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promote ranges to the largest of the the start, step, or length (as a…
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Fixes #35711
Fixes #10554
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vtjnash committed Nov 12, 2021
1 parent 5e2894b commit f59082e
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Showing 2 changed files with 100 additions and 65 deletions.
76 changes: 43 additions & 33 deletions base/range.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

(:)(a::Real, b::Real) = (:)(promote(a,b)...)
(:)(a::Real, b::Real) = (:)(promote(a, b)...)

(:)(start::T, stop::T) where {T<:Real} = UnitRange{T}(start, stop)

(:)(start::T, stop::T) where {T} = (:)(start, oftype(stop-start, 1), stop)
(:)(start::T, stop::T) where {T} = (:)(start, oneunit(stop >= start ? stop - start : start - stop), stop)

# promote start and stop, leaving step alone
(:)(start::A, step, stop::C) where {A<:Real,C<:Real} =
(:)(convert(promote_type(A,C),start), step, convert(promote_type(A,C),stop))
(:)(start::A, step, stop::C) where {A<:Real, C<:Real} =
(:)(convert(promote_type(A, C), start), step, convert(promote_type(A, C), stop))

# AbstractFloat specializations
(:)(a::T, b::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(a, T(1), b)
(:)(a::T, b::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(a, oneunit(T), b)

(:)(a::T, b::AbstractFloat, c::T) where {T<:Real} = (:)(promote(a,b,c)...)
(:)(a::T, b::AbstractFloat, c::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(promote(a,b,c)...)
(:)(a::T, b::Real, c::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(promote(a,b,c)...)
(:)(a::T, b::AbstractFloat, c::T) where {T<:Real} = (:)(promote(a, b, c)...)
(:)(a::T, b::AbstractFloat, c::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(promote(a, b, c)...)
(:)(a::T, b::Real, c::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (:)(promote(a, b, c)...)

(:)(start::T, step::T, stop::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} =
_colon(OrderStyle(T), ArithmeticStyle(T), start, step, stop)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ range_stop(stop) = range_start_stop(oneunit(stop), stop)
range_stop(stop::Integer) = range_length(stop)

# Stop and length as the only argument
range_stop_length(a::Real, len::Integer) = UnitRange{typeof(a)}(oftype(a, a-len+1), a)
range_stop_length(a::AbstractFloat, len::Integer) = range_step_stop_length(oftype(a, 1), a, len)
range_stop_length(a, len::Integer) = range_step_stop_length(oftype(a-a, 1), a, len)
range_stop_length(a::Real, len::Integer) = UnitRange(promote(a - (len - oneunit(len)), a)...)
range_stop_length(a::AbstractFloat, len::Integer) = range_step_stop_length(oneunit(a), a, len)
range_stop_length(a, len::Integer) = range_step_stop_length(oneunit(a - a), a, len)

range_step_stop_length(step, stop, length) = reverse(range_start_step_length(stop, -step, length))

range_start_length(a::Real, len::Integer) = UnitRange{typeof(a)}(a, oftype(a, a+len-1))
range_start_length(a::AbstractFloat, len::Integer) = range_start_step_length(a, oftype(a, 1), len)
range_start_length(a, len::Integer) = range_start_step_length(a, oftype(a-a, 1), len)
range_start_length(a::Real, len::Integer) = UnitRange(promote(a, a + (len - oneunit(len)))...)
range_start_length(a::AbstractFloat, len::Integer) = range_start_step_length(a, oneunit(a), len)
range_start_length(a, len::Integer) = range_start_step_length(a, oneunit(a - a), len)

range_start_stop(start, stop) = start:stop

Expand All @@ -200,10 +200,15 @@ function range_start_step_length(a::T, step, len::Integer) where {T}
_rangestyle(OrderStyle(T), ArithmeticStyle(T), a, step, len)

_rangestyle(::Ordered, ::ArithmeticWraps, a::T, step::S, len::Integer) where {T,S} =
StepRange{typeof(a+zero(step)),S}(a, step, a+step*(len-1))
_rangestyle(::Any, ::Any, a::T, step::S, len::Integer) where {T,S} =
StepRangeLen{typeof(a+zero(step)),T,S}(a, step, len)
function _rangestyle(::Ordered, ::ArithmeticWraps, a, step, len::Integer)
stop = a + step * (len - oneunit(len))
T = typeof(stop)
return StepRange{T,typeof(step)}(convert(T, a), step, stop)
function _rangestyle(::Any, ::Any, a::T, step, len::Integer) where {T}
stop = a + step * len - step
return StepRangeLen{typeof(stop),T,typeof(step)}(a, step, len)

range_start_step_stop(start, step, stop) = start:step:stop

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,7 +402,7 @@ unitrange_last(start::T, stop::T) where {T<:Integer} =
stop >= start ? stop : convert(T,start-oneunit(start-stop))
unitrange_last(start::T, stop::T) where {T} =
stop >= start ? convert(T,start+floor(stop-start)) :

unitrange(x) = UnitRange(x)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +561,7 @@ function LinRange{T}(start, stop, len::Integer) where T

function LinRange(start, stop, len::Integer)
T = typeof((stop-start)/len)
T = typeof((len >= 0 ? stop - start : start - stop) / oneunit(len))
LinRange{T}(start, stop, len)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -962,29 +967,32 @@ function getindex(r::AbstractUnitRange, s::AbstractUnitRange{T}) where {T<:Integ
@boundscheck checkbounds(r, s)

if T === Bool
range(first(s) ? first(r) : last(r), length = Integer(last(s)))
return range(first(s) ? first(r) : last(r), length = last(s))
f = first(r)
st = oftype(f, f + first(s)-firstindex(r))
return range(st, length=length(s))
start = oftype(f, f + first(s)-firstindex(r))
stop = oftype(f, start + (length(s) - 1))
return range(start, stop)

function getindex(r::OneTo{T}, s::OneTo) where T
@boundscheck checkbounds(r, s)
return OneTo(T(s.stop))

function getindex(r::AbstractUnitRange, s::StepRange{T}) where {T<:Integer}
@boundscheck checkbounds(r, s)

if T === Bool
range(first(s) ? first(r) : last(r), step=oneunit(eltype(r)), length = Integer(last(s)))
return range(first(s) ? first(r) : last(r), step=oneunit(eltype(r)), length = last(s))
st = oftype(first(r), first(r) + s.start-firstindex(r))
return range(st, step=step(s), length=length(s))
f = first(r)
start = oftype(f, f + s.start-firstindex(r))
stop = oftype(f, start + (length(s) - 1) * step(s))
return range(start, stop; step=step(s))

Expand All @@ -994,19 +1002,21 @@ function getindex(r::StepRange, s::AbstractRange{T}) where {T<:Integer}

if T === Bool
if length(s) == 0
return range(first(r), step=step(r), length=0)
start, len = first(r), 0
elseif length(s) == 1
if first(s)
return range(first(r), step=step(r), length=1)
start, len = first(r), 1
return range(first(r), step=step(r), length=0)
start, len = first(r), 0
else # length(s) == 2
return range(last(r), step=step(r), length=1)
start, len = last(r), 1
return range(start, step=step(r); length=len)
st = oftype(r.start, r.start + (first(s)-1)*step(r))
return range(st, step=step(r)*step(s), length=length(s))
f = r.start
start = oftype(f, f + (first(s)-1)*step(r))
return range(start; step=step(r)*step(s), length=length(s))

Expand Down
89 changes: 57 additions & 32 deletions test/ranges.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1894,41 +1894,50 @@ end

@testset "eltype of range(::Integer; step::Rational, length) (#37295)" begin
@test range(1, step=1//2, length=3) == [1//1, 3//2, 2//1]
@test eltype(range(1, step=1//2, length=3)) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(range(1, step=1//2, length=3))) === Rational{Int}

@test range(1//1, step=2, length=3) == [1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(range(1//1, step=2, length=3)) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(range(1//1, step=2, length=3))) === Int

@test range(Int16(1), step=Rational{Int8}(1,2), length=3) == [1//1, 3//2, 2//1]
@test eltype(range(Int16(1), step=Rational{Int8}(1,2), length=3)) === Rational{Int16}
@test typeof(step(range(Int16(1), step=Rational{Int8}(1,2), length=3))) === Rational{Int8}

@test range(Rational{Int8}(1), step=Int16(2), length=3) == [1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(range(Rational{Int8}(1), step=Int16(2), length=3)) === Rational{Int16}
@test typeof(step(range(Rational{Int8}(1), step=Int16(2), length=3))) === Int16

@test range('a', step=2, length=3) == ['a', 'c', 'e']
@test eltype(range('a', step=2, length=3)) === Char
@test typeof(step(range('a', step=2, length=3))) === Int

@test isempty(range(typemax(Int)//1, step=1, length=0))
@test eltype(range(typemax(Int)//1, step=1, length=0)) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(range(typemax(Int)//1, step=1, length=0))) === Int
r = range(1, step=1//2, length=3)
@test r == [1//1, 3//2, 2//1]
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Rational{Int}

r = range(1//1, step=2, length=3)
@test r == [1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int

r = range(Int16(1), step=Rational{Int8}(1,2), length=Int16(3))
@test r == [1//1, 3//2, 2//1]
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int16}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Rational{Int8}

r = range(Rational{Int8}(1), step=Int16(2), length=Int8(3))
@test r == [1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int16}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int16

r = range('a', step=2, length=3)
@test r == ['a', 'c', 'e']
@test eltype(r) === Char
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int

r = range(typemax(Int)//1, step=1, length=0)
@test isempty(r)
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int

@test isempty(range(typemin(Int), step=-1//1, length=0))
@test eltype(range(typemin(Int), step=-1//1, length=0)) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(range(typemin(Int), step=-1//1, length=0))) === Rational{Int}
r = range(typemin(Int), step=-1//1, length=0)
@test isempty(r)
@test eltype(r) === Rational{Int}
@test typeof(step(r)) === Rational{Int}

@test StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3) == Int8[1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3)) === Int8
@test typeof(step(StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3))) === Int8
r = StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3)
@test r == Int8[1, 3, 5]
@test eltype(r) === Int8
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int8

@test StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3, 2) == Int8[-1, 1, 3]
@test eltype(StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3, 2)) === Int8
@test typeof(step(StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3, 2))) === Int8
r = StepRangeLen(Int8(1), Int8(2), 3, 2)
@test r == Int8[-1, 1, 3]
@test eltype(r) === Int8
@test typeof(step(r)) === Int8

@testset "LinRange eltype for element types that wrap integers" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2226,3 +2235,19 @@ let r = Ptr{Cvoid}(20):-UInt(2):Ptr{Cvoid}(10)
@test step(r) === -UInt(2)
@test last(r) === Ptr{Cvoid}(10)

# test behavior of wrap-around and promotion of empty ranges (#35711)
@test length(range(0, length=UInt(0))) === UInt(0)
@test !isempty(range(0, length=UInt(0)))
@test length(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0))) === UInt(0)
@test isempty(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0)))
@test length(range(0, length=UInt(0), step=UInt(2))) == typemin(Int) % UInt
@test !isempty(range(0, length=UInt(0), step=UInt(2)))
@test length(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0), step=UInt(2))) === UInt(0)
@test isempty(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0), step=UInt(2)))
@test length(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0), step=2)) === UInt(0)
@test isempty(range(typemax(Int), length=UInt(0), step=2))
@test length(range(typemax(Int), length=0, step=UInt(2))) === UInt(0)
@test isempty(range(typemax(Int), length=0, step=UInt(2)))

@test length(range(1, length=typemax(Int128))) === typemax(Int128)

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