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reorganize tests for reduce
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lindahua committed May 31, 2014
1 parent 6024a32 commit 80e8a28
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Showing 2 changed files with 110 additions and 61 deletions.
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions base/reduce.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,17 +134,19 @@ mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr) = mapfoldl(f, op, v0, itr)
mapreduce_impl(f, op, A::AbstractArray, ifirst::Int, ilast::Int) =
mapreduce_seq_impl(f, op, A, ifirst, ilast)

# for specific functions
reduce_empty(f, op, T) = error("Reducing over an empty array is not allow.")
reduce_empty(::IdFun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, zero(T))
reduce_empty(::AbsFun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, abs(zero(T)))
reduce_empty(::Abs2Fun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, abs2(zero(T)))
reduce_empty(::IdFun, op::MulFun, T) = r_promote(op, one(T))
# handling empty arrays
mr_empty(f, op, T) = error("Reducing over an empty array is not allow.")
mr_empty(::IdFun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, zero(T))
mr_empty(::AbsFun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, abs(zero(T)))
mr_empty(::Abs2Fun, op::AddFun, T) = r_promote(op, abs2(zero(T)))
mr_empty(::IdFun, op::MulFun, T) = r_promote(op, one(T))
mr_empty(::AbsFun, op::MaxFun, T) = abs(zero(T))
mr_empty(::Abs2Fun, op::MaxFun, T) = abs2(zero(T))

function _mapreduce{T}(f, op, A::AbstractArray{T})
n = length(A)
if n == 0
return reduce_empty(f, op, T)
return mr_empty(f, op, T)
elseif n == 1
return r_promote(op, evaluate(f, A[1]))
elseif n < 16
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,12 +312,11 @@ minabs(a) = mapreduce(AbsFun(), MinFun(), a)
## extrema

extrema(r::Range) = (minimum(r), maximum(r))
extrema(x::Real) = (x, x)

function extrema(itr)
s = start(itr)
if done(itr, s)
error("argument is empty")
done(itr, s) && error("argument is empty")
(v, s) = next(itr, s)
vmin = v
vmax = v
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150 changes: 99 additions & 51 deletions test/reduce.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
## foldl & foldr

# folds
# fold(l|r) & mapfold(l|r)
@test foldl(-, 1:5) == -13
@test foldl(-, 10, 1:5) == -5

Expand All @@ -13,23 +12,49 @@
@test Base.mapfoldr(abs2, -, 2:5) == -14
@test Base.mapfoldr(abs2, -, 10, 2:5) == -4

# reduce
# reduce & mapreduce
@test reduce((x,y)->"($x+$y)", [9:11]) == "((9+10)+11)"
@test reduce(max, [8 6 7 5 3 0 9]) == 9
@test reduce(+, 1000, [1:5]) == (1000 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)

# mapreduce
@test mapreduce(-, +, [-10 -9 -3]) == ((10 + 9) + 3)
@test mapreduce((x)->x[1:3], (x,y)->"($x+$y)", ["abcd", "efgh", "01234"]) == "((abc+efg)+012)"

# sum

z = zeros(2,2,2,2)
for i=1:16
z[i] = i
@test sum(Int8[]) === 0
@test sum(Int[]) === 0
@test sum(Float64[]) === 0.0

@test sum(int8(3)) === int8(3)
@test sum(3) === 3
@test sum(3.0) === 3.0

@test sum([int8(3)]) === 3
@test sum([3]) === 3
@test sum([3.0]) === 3.0

z = reshape(1:16, (2,2,2,2))
fz = float(z)
@test sum(z) === 136
@test sum(fz) === 136.0

@test_throws ErrorException sum(sin, Int[])
@test sum(sin, 3) == sin(3.0)
@test sum(sin, [3]) == sin(3.0)
@test sum(sin, z) == sum(sin, fz) == sum(sin(fz))

z = [-4, -3, 2, 5]
fz = float(z)
@test Base.sumabs(Float64[]) === 0.0
@test Base.sumabs([int8(-2)]) === 2
@test Base.sumabs(z) === 14
@test Base.sumabs(fz) === 14.0

@test sum(z) == sum(z,(1,2,3,4))[1] == 136
@test Base.sumabs2(Float64[]) === 0.0
@test Base.sumabs2([int8(-2)]) === 4
@test Base.sumabs2(z) === 54
@test Base.sumabs2(fz) === 54.0

# check variants of summation for type-stability and other issues (#6069)
sum2(itr) = invoke(sum, (Any,), itr)
Expand All @@ -55,48 +80,36 @@ for f in (sum3, sum4, sum7, sum8)
@test typeof(sum(Int8[])) == typeof(sum(Int8[1])) == typeof(sum(Int8[1 7]))

prod2(itr) = invoke(prod, (Any,), itr)
@test prod(Int[]) == prod2(Int[]) == 1
@test prod(Int[7]) == prod2(Int[7]) == 7
@test typeof(prod(Int8[])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1 7])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1 7]))
@test sum_kbn([1,1e100,1,-1e100]) == 2

v = cell(2,2,1,1)
v[1,1,1,1] = 28.0
v[1,2,1,1] = 36.0
v[2,1,1,1] = 32.0
v[2,2,1,1] = 40.0
# prod

@test isequal(v,sum(z,(3,4)))
prod(Int[]) === 0
prod(Int8[]) === 0
prod(Float64[]) === 0.0

@test sum_kbn([1,1e100,1,-1e100]) == 2
prod([3]) === 0
prod([int8(3)]) === 0
prod([3.0]) === 0.0

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ivarne Nov 3, 2014


Here are more tests that are not being tested. They seem to be wrong too, so it's probably a good thing.

z = rand(10^6)
let es = sum_kbn(z), es2 = sum_kbn(z[1:10^5])
@test (es - sum(z)) < es * 1e-13
cs = cumsum(z)
@test (es - cs[end]) < es * 1e-13
@test (es2 - cs[10^5]) < es2 * 1e-13

@test_throws ErrorException sum(sin, Int[])
@test Base.sumabs(Float64[]) === 0.0
@test Base.sumabs2(Float64[]) === 0.0
prod(z) === 120
prod(fz) === 120.0

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simonster Jul 2, 2014


Is it intended that the tests above don't actually @test anything?

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tkelman Jul 2, 2014


I found some similar tests-that-don't-@test last week in spawn.jl. Worth skimming through more of the tests (programmatically?) to find other lines that evaluate to booleans without doing anything with the result?

@test sum(sin, [1]) == sin(1)
@test Base.sumabs([int8(-2)]) === 2
@test Base.sumabs2([int8(-2)]) === 4
# check type-stability
prod2(itr) = invoke(prod, (Any,), itr)
@test prod(Int[]) === prod2(Int[]) === 1
@test prod(Int[7]) === prod2(Int[7]) === 7
@test typeof(prod(Int8[])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod(Int8[1, 7])) == Int
@test typeof(prod2(Int8[])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1])) == typeof(prod2(Int8[1 7])) == Int

x = -2:3
@test sum(sin, x) == sum(sin(x))
@test Base.sumabs(x) === 9
@test Base.sumabs2(x) === 19
# maximum & minimum & extrema

@test_approx_eq sum(sin, z) sum(sin(z))
@test_approx_eq Base.sumabs(z) sum(abs(z))
@test_approx_eq Base.sumabs2(z) sum(abs2(z))
@test_throws ErrorException maximum(Int[])
@test_throws ErrorException minimum(Int[])

@test maximum(5) == 5
@test minimum(5) == 5
@test extrema(5) == (5, 5)

@test maximum([4, 3, 5, 2]) == 5
@test minimum([4, 3, 5, 2]) == 2
Expand All @@ -110,25 +123,60 @@ x = -2:3
@test minimum([4., 3., NaN, 5., 2.]) == 2.
@test extrema([4., 3., NaN, 5., 2.]) == (2., 5.)

@test extrema(1:5) == (1,5)
@test Base.maxabs(Int[]) == 0
@test_throws ErrorException Base.minabs(Int[])

@test Base.maxabs(-2) == 2
@test Base.minabs(-2) == 2
@test Base.maxabs([1, -2, 3, -4]) == 4
@test Base.minabs([-1, 2, -3, 4]) == 1

@test maximum(abs2, 3:7) == 49
@test minimum(abs2, 3:7) == 9

@test any([true false; false false], 2) == [true false]'
@test any([true false; false false], 1) == [true false]

@test all([true true; false true], 2) == [true false]'
@test all([true false; false true], 1) == [false false]
@test maximum(x->abs2(x), 3:7) == 49
@test minimum(x->abs2(x), 3:7) == 9

# any & all

@test any(Bool[]) == false
@test any([true]) == true
@test any([false, false]) == false
@test any([false, true]) == true
@test any([true, false]) == true
@test any([true, true]) == true
@test any([true, true, true]) == true
@test any([true, false, true]) == true
@test any([false, false, false]) == false

@test all(Bool[]) == true
@test all([true]) == true
@test all([false, false]) == false
@test all([false, true]) == false
@test all([true, false]) == false
@test all([true, true]) == true
@test all([true, true, true]) == true
@test all([true, false, true]) == false
@test all([false, false, false]) == false

@test any(x->x>0, Int[]) == false
@test any(x->x>0, [-3]) == false
@test any(x->x>0, [4]) == true
@test any(x->x>0, [-3, 4, 5]) == true

@test all(x->x>0, Int[]) == true
@test all(x->x>0, [-3]) == false
@test all(x->x>0, [4]) == true
@test all(x->x>0, [-3, 4, 5]) == false

## cumsum, cummin, cummax

z = rand(10^6)
let es = sum_kbn(z), es2 = sum_kbn(z[1:10^5])
@test (es - sum(z)) < es * 1e-13
cs = cumsum(z)
@test (es - cs[end]) < es * 1e-13
@test (es2 - cs[10^5]) < es2 * 1e-13

@test isequal(cummin([1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2]), [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -2])
@test isequal(cummax([1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2]), [1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5])

Expand Down

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