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AbstractInterpreter: enable partial pure/concrete eval for external…
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… `AbstractInterpreter` with overlayed method table

Built on top of #44511, and solves <JuliaGPU/GPUCompiler.jl#309>.
This commit allows external `AbstractInterpreter` to use pure/concrete
evals even if it uses an overlayed method table. More specifically, such
`AbstractInterpreter` can use pure/concrete evals as far as any matching
methods in question doesn't come from the overlayed method table:
@test Base.return_types((), MTOverlayInterp()) do
    isbitstype(Int) ? nothing : missing
end == Any[Nothing]
Base.@assume_effects :terminates_globally function issue41694(x)
    res = 1
    1 < x < 20 || throw("bad")
    while x > 1
        res *= x
        x -= 1
    return res
@test Base.return_types((), MTOverlayInterp()) do
    issue41694(3) == 6 ? nothing : missing
end == Any[Nothing]
  • Loading branch information
aviatesk committed Mar 9, 2022
1 parent 6e8804b commit 7f1e461
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Showing 3 changed files with 82 additions and 45 deletions.
46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ function abstract_call_gf_by_type(interp::AbstractInterpreter, @nospecialize(f),
any_const_result = false
const_results = Union{InferenceResult,Nothing,ConstResult}[]
multiple_matches = napplicable > 1
if matches.overlayed
# currently we don't have a good way to execute the overlayed method definition,
# so we should give up pure/concrete eval when any of the matched methods is overlayed
f = nothing

val = pure_eval_call(interp, f, applicable, arginfo, sv)
val !== nothing && return CallMeta(val, MethodResultPure(info)) # TODO: add some sort of edge(s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +107,8 @@ function abstract_call_gf_by_type(interp::AbstractInterpreter, @nospecialize(f),
this_argtypes = isa(matches, MethodMatches) ? argtypes : matches.applicable_argtypes[i]
this_arginfo = ArgInfo(fargs, this_argtypes)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result, f, this_arginfo, match, sv)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result,
f, this_arginfo, match, sv)
effects = result.edge_effects
const_result = nothing
if const_call_result !== nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +150,8 @@ function abstract_call_gf_by_type(interp::AbstractInterpreter, @nospecialize(f),
# this is in preparation for inlining, or improving the return result
this_argtypes = isa(matches, MethodMatches) ? argtypes : matches.applicable_argtypes[i]
this_arginfo = ArgInfo(fargs, this_argtypes)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result, f, this_arginfo, match, sv)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result,
f, this_arginfo, match, sv)
effects = result.edge_effects
const_result = nothing
if const_call_result !== nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,6 +235,7 @@ struct MethodMatches
any_ambig(info::MethodMatchInfo) = info.results.ambig
any_ambig(m::MethodMatches) = any_ambig(
Expand All @@ -239,6 +247,7 @@ struct UnionSplitMethodMatches
any_ambig(m::UnionSplitMethodMatches) = _any(any_ambig,

Expand All @@ -253,16 +262,19 @@ function find_matching_methods(argtypes::Vector{Any}, @nospecialize(atype), meth
valid_worlds = WorldRange()
mts = Core.MethodTable[]
fullmatches = Bool[]
overlayed = false
for i in 1:length(split_argtypes)
arg_n = split_argtypes[i]::Vector{Any}
sig_n = argtypes_to_type(arg_n)
mt = ccall(:jl_method_table_for, Any, (Any,), sig_n)
mt === nothing && return FailedMethodMatch("Could not identify method table for call")
mt = mt::Core.MethodTable
matches = findall(sig_n, method_table; limit = max_methods)
if matches === missing
result = findall(sig_n, method_table; limit = max_methods)
if result === missing
return FailedMethodMatch("For one of the union split cases, too many methods matched")
matches, overlayedᵢ = result
overlayed |= overlayedᵢ
push!(infos, MethodMatchInfo(matches))
for m in matches
push!(applicable, m)
Expand All @@ -288,25 +300,28 @@ function find_matching_methods(argtypes::Vector{Any}, @nospecialize(atype), meth
mt = ccall(:jl_method_table_for, Any, (Any,), atype)
if mt === nothing
return FailedMethodMatch("Could not identify method table for call")
mt = mt::Core.MethodTable
matches = findall(atype, method_table; limit = max_methods)
if matches === missing
result = findall(atype, method_table; limit = max_methods)
if result === missing
# this means too many methods matched
# (assume this will always be true, so we don't compute / update valid age in this case)
return FailedMethodMatch("Too many methods matched")
matches, overlayed = result
fullmatch = _any(match->(match::MethodMatch).fully_covers, matches)
return MethodMatches(matches.matches,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,8 +660,7 @@ end

function pure_eval_eligible(interp::AbstractInterpreter,
@nospecialize(f), applicable::Vector{Any}, arginfo::ArgInfo, sv::InferenceState)
return !isoverlayed(method_table(interp)) &&
f !== nothing &&
return f !== nothing &&
length(applicable) == 1 &&
is_method_pure(applicable[1]::MethodMatch) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,8 +696,7 @@ end

function concrete_eval_eligible(interp::AbstractInterpreter,
@nospecialize(f), result::MethodCallResult, arginfo::ArgInfo, sv::InferenceState)
return !isoverlayed(method_table(interp)) &&
f !== nothing &&
return f !== nothing &&
result.edge !== nothing &&
is_total_or_error(result.edge_effects) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1482,7 +1495,7 @@ function abstract_invoke(interp::AbstractInterpreter, (; fargs, argtypes)::ArgIn
types = rewrap_unionall(Tuple{ft, unwrap_unionall(types).parameters...}, types)::Type
nargtype = Tuple{ft, nargtype.parameters...}
argtype = Tuple{ft, argtype.parameters...}
match, valid_worlds = findsup(types, method_table(interp))
match, valid_worlds, overlayed = findsup(types, method_table(interp))
match === nothing && return CallMeta(Any, false)
update_valid_age!(sv, valid_worlds)
method = match.method
Expand All @@ -1500,7 +1513,8 @@ function abstract_invoke(interp::AbstractInterpreter, (; fargs, argtypes)::ArgIn
# t, a = ti.parameters[i], argtypes′[i]
# argtypes′[i] = t ⊑ a ? t : a
# end
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result, singleton_type(ft′), arginfo, match, sv)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result,
overlayed ? nothing : singleton_type(ft′), arginfo, match, sv)
const_result = nothing
if const_call_result !== nothing
if const_call_result.rt rt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1648,8 +1662,8 @@ function abstract_call_opaque_closure(interp::AbstractInterpreter, closure::Part
match = MethodMatch(sig, Core.svec(), closure.source, sig <: rewrap_unionall(sigT, tt))
const_result = nothing
if !result.edgecycle
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result, nothing,
arginfo, match, sv)
const_call_result = abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp, result,
nothing, arginfo, match, sv)
if const_call_result !== nothing
if const_call_result.rt rt
(; rt, const_result) = const_call_result
Expand Down
64 changes: 35 additions & 29 deletions base/compiler/methodtable.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,15 +40,18 @@ end
getindex(result::MethodLookupResult, idx::Int) = getindex(result.matches, idx)::MethodMatch

findall(sig::Type, view::MethodTableView; limit::Int=typemax(Int)) -> MethodLookupResult or missing
findall(sig::Type, view::MethodTableView; limit::Int=typemax(Int)) ->
(matches::MethodLookupResult, overlayed::Bool) or missing
Find all methods in the given method table `view` that are applicable to the
given signature `sig`. If no applicable methods are found, an empty result is
returned. If the number of applicable methods exceeded the specified limit,
`missing` is returned.
Find all methods in the given method table `view` that are applicable to the given signature `sig`.
If no applicable methods are found, an empty result is returned.
If the number of applicable methods exceeded the specified limit, `missing` is returned.
`overlayed` indicates if any matching method is defined in an overlayed method table.
function findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::InternalMethodTable; limit::Int=Int(typemax(Int32)))
return _findall(sig, nothing,, limit)
result = _findall(sig, nothing,, limit)
result === missing && return missing
return result, false

function findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::OverlayMethodTable; limit::Int=Int(typemax(Int32)))
Expand All @@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ function findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::OverlayMethodTable; limit::Int
nr = length(result)
if nr 1 && result[nr].fully_covers
# no need to fall back to the internal method table
return result
return result, true
# fall back to the internal method table
fallback_result = _findall(sig, nothing,, limit)
Expand All @@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ function findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::OverlayMethodTable; limit::Int
max(result.valid_worlds.min_world, fallback_result.valid_worlds.min_world),
min(result.valid_worlds.max_world, fallback_result.valid_worlds.max_world)),
result.ambig | fallback_result.ambig)
result.ambig | fallback_result.ambig), !isempty(result)

function _findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), mt::Union{Nothing,Core.MethodTable}, world::UInt, limit::Int)
Expand All @@ -83,31 +86,38 @@ function _findall(@nospecialize(sig::Type), mt::Union{Nothing,Core.MethodTable},

findsup(sig::Type, view::MethodTableView) -> Tuple{MethodMatch, WorldRange} or nothing
Find the (unique) method `m` such that `sig <: m.sig`, while being more
specific than any other method with the same property. In other words, find
the method which is the least upper bound (supremum) under the specificity/subtype
relation of the queried `signature`. If `sig` is concrete, this is equivalent to
asking for the method that will be called given arguments whose types match the
given signature. This query is also used to implement `invoke`.
Such a method `m` need not exist. It is possible that no method is an
upper bound of `sig`, or it is possible that among the upper bounds, there
is no least element. In both cases `nothing` is returned.
findsup(sig::Type, view::MethodTableView) ->
(match::MethodMatch, valid_worlds::WorldRange, overlayed::Bool) or nothing
Find the (unique) method such that `sig <: match.method.sig`, while being more
specific than any other method with the same property. In other words, find the method
which is the least upper bound (supremum) under the specificity/subtype relation of
the queried `sig`nature. If `sig` is concrete, this is equivalent to asking for the method
that will be called given arguments whose types match the given signature.
Note that this query is also used to implement `invoke`.
Such a matching method `match` doesn't necessarily exist.
It is possible that no method is an upper bound of `sig`, or
it is possible that among the upper bounds, there is no least element.
In both cases `nothing` is returned.
`overlayed` indicates if the matching method is defined in an overlayed method table.
function findsup(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::InternalMethodTable)
return _findsup(sig, nothing,
return (_findsup(sig, nothing,, false)

function findsup(@nospecialize(sig::Type), table::OverlayMethodTable)
match, valid_worlds = _findsup(sig,,
match !== nothing && return match, valid_worlds
match !== nothing && return match, valid_worlds, true
# fall back to the internal method table
fallback_match, fallback_valid_worlds = _findsup(sig, nothing,
return fallback_match, WorldRange(
max(valid_worlds.min_world, fallback_valid_worlds.min_world),
min(valid_worlds.max_world, fallback_valid_worlds.max_world))
return (
max(valid_worlds.min_world, fallback_valid_worlds.min_world),
min(valid_worlds.max_world, fallback_valid_worlds.max_world)),

function _findsup(@nospecialize(sig::Type), mt::Union{Nothing,Core.MethodTable}, world::UInt)
Expand All @@ -118,7 +128,3 @@ function _findsup(@nospecialize(sig::Type), mt::Union{Nothing,Core.MethodTable},
valid_worlds = WorldRange(min_valid[], max_valid[])
return match, valid_worlds

isoverlayed(::MethodTableView) = error("unsatisfied MethodTableView interface")
isoverlayed(::InternalMethodTable) = false
isoverlayed(::OverlayMethodTable) = true
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test/compiler/AbstractInterpreter.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,3 +63,20 @@ overlay_match(::Any) = nothing
@test Base.return_types((Any,), MTOverlayInterp()) do x
end == Any[Union{Nothing,Missing}]

# partial pure/concrete evaluation
@test Base.return_types((), MTOverlayInterp()) do
isbitstype(Int) ? nothing : missing
end == Any[Nothing]
Base.@assume_effects :terminates_globally function issue41694(x)
res = 1
1 < x < 20 || throw("bad")
while x > 1
res *= x
x -= 1
return res
@test Base.return_types((), MTOverlayInterp()) do
issue41694(3) == 6 ? nothing : missing
end == Any[Nothing]

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