range is fast -- so check all possibilities and keep the good ones
@generated function merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Union{Colon, Range})
# There may be a vector of cartesian indices in the passed indexes... which
# makes the number of indices more than N. Since we pre-allocate the array
# of CartesianIndexes, we need to figure out how big to make it
M = 0
for T in indexes.parameters
T <: CartesianIndex ? (M += length(T)) : (M += 1)
index_length_expr = index <: Colon ? symbol(string("Istride_", N+1)) : :(length(index))
Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(I_d = indexes[d])
dimlengths = Cartesian.@ncall $N index_lengths_dim V.parent length(V.indexes)-N+1 I
Istride_1 = 1 # strides of the indexes to merge
Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(Istride_{d+1} = Istride_d*dimlengths[d])
idx_len = $(index_length_expr)
if idx_len < 0.1*$(symbol(string("Istride_", N+1))) # this has not been carefully tuned
return merge_indexes_div(V, indexes, index, dimlengths)
Cartesian.@nexprs $N d->(counter_d = 1) # counter_0 is the linear index
k = 0
merged = Array(CartesianIndex{$M}, idx_len)
Cartesian.@nloops $N i d->(1:dimlengths[d]) d->(counter_{d-1} = counter_d + (i_d-1)*Istride_d; @inbounds idx_d = I_d[i_d]) begin
if counter_0 in index # this branch is elided for ::Colon
@inbounds merged[k+=1] = Cartesian.@ncall $N CartesianIndex{$M} idx
# Unlike SubArray's reindex, merging indices doesn't drop any indices.
immutable MergedIndexes{N,I} <: AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}, N}
indexes::I # <: NTuple{N}
dims::NTuple{N, Int}
size(m::MergedIndexes) = m.dims
@inline function getindex(m::MergedIndexes, I::Int...)
@boundscheck checkbounds(m, I...)
CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, m.indexes, I))

# mapping getindex across the parent and subindices rapidly gets too big to
# mapping getindex across the stored indices rapidly gets too big to
# automatically inline, but it is crucial that it does so to avoid allocations
# Unlike SubArray's reindex, merge_indexes doesn't drop any indices.
@inline inlinemap(f, t::Tuple, s::Tuple) = (f(t[1], s[1]), inlinemap(f, tail(t), tail(s))...)
inlinemap(f, t::Tuple{}, s::Tuple{}) = ()
inlinemap(f, t::Tuple{}, s::Tuple) = ()
inlinemap(f, t::Tuple, s::Tuple{}) = ()

# Otherwise, we fall back to the slow div/rem method, using ind2sub.
@inline merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index) =
merge_indexes_div(V, indexes, index, index_lengths_dim(V.parent, length(V.indexes)-N+1, indexes...))
merge_indexes(V, indexes, index, index_lengths_dim(V.parent, length(V.indexes)-N+1, indexes...))

@inline merge_indexes_div{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Real, dimlengths) =
@inline merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Real, dimlengths) =
CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, indexes, ind2sub(dimlengths, index)))
merge_indexes_div{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::AbstractArray, dimlengths) =
reshape([CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, indexes, ind2sub(dimlengths, i))) for i in index], size(index))
merge_indexes_div{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Colon, dimlengths) =
[CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, indexes, ind2sub(dimlengths, i))) for i in 1:prod(dimlengths)]
merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index, dimlengths) =
sub(reshape(MergedIndexes(indexes, dimlengths), prod(dimlengths)), index)
merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Colon, dimlengths) =
reshape(MergedIndexes(indexes, dimlengths), prod(dimlengths))

# Merging indices is particularly difficult in the case where we partially linearly
# index through a multidimensional array. It's easiest if we can simply reduce the
# partial indices to a single linear index into the parent index array.
function merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Tuple{Colon, Vararg{Colon}})
# index through a multidimensional array. When this occurs, merge_indexes gets the
# tuple of indices that partially (but not completely) index into the parent's
# indexes[1].

# When it's a scalar index, just back it up to a linear index into the parent index
@inline merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Real}}, dimlengths) =
CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, indexes, ind2sub(dimlengths, sub2ind(size(indexes[1]), index...))))
# Otherwise, just merge the indices and reshape it to the proper size
@inline function merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Tuple, dimlengths)
shape = index_shape(indexes[1], index...)
reshape(merge_indexes(V, indexes, :), (shape[1:end-1]..., shape[end]*prod(index_lengths_dim(V.parent, length(V.indexes)-length(indexes)+2, tail(indexes)...))))
@inline merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Tuple{Real, Vararg{Real}}) = merge_indexes(V, indexes, sub2ind(size(indexes[1]), index...))
# In general, it's a little trickier, but we can use the product iterator
# if we replace colons with ranges. This can be optimized further.
function merge_indexes{N}(V, indexes::NTuple{N}, index::Tuple)
I = replace_colons(V, indexes, index)
shp = index_shape(indexes[1], I...) # index_shape does no bounds checking
dimlengths = index_lengths_dim(V.parent, length(V.indexes)-N+1, indexes...)
sz = size(indexes[1])
reshape([CartesianIndex(inlinemap(getindex, indexes, ind2sub(dimlengths, sub2ind(sz, i...)))) for i in product(I...)], shp)
@inline replace_colons(V, indexes, I) = replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, 1, I)
@inline replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim, I::Tuple{}) = ()
@inline replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim, I::Tuple{Colon}) =
(1:trailingsize(indexes[1], dim)*prod(index_lengths_dim(V.parent, length(V.indexes)-length(indexes)+2, tail(indexes)...)),)
@inline replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim, I::Tuple{Colon, Vararg{Any}}) =
(1:size(indexes[1], dim), replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim+1, tail(I))...)
@inline replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim, I::Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) =
(I[1], replace_colons_dim(V, indexes, dim+1, tail(I))...)

sub(reshape(MergedIndexes(V, indexes, :), (front(shape)..., shape[end]*prod(tail(dimlengths)))), index...)

cumsum(A::AbstractArray, axis::Integer=1) = cumsum!(similar(A, Base._cumsum_type(A)), A, axis)
cumsum!(B, A::AbstractArray) = cumsum!(B, A, 1)
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