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Merge pull request #158 from kimikage/round
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Add rounding functions for `Fixed` (Fixes #153)
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timholy authored Jan 11, 2020
2 parents ca6e304 + 265d0af commit 402e637
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Showing 5 changed files with 198 additions and 50 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/FixedPointNumbers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ for f in (:+, :-, :rem, :mod, :mod1, :min, :max)
$f(x::X, y::X) where {X <: FixedPoint} = X($f(x.i, y.i), 0)
for (m, f) in ((:(:Nearest), :round),
(:(:ToZero), :trunc),
(:(:Up), :ceil),
(:(:Down), :floor))
@eval begin
round(x::FixedPoint, ::RoundingMode{$m}) = $f(x)
round(::Type{Ti}, x::FixedPoint, ::RoundingMode{$m}) where {Ti <: Integer} = $f(Ti, x)

# Printing. These are used to generate type-symbols, so we need them
# before we include any files.
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70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/fixed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ function rawone(::Type{Fixed{T,f}}) where {T, f}
oneunit(T) << f

intmask(::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f} = -oneunit(T) << f # Signed
fracmask(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f} = ~intmask(x) # Signed

# unchecked arithmetic

# with truncation:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +94,73 @@ end
(::Type{TR})(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {TR <: Rational,T,f} =
TR(x.i>>f + (x.i&(1<<f-1))//(one(widen1(T))<<f))

function trunc(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f}
f == 0 && return x
f == bitwidth(T) && return zero(x) # TODO: remove this line
f == bitwidth(T) - 1 && return x.i == typemin(T) ? x : zero(x)
t = x.i & intmask(x)
r = x.i & fracmask(x)
_rawone = oneunit(T) << f
reinterpret(Fixed{T,f}, (x.i < 0) & (r != 0) ? t + _rawone : t)
function floor(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f}
f == bitwidth(T) && x.i < 0 && throw_converterror(Fixed{T,f}, -1) # TODO: remove this line
Fixed{T,f}(x.i & intmask(x), 0)
function ceil(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f}
f == 0 && return x
upper = typemax(T) & intmask(x)
x.i > upper && throw_converterror(Fixed{T,f}, ceil(float(x)))
reinterpret(Fixed{T,f}, (x.i + fracmask(x)) & intmask(x))
function round(x::Fixed{T,f}) where {T, f}
f == 0 && return x
f == bitwidth(T) && return zero(x) # TODO: remove this line
upper = intmask(x) >>> 0x1
lower = intmask(x) >> 0x1
if f == bitwidth(T) - 1
x.i > upper && throw_converterror(Fixed{T,f}, @exp2(bitwidth(T)-f-1))
return x.i < lower ? typemin(x) : zero(x)
x.i >= upper && throw_converterror(Fixed{T,f}, @exp2(bitwidth(T)-f-1))
y = oneunit(T) << UInt8(f - 1) + x.i
m = oneunit(T) << UInt8(f + 1) - oneunit(T)
z = y & intmask(x)
reinterpret(Fixed{T,f}, z - T(y & m == rawone(x)) << f)

function trunc(::Type{Ti}, x::Fixed{T,f}) where {Ti <: Integer, T, f}
f == 0 && return convert(Ti, x.i)
f == bitwidth(T) && return zero(Ti) # TODO: remove this line
f == bitwidth(T) - 1 && return x.i == typemin(T) ? convert(Ti, -1) : zero(Ti)
t = x.i >> f
r = x.i & fracmask(x)
convert(Ti, (x.i < 0) & (r != 0) ? t + oneunit(T) : t)
function floor(::Type{Ti}, x::Fixed{T,f}) where {Ti <: Integer, T, f}
f == bitwidth(T) && return x.i < 0 ? convert(Ti, -1) : zero(Ti) # TODO: remove this line
convert(Ti, x.i >> f)
function ceil(::Type{Ti}, x::Fixed{T,f}) where {Ti <: Integer, T, f}
f == bitwidth(T) && return x.i > 0 ? oneunit(Ti) : zero(Ti) # TODO: remove this line
y = x.i + fracmask(x)
convert(Ti, x.i >= 0 ? y >>> f : y >> f)
function round(::Type{Ti}, x::Fixed{T,f}) where {Ti <: Integer, T, f}
f == 0 && return convert(Ti, x.i)
f == bitwidth(T) && return zero(Ti) # TODO: remove this line
upper = intmask(x) >>> 0x1
lower = intmask(x) >> 0x1
if f == bitwidth(T) - 1
x.i < lower && return convert(Ti, -1)
return x.i > upper ? oneunit(Ti) : zero(Ti)
y = oneunit(T) << UInt8(f - 1) + x.i
m = oneunit(T) << UInt8(f + 1) - oneunit(T)
z = x.i >= 0 ? y >>> f : y >> f
convert(Ti, z - Ti(y & m == rawone(x)))

promote_rule(ft::Type{Fixed{T,f}}, ::Type{TI}) where {T,f,TI <: Integer} = Fixed{T,f}
promote_rule(::Type{Fixed{T,f}}, ::Type{TF}) where {T,f,TF <: AbstractFloat} = TF
promote_rule(::Type{Fixed{T,f}}, ::Type{Rational{TR}}) where {T,f,TR} = Rational{TR}
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43 changes: 26 additions & 17 deletions src/normed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,26 +238,35 @@ abs(x::Normed) = x
/(x::T, y::T) where {T <: Normed} = convert(T,convert(floattype(T), x)/convert(floattype(T), y))

# Functions
trunc(x::T) where {T <: Normed} = T(div(reinterpret(x), rawone(T))*rawone(T),0)
floor(x::T) where {T <: Normed} = trunc(x)
function round(x::Normed{T,f}) where {T,f}
mask = convert(T, 1<<(f-1))
y = trunc(x)
return convert(T, reinterpret(x)-reinterpret(y)) & mask>0 ?
Normed{T,f}(y+oneunit(Normed{T,f})) : y
trunc(x::N) where {N <: Normed} = floor(x)
floor(x::N) where {N <: Normed} = reinterpret(N, x.i - x.i % rawone(N))
function ceil(x::Normed{T,f}) where {T, f}
f == 1 && return x
if typemax(T) % rawone(x) != 0
upper = typemax(T) - typemax(T) % rawone(x)
x.i > upper && throw_converterror(Normed{T,f}, ceil(T, typemax(x)))
r = x.i % rawone(x)
reinterpret(Normed{T,f}, x.i - r + (r > 0 ? rawone(x) : zero(T)))
function ceil(x::Normed{T,f}) where {T,f}
k = bitwidth(T)-f
mask = (typemax(T)<<k)>>k
y = trunc(x)
return convert(T, reinterpret(x)-reinterpret(y)) & (mask)>0 ?
Normed{T,f}(y+oneunit(Normed{T,f})) : y
function round(x::Normed{T,f}) where {T, f}
r = x.i % rawone(x)
q = rawone(x) - r
reinterpret(Normed{T,f}, r > q ? x.i + q : x.i - r)

trunc(::Type{T}, x::Normed) where {T <: Integer} = convert(T, div(reinterpret(x), rawone(x)))
round(::Type{T}, x::Normed) where {T <: Integer} = round(T, reinterpret(x)/rawone(x))
floor(::Type{T}, x::Normed) where {T <: Integer} = trunc(T, x)
ceil(::Type{T}, x::Normed) where {T <: Integer} = ceil(T, reinterpret(x)/rawone(x))
trunc(::Type{Ti}, x::Normed) where {Ti <: Integer} = floor(Ti, x)
function floor(::Type{Ti}, x::Normed) where {Ti <: Integer}
convert(Ti, reinterpret(x) ÷ rawone(x))
function ceil(::Type{Ti}, x::Normed) where {Ti <: Integer}
d, r = divrem(x.i, rawone(x))
convert(Ti, r > 0 ? d + oneunit(rawtype(x)) : d)
function round(::Type{Ti}, x::Normed) where {Ti <: Integer}
d, r = divrem(x.i, rawone(x))
convert(Ti, r > (rawone(x) >> 0x1) ? d + oneunit(rawtype(x)) : d)

isfinite(x::Normed) = true
isnan(x::Normed) = false
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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions test/fixed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,18 @@ end
@test reinterpret(Int8, 0.5Q0f7) === signed(0x40)

@testset "masks" begin
@test FixedPointNumbers.intmask(0Q7f0) === signed(0xFF)
@test FixedPointNumbers.intmask(0Q6f1) === signed(0xFE)
@test FixedPointNumbers.intmask(0Q1f6) === signed(0xC0)
@test FixedPointNumbers.intmask(0Q0f7) === signed(0x80)

@test FixedPointNumbers.fracmask(0Q7f0) === signed(0x00)
@test FixedPointNumbers.fracmask(0Q6f1) === signed(0x01)
@test FixedPointNumbers.fracmask(0Q1f6) === signed(0x3F)
@test FixedPointNumbers.fracmask(0Q0f7) === signed(0x7F)

@testset "inexactness" begin
@test_throws InexactError Q0f7(-2)
# TODO: change back to InexactError when it allows message strings
Expand All @@ -96,6 +108,56 @@ end

@testset "rounding" begin
for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
rs = vcat([ oneunit(T) << b - oneunit(T) for b = 0:bitwidth(T)-1],
[ oneunit(T) << b for b = 1:bitwidth(T)-2],
[ oneunit(T) << b + oneunit(T) for b = 2:bitwidth(T)-2],
[-oneunit(T) << b - oneunit(T) for b = 2:bitwidth(T)-2],
[-oneunit(T) << b for b = 1:bitwidth(T)-1],
[-oneunit(T) << b + oneunit(T) for b = 1:bitwidth(T)-1])
@testset "rounding Fixed{$T,$f}" for f = 0:bitwidth(T)-1
F = Fixed{T,f}
xs = (reinterpret(F, r) for r in rs)
@test all(x -> trunc(x) == trunc(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> floor(float(x)) < typemin(F) || floor(x) == floor(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> ceil(float(x)) > typemax(F) || ceil(x) == ceil(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> round(float(x)) > typemax(F) || round(x) == round(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> trunc(Int64, x) === trunc(Int64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> floor(Int64, x) === floor(Int64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> ceil(Int64, x) === ceil(Int64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> round(Int64, x) === round(Int64, float(x)), xs)
@testset "rounding Fixed{Int16,$f} with overflow" for f = 1:16 # TODO: drop 16
F = Fixed{Int16,f}
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(typemax(F))
if f == 16
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(eps(F))
elseif f == 15
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(eps(F))
@test_throws ArgumentError round(typemax(F))
@test_throws ArgumentError round(F(0.5) + eps(F))
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(typemin(F) - oneunit(F) + eps(F))
@test_throws ArgumentError round(typemax(F))
@test_throws ArgumentError round(typemax(F) - F(0.5) + eps(F))
@testset "rounding mode" begin
@test round(-1.5Q1f6, RoundNearest) === -2Q1f6
@test round(-1.5Q1f6, RoundToZero) === -1Q1f6
@test round(-1.5Q1f6, RoundUp) === -1Q1f6
@test round(-1.5Q1f6, RoundDown) === -2Q1f6
@test round(Int, -1.5Q1f6, RoundNearest) === -2
@test round(Int, -1.5Q1f6, RoundToZero) === -1
@test round(Int, -1.5Q1f6, RoundUp) === -1
@test round(Int, -1.5Q1f6, RoundDown) === -2
@test_throws InexactError trunc(UInt, typemin(Q0f7))
@test_throws InexactError floor(UInt, -eps(Q0f7))

@testset "modulus" begin
T = Fixed{Int8,7}
for i = -1.0:0.1:typemax(T)
Expand Down
64 changes: 31 additions & 33 deletions test/normed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,41 +240,39 @@ end

function testtrunc(inc::T) where {T}
incf = convert(Float64, inc)
tm = reinterpret(typemax(T))/reinterpret(one(T))
local x = zero(T)
for i = 0 : min(1e6, reinterpret(typemax(T))-1)
xf = incf*i
@test typeof(trunc(x)) == T
@test trunc(x) == trunc(xf)
@test typeof(round(x)) == T
@test round(x) == round(xf)
cxf = ceil(xf)
if cxf < tm
@test typeof(ceil(x)) == T
@test ceil(x) == ceil(xf)
@test typeof(floor(x)) == T
@test floor(x) == floor(xf)
@test trunc(Int,x) == trunc(Int,xf)
@test round(Int,x) == round(Int,xf)
@test floor(Int,x) == floor(Int,xf)
if cxf < tm
@test ceil(Int,x) == ceil(Int,xf)
catch err
println("Failed on x = ", x, ", xf = ", xf)
@testset "rounding" begin
for T in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
rs = vcat([ oneunit(T) << b - oneunit(T) << 1 for b = 1:bitwidth(T)],
[ oneunit(T) << b - oneunit(T) for b = 1:bitwidth(T)],
[ oneunit(T) << b for b = 2:bitwidth(T)-1])
@testset "rounding Normed{$T,$f}" for f = 1:bitwidth(T)
N = Normed{T,f}
xs = (reinterpret(N, r) for r in rs)
@test all(x -> trunc(x) == trunc(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> floor(x) == floor(float(x)), xs)
# force `Normed` comparison avoiding rounding errors
@test all(x -> ceil(float(x)) > typemax(N) || ceil(x) == N(ceil(float(x))), xs)
@test all(x -> round(x) == round(float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> trunc(UInt64, x) === trunc(UInt64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> floor(UInt64, x) === floor(UInt64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> ceil(UInt64, x) === ceil(UInt64, float(x)), xs)
@test all(x -> round(UInt64, x) === round(UInt64, float(x)), xs)
x = convert(T, x+inc)

@testset "trunc" begin
for T in (FixedPointNumbers.UF..., UF2...)
@testset "rounding Normed{Int16,$f} with overflow" for f in filter(x->!ispow2(x), 1:16)
N = Normed{UInt16,f}
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(typemax(N))
@test_throws ArgumentError ceil(floor(typemax(N)) + eps(N))
@testset "rounding mode" begin
@test round(1.504N1f7, RoundNearest) === 2N1f7
@test round(1.504N1f7, RoundToZero) === 1N1f7
@test round(1.504N1f7, RoundUp) === 2N1f7
@test round(1.504N1f7, RoundDown) === 1N1f7
@test round(Int, 1.504N1f7, RoundNearest) === 2
@test round(Int, 1.504N1f7, RoundToZero) === 1
@test round(Int, 1.504N1f7, RoundUp) === 2
@test round(Int, 1.504N1f7, RoundDown) === 1

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