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Generic support for uni gmm #615

merged 13 commits into from
Mar 17, 2019
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/mixtures/mixturemodel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ function MixtureModel(components::Vector{C}, prior::Categorical) where C<:Distri
MixtureModel{VF,VS,C}(components, prior)

MixtureModel(components::Vector{C}, p::Vector{Float64}) where {C<:Distribution} =
MixtureModel(components::Vector{C}, p::VT) where {C<:Distribution,VT<:AbstractVector{<:Real}} =
MixtureModel(components, Categorical(p))

_construct_component(::Type{C}, arg) where {C<:Distribution} = C(arg)
_construct_component(::Type{C}, args::Tuple) where {C<:Distribution} = C(args...)

function MixtureModel(::Type{C}, params::AbstractArray, p::Vector{Float64}) where C<:Distribution
function MixtureModel(::Type{C}, params::AbstractArray, p::Vector{T}) where {C<:Distribution,T<:Real}
components = C[_construct_component(C, a) for a in params]
MixtureModel(components, p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ function _cdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::Real)
return r

cdf(d::UnivariateMixture{Continuous}, x::Float64) = _cdf(d, x)
cdf(d::UnivariateMixture{Continuous}, x::Real) = _cdf(d, x)
cdf(d::UnivariateMixture{Discrete}, x::Int) = _cdf(d, x)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ function _mixlogpdf1(d::AbstractMixtureModel, x)
p = probs(d)
@assert length(p) == K

lp = Vector{Float64}(undef, K)
lp = Vector{eltype(x)}(undef, K)
m = -Inf # m <- the maximum of log(p(cs[i], x)) + log(pri[i])
for i = 1:K
@inbounds pi = p[i]
Expand All @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ function _mixlogpdf!(r::AbstractArray, d::AbstractMixtureModel, x)
p = probs(d)
@assert length(p) == K
n = length(r)
Lp = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, K)
Lp = Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef, n, K)
m = fill(-Inf, n)
for i = 1:K
@inbounds pi = p[i]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,15 +501,15 @@ componentwise_logpdf!(r::AbstractVector, d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractVect
componentwise_logpdf!(r::AbstractMatrix, d::UnivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = _cwise_logpdf!(r, d, x)
componentwise_logpdf!(r::AbstractMatrix, d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractMatrix) = _cwise_logpdf!(r, d, x)

componentwise_pdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::Real) = componentwise_pdf!(Vector{Float64}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_pdf!(Matrix{Float64}(undef, length(x), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_pdf!(Vector{Float64}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractMatrix) = componentwise_pdf!(Matrix{Float64}(undef, size(x,2), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::Real) = componentwise_pdf!(Vector{eltype(x)}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_pdf!(Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef, length(x), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_pdf!(Vector{eltype(x)}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_pdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractMatrix) = componentwise_pdf!(Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef, size(x,2), ncomponents(d)), d, x)

componentwise_logpdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::Real) = componentwise_logpdf!(Vector{Float64}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_logpdf!(Matrix{Float64}(undef, length(x), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_logpdf!(Vector{Float64}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractMatrix) = componentwise_logpdf!(Matrix{Float64}(undef, size(x,2), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::Real) = componentwise_logpdf!(Vector{eltype(x)}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::UnivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_logpdf!(Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef, length(x), ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractVector) = componentwise_logpdf!(Vector{eltype(x)}(undef, ncomponents(d)), d, x)
componentwise_logpdf(d::MultivariateMixture, x::AbstractMatrix) = componentwise_logpdf!(Matrix{eltype(x)}(undef, size(x,2), ncomponents(d)), d, x)

## Sampling
Expand Down
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/mixtures/unigmm.jl
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@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
# Univariate Gaussian Mixture Models

struct UnivariateGMM <: UnivariateMixture{Continuous,Normal}
struct UnivariateGMM{VT1<:AbstractVector{<:Real},VT2<:AbstractVector{<:Real}} <: UnivariateMixture{Continuous,Normal}

function UnivariateGMM(ms::Vector{Float64}, ss::Vector{Float64}, pri::Categorical)
function UnivariateGMM(ms::VT1, ss::VT2, pri::Categorical) where {VT1<:AbstractVector{<:Real},VT2<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}
K = length(ms)
length(ss) == K || throw(DimensionMismatch())
ncategories(pri) == K ||
error("The number of categories in pri should be equal to the number of components.")
new(K, ms, ss, pri)
new{VT1,VT2}(K, ms, ss, pri)

Expand All @@ -25,14 +25,16 @@ probs(d::UnivariateGMM) = probs(d.prior)

mean(d::UnivariateGMM) = dot(d.means, probs(d))

rand(d::UnivariateGMM) = (k = rand(d.prior); d.means[k] + randn() * d.stds[k])

rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::UnivariateGMM) =
(k = rand(rng, d.prior); d.means[k] + randn(rng) * d.stds[k])

params(d::UnivariateGMM) = (d.means, d.stds, d.prior)

struct UnivariateGMMSampler <: Sampleable{Univariate,Continuous}
struct UnivariateGMMSampler{VT1<:AbstractVector{<:Real},VT2<:AbstractVector{<:Real}} <: Sampleable{Univariate,Continuous}

Expand Down
141 changes: 74 additions & 67 deletions test/mixture.jl
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@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
using Distributions, Random
using Test
using ForwardDiff: Dual

# Core testing procedure

function test_mixture(g::UnivariateMixture, n::Int, ns::Int,
rng::Union{AbstractRNG, Missing} = missing)
X = zeros(n)
if g isa UnivariateGMM
T = eltype(g.means)
T = eltype(g)
X = zeros(T, n)
for i = 1:n
if ismissing(rng)
X[i] = rand(g)
X[i] = rand(rng, g)
X[i] = rand(g)

K = ncomponents(g)
Expand All @@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ function test_mixture(g::UnivariateMixture, n::Int, ns::Int,
@test mean(g) ≈ mu

# evaluation of cdf
cf = zeros(n)
cf = zeros(T, n)
for k = 1:K
c_k = component(g, k)
for i = 1:n
Expand All @@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ function test_mixture(g::UnivariateMixture, n::Int, ns::Int,
@test cdf.(g, X) ≈ cf

# evaluation
P0 = zeros(n, K)
LP0 = zeros(n, K)
P0 = zeros(T, n, K)
LP0 = zeros(T, n, K)
for k = 1:K
c_k = component(g, k)
for i = 1:n
Expand All @@ -68,14 +70,16 @@ function test_mixture(g::UnivariateMixture, n::Int, ns::Int,
@test componentwise_logpdf(g, X) ≈ LP0

# sampling
if ismissing(rng)
Xs = rand(g, ns)
Xs = rand(rng, g, ns)
if (T isa AbstractFloat)
if ismissing(rng)
Xs = rand(g, ns)
Xs = rand(rng, g, ns)
@test isa(Xs, Vector{T})
@test length(Xs) == ns
@test isapprox(mean(Xs), mean(g), atol=0.01)
@test isa(Xs, Vector{Float64})
@test length(Xs) == ns
@test isapprox(mean(Xs), mean(g), atol=0.01)

function test_mixture(g::MultivariateMixture, n::Int, ns::Int,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,56 +168,59 @@ end
Dict("rand(...)" => missing,
"rand(rng, ...)" => MersenneTwister(123))

@testset "Testing UnivariateMixture" begin
g_u = MixtureModel(Normal, [(0.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (-4.0, 1.5)], [0.2, 0.5, 0.3])
@test isa(g_u, MixtureModel{Univariate, Continuous, Normal})
@test ncomponents(g_u) == 3
test_mixture(g_u, 1000, 10^6, rng)
@test minimum(g_u) == -Inf
@test maximum(g_u) == Inf
@test extrema(g_u) == (-Inf, Inf)

g_u = MixtureModel([TriangularDist(-1,2,0),TriangularDist(-.5,3,1),TriangularDist(-2,0,-1)])
@test minimum(g_u) ≈ -2.0
@test maximum(g_u) ≈ 3.0
@test extrema(g_u) == (minimum(g_u), maximum(g_u))
@test insupport(g_u, 2.5) == true
@test insupport(g_u, 3.5) == false

g_u = UnivariateGMM([0.0, 2.0, -4.0], [1.0, 1.2, 1.5], Categorical([0.2, 0.5, 0.3]))
@test isa(g_u, UnivariateGMM)
@test ncomponents(g_u) == 3
test_mixture(g_u, 1000, 10^6, rng)
@test minimum(g_u) == -Inf
@test maximum(g_u) == Inf
@test extrema(g_u) == (-Inf, Inf)
@testset "Testing UnivariateMixture" begin
g_u = MixtureModel(Normal, [(0.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (-4.0, 1.5)], [0.2, 0.5, 0.3])
@test isa(g_u, MixtureModel{Univariate, Continuous, Normal})
@test ncomponents(g_u) == 3
test_mixture(g_u, 1000, 10^6, rng)
@test minimum(g_u) == -Inf
@test maximum(g_u) == Inf
@test extrema(g_u) == (-Inf, Inf)

g_u = MixtureModel([TriangularDist(-1,2,0),TriangularDist(-.5,3,1),TriangularDist(-2,0,-1)])
@test minimum(g_u) ≈ -2.0
@test maximum(g_u) ≈ 3.0
@test extrema(g_u) == (minimum(g_u), maximum(g_u))
@test insupport(g_u, 2.5) == true
@test insupport(g_u, 3.5) == false

μ = [0.0, 2.0, -4.0]; σ = [1.0, 1.2, 1.5]; p = [0.2, 0.5, 0.3]
for T = [Float64, Dual]
g_u = UnivariateGMM(map(Dual, μ), map(Dual, σ), Categorical(p))
@test isa(g_u, UnivariateGMM)
@test ncomponents(g_u) == 3
test_mixture(g_u, 1000, 10^6, rng)
@test minimum(g_u) == -Inf
@test maximum(g_u) == Inf
@test extrema(g_u) == (-Inf, Inf)

@testset "Testing MultivariatevariateMixture" begin
g_m = MixtureModel(
IsoNormal[ MvNormal([0.0, 0.0], 1.0),
MvNormal([0.2, 1.0], 1.0),
MvNormal([-0.5, -3.0], 1.6) ],
[0.2, 0.5, 0.3])
@test isa(g_m, MixtureModel{Multivariate, Continuous, IsoNormal})
@test length(components(g_m)) == 3
@test length(g_m) == 2
@test insupport(g_m, [0.0, 0.0]) == true
test_mixture(g_m, 1000, 10^6, rng)

u1 = Uniform()
u2 = Uniform(1.0, 2.0)
utot =Uniform(0.0, 2.0)
# mixture supposed to be a uniform on [0.0,2.0]
unif_mixt = MixtureModel([u1,u2])
@test var(utot) ≈ var(unif_mixt)
@test mean(utot) ≈ mean(unif_mixt)
for x in -1.0:0.5:2.5
@test cdf(utot,x) ≈ cdf(utot,x)
@testset "Testing MultivariatevariateMixture" begin
g_m = MixtureModel(
IsoNormal[ MvNormal([0.0, 0.0], 1.0),
MvNormal([0.2, 1.0], 1.0),
MvNormal([-0.5, -3.0], 1.6) ],
[0.2, 0.5, 0.3])
@test isa(g_m, MixtureModel{Multivariate, Continuous, IsoNormal})
@test length(components(g_m)) == 3
@test length(g_m) == 2
@test insupport(g_m, [0.0, 0.0]) == true
test_mixture(g_m, 1000, 10^6, rng)

u1 = Uniform()
u2 = Uniform(1.0, 2.0)
utot =Uniform(0.0, 2.0)

# mixture supposed to be a uniform on [0.0,2.0]
unif_mixt = MixtureModel([u1,u2])
@test var(utot) ≈ var(unif_mixt)
@test mean(utot) ≈ mean(unif_mixt)
for x in -1.0:0.5:2.5
@test cdf(utot,x) ≈ cdf(utot,x)