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expand method show tests to cover new function-like types
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vtjnash committed Feb 1, 2016
1 parent 5ecb288 commit c5aa517
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Showing 4 changed files with 98 additions and 24 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ end
function do_test_throws(result::ExecutionResult, orig_expr, extype)
if isa(result, Threw)
# Check the right type of exception was thrown
if isa(result.exception, extype)
if is(typeof(result.exception), extype)
testres = Pass(:test_throws, orig_expr, extype, result.exception)
testres = Fail(:test_throws_wrong, orig_expr, extype, result.exception)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/ranges.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ r = linspace(1/3,5/7,6)
@test abs(r[end] - 5/7) <= eps(5/7)
r = linspace(0.25,0.25,1)
@test length(r) == 1
@test_throws Exception linspace(0.25,0.5,1)
@test_throws ErrorException linspace(0.25,0.5,1)

# issue #7426
@test [typemax(Int):1:typemax(Int);] == [typemax(Int)]
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17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions test/reflection.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@

module ReflectionTest
using Base.Test
# use versions of these functions that doesn't have static-parameters
# so that code_llvm can handle them
plus(a, b) = +(a, b)

function test_ast_reflection(freflect, f, types)
@test !isempty(freflect(f, types))
Expand All @@ -29,26 +26,18 @@ end
function test_code_reflections(tester, freflect)
test_code_reflection(freflect, ismatch,
Tuple{Regex, AbstractString}, tester) # abstract type
test_code_reflection(freflect, plus, Tuple{Int, Int}, tester) # leaftype signature
test_code_reflection(freflect, plus,
test_code_reflection(freflect, +, Tuple{Int, Int}, tester) # leaftype signature
test_code_reflection(freflect, +,
Tuple{Array{Float32}, Array{Float32}}, tester) # incomplete types
test_code_reflection(freflect, Module, Tuple{}, tester) # Module() constructor (transforms to call)
if tester == test_ast_reflection
test_code_reflection(freflect, Array{Int64}, Tuple{Array{Int32}}, tester) # with incomplete types
test_code_reflection(freflect, Array{Int64}, Tuple{Array{Int32}}, tester) # with incomplete types

println(STDERR, "The following 'Returned code...' warnings indicate normal behavior:")
test_code_reflections(test_ast_reflection, code_lowered)
test_code_reflections(test_ast_reflection, code_typed)
test_code_reflections(test_bin_reflection, code_llvm)
test_code_reflections(test_bin_reflection, code_native)

@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})

@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})

# code_warntype
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101 changes: 93 additions & 8 deletions test/replutil.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,25 +69,35 @@ for f in [getindex, setindex!]
test_have_color(buf, "", "")

function _except_str(expr, err_type=Exception)
macro except_str(expr, err_type)
return quote
local err::$(esc(err_type))
catch err
@test typeof(err) === $err_type
buff = IOBuffer()
showerror(buff, err)

macro except_str(args...)
macro except_stackframe(expr, err_type)
return quote
local st
catch err
st = catch_stacktrace()
@test typeof(err) === $err_type
sprint(show, st[1])

# Pull Request 11007
Expand All @@ -114,14 +124,14 @@ end

g11007(::AbstractVector) = nothing
err_str = @except_str g11007([[1] [1]])
err_str = @except_str g11007([[1] [1]]) MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "row vector")
@test contains(err_str, "column vector")

abstract T11007
err_str = @except_str T11007()
err_str = @except_str T11007() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching T11007()")

Expand All @@ -134,6 +144,81 @@ let
showerror(buff, MethodError(convert, Tuple{DataType, Float64}))

# Issue #14884
bitstype 8 EightBitType
bitstype 8 EightBitTypeT{T}
immutable FunctionLike <: Function; end
let err_str,
i = reinterpret(EightBitType, 0x54),
j = reinterpret(EightBitTypeT{Int32}, 0x54)

err_str = @except_str Symbol() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching Symbol()")
err_str = @except_str :a() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching (::Symbol)()")
err_str = @except_str EightBitType() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching EightBitType()")
err_str = @except_str i() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching (::EightBitType)()")
err_str = @except_str EightBitTypeT() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching EightBitTypeT{T}()")
err_str = @except_str EightBitTypeT{Int32}() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching EightBitTypeT{Int32}()")
err_str = @except_str j() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching (::EightBitTypeT{Int32})()")
err_str = @except_str FunctionLike()() MethodError
@test contains(err_str, "no method matching (::FunctionLike)()")
@test stringmime("text/plain", FunctionLike()) == "(::FunctionLike) (generic function with 0 methods)"
@test ismatch(r"@doc \(macro with \d+ method[s]?\)", stringmime("text/plain", Base.(symbol("@doc"))))

method_defs_lineno = @__LINE__
Base.Symbol() = error(1)
(::Symbol)() = error(2)
EightBitType() = error(3)
(::EightBitType)() = error(4)
EightBitTypeT() = error(5)
(::Type{EightBitTypeT{T}}){T}() = error(6)
(::EightBitTypeT)() = error(7)
(::FunctionLike)() = error(8)

let err_str,
i = reinterpret(EightBitType, 0x54),
j = reinterpret(EightBitTypeT{Int32}, 0x54),
sp = Base.source_path()
sn = basename(sp)

@test sprint(show, which(Symbol, Tuple{})) == "Symbol() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 0)"
@test sprint(show, which(:a, Tuple{})) == "(::Symbol)() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 1)"
@test sprint(show, which(EightBitType, Tuple{})) == "EightBitType() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 2)"
@test sprint(show, which(reinterpret(EightBitType, 0x54), Tuple{})) == "(::EightBitType)() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 3)"
@test sprint(show, which(EightBitTypeT, Tuple{})) == "(::Type{EightBitTypeT{T<:Any}})() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 4)"
@test sprint(show, which(EightBitTypeT{Int32}, Tuple{})) == "(::Type{EightBitTypeT{T}}){T}() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 5)"
@test sprint(show, which(reinterpret(EightBitTypeT{Int32}, 0x54), Tuple{})) == "(::EightBitTypeT{T<:Any})() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 6)"
@test startswith(sprint(show, which(Base.(symbol("@doc")), Tuple{Vararg{Any}})), "@doc(args...) at docs/bootstrap.jl:")
@test startswith(sprint(show, which(FunctionLike(), Tuple{})), "(::FunctionLike)() at $sp:$(method_defs_lineno + 7)")
@test stringmime("text/plain", FunctionLike()) == "(::FunctionLike) (generic function with 1 method)"

err_str = @except_stackframe Symbol() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in Symbol() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 0)"
err_str = @except_stackframe :a() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in (::Symbol)() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 1)"
err_str = @except_stackframe EightBitType() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in EightBitType() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 2)"
err_str = @except_stackframe i() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in (::EightBitType)() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 3)"
err_str = @except_stackframe EightBitTypeT() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in EightBitTypeT{T}() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 4)"
err_str = @except_stackframe EightBitTypeT{Int32}() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in EightBitTypeT{Int32}() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 5)"
err_str = @except_stackframe j() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in (::EightBitTypeT{Int32})() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 6)"
err_str = @except_stackframe FunctionLike()() ErrorException
@test err_str == " in (::FunctionLike)() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 7)"

# Issue #13032
withenv("JULIA_EDITOR" => nothing, "VISUAL" => nothing, "EDITOR" => nothing) do

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