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Merge pull request FIRST-Tech-Challenge#4 from narehhovsepyan/work/nh
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Add field centric teleop
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JuliaOstroff committed Nov 19, 2023
2 parents 478424f + 3136461 commit 48dfa84
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 44 deletions.
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// import com.qualcomm.hardware.motors.RevRoboticsCoreHexMotor;

import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.RevHubOrientationOnRobot;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.IMU;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo;
Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ public class ChickalettaHardware {
private DcMotor spinTake = null;

private DcMotor arm = null;
private BNO055IMU imu = null;
private IMU imu = null;
private double robotHeading = 0;
private double headingOffset = 0;
private double headingError = 0;
Expand All @@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ public class ChickalettaHardware {
static final double DRIVE_SPEED = 0.6;
static final double TURN_SPEED = 1.0;
private double turnSpeed = 0;
static final double P_TURN_GAIN = 0.008; // Larger is more responsive, but also less stable
static final double P_DRIVE_GAIN = 0.02; // Larger is more responsive, but also less stable
static final double HEADING_THRESHOLD = 5.0 ;
static final double P_TURN_GAIN = 0.008; // Larger is more responsive, but also less stable
static final double P_DRIVE_GAIN = 0.02; // Larger is more responsive, but also less stable
static final double HEADING_THRESHOLD = 5.0;

// Define Drive constants. Make them public so they CAN be used by the calling OpMode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,10 +78,16 @@ public void init() {
BNO055IMU.Parameters parameters = new BNO055IMU.Parameters();
parameters.angleUnit = BNO055IMU.AngleUnit.DEGREES;
imu = myOpMode.hardwareMap.get(BNO055IMU.class, "imu");

// Retrieve the IMU from the hardware map
imu = myOpMode.hardwareMap.get(IMU.class, "imu");
// Adjust the orientation parameters to match your robot
IMU.Parameters parameters = new IMU.Parameters(new RevHubOrientationOnRobot(
// Without this, the REV Hub's orientation is assumed to be logo up / USB forward

myOpMode.telemetry.addData(">", "Hardware Initialized");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,10 +167,10 @@ public void strafeTimed(double lateral, double time) {

public void driveRobot(double axial, double lateral, double yaw) {
double max;

// Combine the joystick requests for each axis-motion to determine each wheel's power.
// Set up a variable for each drive wheel to save the power level for telemetry.
double leftFrontPower = axial + lateral + yaw;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,9 +199,35 @@ public void driveRobot(double axial, double lateral, double yaw) {
myOpMode.telemetry.addData("Back left/Right", "%4.2f, %4.2f", leftBackPower, rightBackPower);

public void driveRobotFC(double axial, double lateral, double yaw) {
double y = axial;
double x = lateral;
double rx = yaw;

double botHeading = imu.getRobotYawPitchRollAngles().getYaw(AngleUnit.RADIANS);

// Rotate the movement direction counter to the bot's rotation
double rotX = x * Math.cos(-botHeading) - y * Math.sin(-botHeading);
double rotY = x * Math.sin(-botHeading) + y * Math.cos(-botHeading);

rotX = rotX * 1.1; // Counteract imperfect strafing

// Denominator is the largest motor power (absolute value) or 1
// This ensures all the powers maintain the same ratio,
// but only if at least one is out of the range [-1, 1]
double denominator = Math.max(Math.abs(rotY) + Math.abs(rotX) + Math.abs(rx), 1);
double frontLeftPower = (rotY + rotX + rx) / denominator;
double backLeftPower = (rotY - rotX + rx) / denominator;
double frontRightPower = (rotY - rotX - rx) / denominator;
double backRightPower = (rotY + rotX - rx) / denominator;


public void arm(double arm_power) {
public void arm(double arm_power) {
myOpMode.telemetry.addData("arm", "%4.2f", arm_power);
Expand All @@ -213,12 +246,19 @@ public void setMotorMode(DcMotor.RunMode motorMode) {

public double getRawHeading() {
Orientation angles = imu.getAngularOrientation(AxesReference.INTRINSIC, AxesOrder.ZYX, AngleUnit.DEGREES);
return angles.firstAngle;}
return imu.getRobotYawPitchRollAngles().getYaw(AngleUnit.RADIANS);

public void resetHeading() {
// Save a new heading offset equal to the current raw heading.
headingOffset = getRawHeading();
robotHeading = 0;}
robotHeading = 0;

public void resetYaw() {

public double getSteeringCorrection(double desiredHeading, double proportionalGain) {
targetHeading = desiredHeading; // Save for telemetry
// Get the robot heading by applying an offset to the IMU heading
Expand All @@ -229,7 +269,9 @@ public double getSteeringCorrection(double desiredHeading, double proportionalGa
while (headingError > 180) headingError -= 360;
while (headingError <= -180) headingError += 360;
// Multiply the error by the gain to determine the required steering correction/ Limit the result to +/- 1.0
return Range.clip(headingError * proportionalGain, -1, 1);}
return Range.clip(headingError * proportionalGain, -1, 1);

public void turnToHeading(double maxTurnSpeed, double heading) {
getSteeringCorrection(heading, P_DRIVE_GAIN);
while (myOpMode.opModeIsActive() && (Math.abs(headingError) > HEADING_THRESHOLD)) {
Expand All @@ -238,13 +280,14 @@ public void turnToHeading(double maxTurnSpeed, double heading) {
// Clip the speed to the maximum permitted value.
turnSpeed = Range.clip(turnSpeed, -maxTurnSpeed, maxTurnSpeed);
// Pivot in place by applying the turning correction
driveRobot(0, 0, -turnSpeed);}
driveRobot(0, 0, -turnSpeed);

public void stop() {
driveRobot(0, 0, 0);
// slide(0);
// slide(0);

public void straight(double power) {
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* An OpMode is a 'program' that runs in either the autonomous or the teleop period of an FTC match.
* The names of OpModes appear on the menu of the FTC Driver Station.
* When a selection is made from the menu, the corresponding OpMode is executed.
* <p>
* This particular OpMode illustrates driving a 4-motor Omni-Directional (or Holonomic) robot.
* This code will work with either a Mecanum-Drive or an X-Drive train.
* Both of these drives are illustrated at
* Note that a Mecanum drive must display an X roller-pattern when viewed from above.
* <p>
* Also note that it is critical to set the correct rotation direction for each motor. See details below.
* <p>
* Holonomic drives provide the ability for the robot to move in three axes (directions) simultaneously.
* Each motion axis is controlled by one Joystick axis.
* <p>
* 1) Axial: Driving forward and backward Left-joystick Forward/Backward
* 2) Lateral: Strafing right and left Left-joystick Right and Left
* 3) Yaw: Rotating Clockwise and counter clockwise Right-joystick Right and Left
* <p>
* This code is written assuming that the right-side motors need to be reversed for the robot to drive forward.
* When you first test your robot, if it moves backward when you push the left stick forward, then you must flip
* the direction of all 4 motors (see code below).
* <p>
* Use Android Studio to Copy this Class, and Paste it into your team's code folder with a new name.
* Remove or comment out the @Disabled line to add this opmode to the Driver Station OpMode list

@TeleOp(name="Teleop 2024", group="Linear Opmode")
@TeleOp(name = "Teleop 2024", group = "Linear Opmode")
public class ChickalettaTeleop extends LinearOpMode {

// Declare OpMode members for each of the 4 motors.
ChickalettaHardware robot = new ChickalettaHardware(this);
ChickalettaHardware robot = new ChickalettaHardware(this);
private final ElapsedTime runtime = new ElapsedTime();
// @Override

// @Override
public void runOpMode() {

telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized");
Expand All @@ -82,36 +83,39 @@ public void runOpMode() {
// run until the end of the match (driver presses STOP)
while (opModeIsActive()) {
double max;

double gp1LY=gamepad1.left_stick_y;
double gp1LX=gamepad1.left_stick_x;
double gp1RX=gamepad1.right_stick_x;
double slowscale=0.33333333333;
if (gamepad1.right_bumper){
// This button choice was made so that it is hard to hit on accident,
// it can be freely changed based on preference.
// The equivalent button is start on Xbox-style controllers.
if (gamepad1.options) {
double gp1LY = gamepad1.left_stick_y;
double gp1LX = gamepad1.left_stick_x;
double gp1RX = gamepad1.right_stick_x;
double slowscale = 0.33333333333;
if (gamepad1.right_bumper) {
gp1LY *= slowscale;
gp1LX *= slowscale;
gp1RX *= slowscale;
robot.driveRobot(-gp1LY, gp1LX, gp1RX);
robot.driveRobotFC(-gp1LY, gp1LX, gp1RX);

// If the slide goes the wrong way, change the negative sign!!!!!!!
double arm_position;
if (gamepad2.dpad_down) {
arm_position = 1.0;
else if (gamepad2.dpad_up) {
} else if (gamepad2.dpad_up) {
arm_position = -1.0;
} else {
arm_position = 0.0;

double intake_position;
if (gamepad1.dpad_down) {
intake_position= 1.0;
else if (gamepad1.dpad_up) {
intake_position = 1.0;
} else if (gamepad1.dpad_up) {
intake_position = -1.0;
} else {
intake_position = 0.0;
Expand All @@ -120,8 +124,4 @@ else if (gamepad1.dpad_up) {

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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.IMU;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorSimple;
import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.RevHubOrientationOnRobot;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AngleUnit;

@TeleOp(name="FieldCentricMecanum", group="Linear OpMode")
public class FieldCentricMecanumTeleOp extends LinearOpMode {
public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
// Declare our motors
// Make sure your ID's match your configuration
DcMotor frontLeftMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_front_drive");
DcMotor backLeftMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_back_drive");
DcMotor frontRightMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_front_drive");
DcMotor backRightMotor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_back_drive");

// Reverse the right side motors. This may be wrong for your setup.
// If your robot moves backwards when commanded to go forwards,
// reverse the left side instead.
// See the note about this earlier on this page.

// Retrieve the IMU from the hardware map
IMU imu = hardwareMap.get(IMU.class, "imu");
// Adjust the orientation parameters to match your robot
IMU.Parameters parameters = new IMU.Parameters(new RevHubOrientationOnRobot(
// Without this, the REV Hub's orientation is assumed to be logo up / USB forward


if (isStopRequested()) return;

while (opModeIsActive()) {
double y = -gamepad1.left_stick_y; // Remember, Y stick value is reversed
double x = gamepad1.left_stick_x;
double rx = gamepad1.right_stick_x;

// This button choice was made so that it is hard to hit on accident,
// it can be freely changed based on preference.
// The equivalent button is start on Xbox-style controllers.
if (gamepad1.options) {

double botHeading = imu.getRobotYawPitchRollAngles().getYaw(AngleUnit.RADIANS);

// Rotate the movement direction counter to the bot's rotation
double rotX = x * Math.cos(-botHeading) - y * Math.sin(-botHeading);
double rotY = x * Math.sin(-botHeading) + y * Math.cos(-botHeading);

rotX = rotX * 1.1; // Counteract imperfect strafing

// Denominator is the largest motor power (absolute value) or 1
// This ensures all the powers maintain the same ratio,
// but only if at least one is out of the range [-1, 1]
double denominator = Math.max(Math.abs(rotY) + Math.abs(rotX) + Math.abs(rx), 1);
double frontLeftPower = (rotY + rotX + rx) / denominator;
double backLeftPower = (rotY - rotX + rx) / denominator;
double frontRightPower = (rotY - rotX - rx) / denominator;
double backRightPower = (rotY + rotX - rx) / denominator;


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