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Improve Bernoulli and Binomial (#1557)
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* Improve Bernoulli

- replace `1:length(x)` with `eachindex(x)` so that it works with more
  arrays, for instance `OffsetArrays`
- initialize the counters `c0` and `c1` with `zero(eltype(w))` so that
  they are type-stable (previously they were `Int32/Float64`)
- fix the creation of domain error: the void method `DomainError()`
  does not exist
- make `BernoulliStats` generic so that it can collect counters of more
  general type, for instance `ForwardDiff.Dual`

Update src/univariate/discrete/bernoulli.jl
Co-authored-by: David Widmann <>

Improve Binomial (porting the changes from Bernoulli)

* Additional fixes

* Add tests

* Bump version

Co-authored-by: David Widmann <>
  • Loading branch information
FedericoStra and devmotion authored May 27, 2022
1 parent 02a8838 commit a350622
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Showing 4 changed files with 99 additions and 99 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Distributions"
uuid = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
authors = ["JuliaStats"]
version = "0.25.60"
version = "0.25.61"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
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32 changes: 14 additions & 18 deletions src/univariate/discrete/bernoulli.jl
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Expand Up @@ -113,44 +113,40 @@ rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::Bernoulli) = rand(rng) <= succprob(d)

#### MLE fitting

struct BernoulliStats <: SufficientStats

BernoulliStats(c0::Real, c1::Real) = new(Float64(c0), Float64(c1))
struct BernoulliStats{C<:Real} <: SufficientStats

BernoulliStats(c0::Real, c1::Real) = BernoulliStats(promote(c0, c1)...)

fit_mle(::Type{<:Bernoulli}, ss::BernoulliStats) = Bernoulli(ss.cnt1 / (ss.cnt0 + ss.cnt1))

function suffstats(::Type{<:Bernoulli}, x::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Integer
n = length(x)
function suffstats(::Type{<:Bernoulli}, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer})
c0 = c1 = 0
for i = 1:n
@inbounds xi = x[i]
for xi in x
if xi == 0
c0 += 1
elseif xi == 1
c1 += 1
throw(DomainError(xi, "samples must be 0 or 1"))
BernoulliStats(c0, c1)

function suffstats(::Type{<:Bernoulli}, x::AbstractArray{T}, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) where T<:Integer
n = length(x)
length(w) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("Inconsistent argument dimensions."))
c0 = c1 = 0
for i = 1:n
@inbounds xi = x[i]
@inbounds wi = w[i]
function suffstats(::Type{<:Bernoulli}, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, w::AbstractArray{<:Real})
length(x) == length(w) || throw(DimensionMismatch("inconsistent argument dimensions"))
z = zero(eltype(w))
c0 = c1 = z + z # possibly widened and different from `z`, e.g., if `z = true`
for (xi, wi) in zip(x, w)
if xi == 0
c0 += wi
elseif xi == 1
c1 += wi
throw(DomainError(xi, "samples must be 0 or 1"))
BernoulliStats(c0, c1)
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42 changes: 20 additions & 22 deletions src/univariate/discrete/binomial.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,31 +156,29 @@ end

#### Fit model

struct BinomialStats <: SufficientStats
ns::Float64 # the total number of successes
ne::Float64 # the number of experiments
struct BinomialStats{N<:Real} <: SufficientStats
ns::N # the total number of successes
ne::N # the number of experiments
n::Int # the number of trials in each experiment

BinomialStats(ns::Real, ne::Real, n::Integer) = new(ns, ne, n)

function suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Integer
ns = zero(T)
for i = 1:length(x)
@inbounds xi = x[i]
0 <= xi <= n || throw(DomainError())
BinomialStats(ns::Real, ne::Real, n::Integer) = BinomialStats(promote(ns, ne)..., Int(n))

function suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer})
z = zero(eltype(x))
ns = z + z # possibly widened and different from `z`, e.g., if `z = true`
for xi in x
0 <= xi <= n || throw(DomainError(xi, "samples must be between 0 and $n"))
ns += xi
BinomialStats(ns, length(x), n)

function suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{T}, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) where T<:Integer
ns = 0.
ne = 0.
for i = 1:length(x)
@inbounds xi = x[i]
@inbounds wi = w[i]
0 <= xi <= n || throw(DomainError())
function suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, w::AbstractArray{<:Real})
z = zero(eltype(x)) * zero(eltype(w))
ns = ne = z + z # possibly widened and different from `z`, e.g., if `z = true`
for (xi, wi) in zip(x, w)
0 <= xi <= n || throw(DomainError(xi, "samples must be between 0 and $n"))
ns += xi * wi
ne += wi
Expand All @@ -190,14 +188,14 @@ end
const BinomData = Tuple{Int, AbstractArray}

suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData) = suffstats(Binomial, data...)
suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) = suffstats(Binomial, data..., w)
suffstats(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = suffstats(Binomial, data..., w)

fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, ss::BinomialStats) = Binomial(ss.n, ss.ns / ( * ss.n))

fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Integer} = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, n, x))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{T}, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) where {T<:Integer} = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, n, x, w))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer}) = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, n, x))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, n::Integer, x::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, w::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, n, x, w))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData) = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, data))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, data, w))
fit_mle(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = fit_mle(Binomial, suffstats(Binomial, data, w))

fit(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData) = fit_mle(Binomial, data)
fit(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{Float64}) = fit_mle(Binomial, data, w)
fit(::Type{<:Binomial}, data::BinomData, w::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = fit_mle(Binomial, data, w)
122 changes: 64 additions & 58 deletions test/fit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

using Distributions
using OffsetArrays
using Test, Random, LinearAlgebra

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,33 +34,35 @@ end

@testset "Testing fit for Bernoulli" begin
for func in funcs, dist in (Bernoulli, Bernoulli{Float64})
w = func[1](n0)
x = func[2](dist(0.7), n0)

ss = suffstats(dist, x)
@test isa(ss, Distributions.BernoulliStats)
@test ss.cnt0 == n0 - count(t->t != 0, x)
@test ss.cnt1 == count(t->t != 0, x)

ss = suffstats(dist, x, w)
@test isa(ss, Distributions.BernoulliStats)
@test ss.cnt0 sum(w[x .== 0])
@test ss.cnt1 sum(w[x .== 1])

d = fit(dist, x)
p = count(t->t != 0, x) / n0
@test isa(d, dist)
@test mean(d) p

d = fit(dist, x, w)
p = sum(w[x .== 1]) / sum(w)
@test isa(d, dist)
@test mean(d) p

d = fit(dist, func[2](dist(0.7), N))
@test isa(d, dist)
@test isapprox(mean(d), 0.7, atol=0.01)
for rng in ((), (rng,)), D in (Bernoulli, Bernoulli{Float64})
v = rand(rng..., n0)
z = rand(rng..., D(0.7), n0)
for x in (z, OffsetArray(z, -n0 ÷ 2)), w in (v, OffsetArray(v, -n0 ÷ 2))
ss = @inferred suffstats(D, x)
@test ss isa Distributions.BernoulliStats
@test ss.cnt0 == n0 - count(t->t != 0, z)
@test ss.cnt1 == count(t->t != 0, z)

ss = @inferred suffstats(D, x, w)
@test ss isa Distributions.BernoulliStats
@test ss.cnt0 sum(v[z .== 0])
@test ss.cnt1 sum(v[z .== 1])

d = @inferred fit(D, x)
@test d isa D
@test mean(d) count(t->t != 0, z) / n0

d = @inferred fit(D, x, w)
@test d isa D
@test mean(d) sum(v[z .== 1]) / sum(v)

z = rand(rng..., D(0.7), N)
for x in (z, OffsetArray(z, -N ÷ 2))
d = @inferred fit(D, x)
@test d isa D
@test mean(d) 0.7 atol=0.01

Expand All @@ -79,37 +82,40 @@ end

@testset "Testing fit for Binomial" begin
for func in funcs, dist in (Binomial, Binomial{Float64})
w = func[1](n0)

x = func[2](dist(100, 0.3), n0)

ss = suffstats(dist, (100, x))
@test isa(ss, Distributions.BinomialStats)
@test ss.ns sum(x)
@test == n0
@test ss.n == 100

ss = suffstats(dist, (100, x), w)
@test isa(ss, Distributions.BinomialStats)
@test ss.ns dot(Float64[xx for xx in x], w)
@test sum(w)
@test ss.n == 100

d = fit(dist, (100, x))
@test isa(d, dist)
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test succprob(d) sum(x) / (n0 * 100)

d = fit(dist, (100, x), w)
@test isa(d, dist)
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test succprob(d) dot(x, w) / (sum(w) * 100)

d = fit(dist, 100, func[2](dist(100, 0.3), N))
@test isa(d, dist)
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test isapprox(succprob(d), 0.3, atol=0.01)
for rng in ((), (rng,)), D in (Binomial, Binomial{Float64})
v = rand(rng..., n0)
z = rand(rng..., D(100, 0.3), n0)
for x in (z, OffsetArray(z, -n0 ÷ 2)), w in (v, OffsetArray(v, -n0 ÷ 2))
ss = @inferred suffstats(D, (100, x))
@test ss isa Distributions.BinomialStats
@test ss.ns sum(z)
@test == n0
@test ss.n == 100

ss = @inferred suffstats(D, (100, x), w)
@test ss isa Distributions.BinomialStats
@test ss.ns dot(z, v)
@test sum(v)
@test ss.n == 100

d = @inferred fit(D, (100, x))
@test d isa D
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test succprob(d) sum(z) / (n0 * 100)

d = @inferred fit(D, (100, x), w)
@test d isa D
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test succprob(d) dot(z, v) / (sum(v) * 100)

z = rand(rng..., D(100, 0.3), N)
for x in (z, OffsetArray(z, -N ÷ 2))
d = @inferred fit(D, 100, x)
@test d isa D
@test ntrials(d) == 100
@test succprob(d) 0.3 atol=0.01

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