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This generic method takes iterators of vectors and supports skipping
missing values.
It is a more general version of `pairwise` in Distances.jl.
Since methods are compatible, both packages can override a common empty
function defined in another API package.
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nalimilan committed Jan 1, 2021
1 parent 83ccc37 commit 2170bfa
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Showing 4 changed files with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ levelsmap
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/StatsBase.jl
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Expand Up @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ export
levelsmap, # construct a map from n unique elements to [1, ..., n]
findat, # find the position within a for elements in b
indicatormat, # construct indicator matrix
pairwise, # pairwise application of functions

# statistical models
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ include("signalcorr.jl")

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166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions src/pairwise.jl
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function _pairwise!(::Val{:none}, res::AbstractMatrix, f, x, y, symmetric::Bool)
m, n = size(res)
for j in 1:n, i in 1:m
symmetric && i > j && continue

# For performance, diagonal is special-cased
if f === cor && i == j && x[i] === y[j]
# If the type isn't concrete, 1 may not be converted to the right type
# and the final matrix will have an abstract eltype
# (missings are propagated via the second branch, but NaNs are ignored)
res[i, j] = isconcretetype(eltype(res)) ? 1 : one(f(x[i], y[j]))
res[i, j] = f(x[i], y[j])
if symmetric
for j in 1:n, i in (j+1):m
res[i, j] = res[j, i]
return res

function _pairwise!(::Val{:pairwise}, res::AbstractMatrix, f, x, y, symmetric::Bool)
m, n = size(res)
for j in 1:n
ynminds = .!ismissing.(y[j])
for i in 1:m
symmetric && i > j && continue

if x[i] === y[j]
ynm = view(y[j], ynminds)
# For performance, diagonal is special-cased
if f === cor && i == j
# If the type isn't concrete, 1 may not be converted to the right type
# and the final matrix will have an abstract eltype
# (missings and NaNs are ignored)
res[i, j] = isconcretetype(eltype(res)) ? 1 : one(f(ynm, ynm))
res[i, j] = f(ynm, ynm)
nminds = .!ismissing.(x[i]) .& ynminds
xnm = view(x[i], nminds)
ynm = view(y[j], nminds)
res[i, j] = f(xnm, ynm)
if symmetric
for j in 1:n, i in (j+1):m
res[i, j] = res[j, i]
return res

function _pairwise!(::Val{:listwise}, res::AbstractMatrix, f, x, y, symmetric::Bool)
m, n = size(res)
nminds = .!ismissing.(x[1])
for i in 2:m
nminds .&= .!ismissing.(x[i])
if x !== y
for j in 1:n
nminds .&= .!ismissing.(y[j])

# Computing integer indices once for all vectors is faster
nminds′ = findall(nminds)
# TODO: check whether wrapping views in a custom array type which asserts
# that entries cannot be `missing` (similar to `skipmissing`)
# could offer better performance
return _pairwise!(Val(:none), res, f,
[view(xi, nminds′) for xi in x],
[view(yi, nminds′) for yi in y],

function _pairwise(::Val{skipmissing}, f, x, y, symmetric::Bool) where {skipmissing}
inds = keys(first(x))
if symmetric && x !== y
throw(ArgumentError("symmetric=true only makes sense passing " *
"a single set of variables (x === y)"))
for xi in x
keys(xi) == inds ||
throw(ArgumentError("All input vectors must have the same indices"))
for yi in y
keys(yi) == inds ||
throw(ArgumentError("All input vectors must have the same indices"))
x′ = x isa Union{AbstractArray, Tuple, NamedTuple} ? x : collect(x)
y′ = y isa Union{AbstractArray, Tuple, NamedTuple} ? y : collect(y)
m = length(x)
n = length(y)

T = Core.Compiler.return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(x′), eltype(y′)})
Tsm = Core.Compiler.return_type((x, y) -> f(disallowmissing(x), disallowmissing(y)),
Tuple{eltype(x′), eltype(y′)})

if skipmissing === :none
res = Matrix{T}(undef, m, n)
_pairwise!(Val(:none), res, f, x′, y′, symmetric)
elseif skipmissing === :pairwise
res = Matrix{Tsm}(undef, m, n)
_pairwise!(Val(:pairwise), res, f, x′, y′, symmetric)
elseif skipmissing === :listwise
res = Matrix{Tsm}(undef, m, n)
_pairwise!(Val(:listwise), res, f, x′, y′, symmetric)
throw(ArgumentError("skipmissing must be one of :none, :pairwise or :listwise"))

# identity.(res) lets broadcasting compute a concrete element type
# TODO: using promote_type rather than typejoin (which broadcast uses) would make sense
# Once identity.(res) is inferred automatically (JuliaLang/julia#30485),
# the assertion can be removed
@static if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV"
U = Base.Broadcast.promote_typejoin_union(Union{T, Tsm})
return (isconcretetype(eltype(res)) ? res : identity.(res))::Matrix{<:U}
return (isconcretetype(eltype(res)) ? res : identity.(res))

pairwise(f, x[, y], symmetric::Bool=false, skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
Return a matrix holding the result of applying `f` to all possible pairs
of vectors in iterators `x` and `y`. Rows correspond to
vectors in `x` and columns to vectors in `y`. If `y` is omitted then a
square matrix crossing `x` with itself is returned.
As a special case, if `f` is `cor`, diagonal cells are set to 1 even in
the presence `NaN` or `Inf` entries (but `missing` is propagated unless
`skipmissing` is different from `:none`).
# Keyword arguments
- `symmetric::Bool=false`: If `true`, `f` is only called to compute
for the lower triangle of the matrix, and these values are copied
to fill the upper triangle. Only possible when `y` is omitted.
This is automatically set to `true` when `f` is `cor` or `cov`.
- `skipmissing::Symbol=:none`: If `:none` (the default), missing values
in input vectors are passed to `f` without any modification.
Use `:pairwise` to skip entries with a `missing` value in either
of the two vectors passed to `f` for a given pair of vectors in `x` and `y`.
Use `:listwise` to skip entries with a `missing` value in any of the
vectors in `x` or `y`; note that this is likely to drop a large part of
pairwise(f, x, y=x; symmetric::Bool=false, skipmissing::Symbol=:none) =
_pairwise(Val(skipmissing), f, x, y, symmetric)

# cov(x) is faster than cov(x, x)
pairwise(::typeof(cov), x, y; symmetric::Bool=false, skipmissing::Symbol=:none) =
pairwise((x, y) -> x === y ? cov(x) : cov(x, y), x, y,
symmetric=symmetric, skipmissing=skipmissing)

pairwise(::typeof(cor), x; symmetric::Bool=true, skipmissing::Symbol=:none) =
pairwise(cor, x, x, symmetric=symmetric, skipmissing=skipmissing)

pairwise(::typeof(cov), x; symmetric::Bool=true, skipmissing::Symbol=:none) =
pairwise(cov, x, x, symmetric=symmetric, skipmissing=skipmissing)
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions test/pairwise.jl
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using StatsBase
using Test, Random, Statistics, LinearAlgebra
using Missings

const = isequal


# to avoid using specialized method
arbitrary_fun(x, y) = cor(x, y)

@testset "pairwise with $f" for f in (arbitrary_fun, cor, cov)
@testset "basic interface" begin
x = [rand(10) for _ in 1:4]
y = [rand(Float32, 10) for _ in 1:5]
# to test case where inference of returned eltype fails
z = [Vector{Any}(rand(Float32, 10)) for _ in 1:5]

res = @inferred pairwise(f, x, y)
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test res == [f(xi, yi) for xi in x, yi in y]

res = pairwise(f, y, z)
@test res isa Matrix{Float32}
@test res == [f(yi, zi) for yi in y, zi in z]

res = pairwise(f, Any[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0f0, 3.0f0, 10.5f0]])
@test res isa Matrix{AbstractFloat}
@test res == [f(xi, yi) for xi in ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0f0, 3.0f0, 10.5f0]),
yi in ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0f0, 3.0f0, 10.5f0])]
@test typeof.(res) == [Float64 Float64
Float64 Float32]

@inferred pairwise(f, x, y)

@test_throws ArgumentError pairwise(f, [Int[]], [Int[]])

@testset "missing values handling interface" begin
xm = [ifelse.(rand(100) .> 0.9, missing, rand(100)) for _ in 1:4]
ym = [ifelse.(rand(100) .> 0.9, missing, rand(Float32, 100)) for _ in 1:4]
zm = [ifelse.(rand(100) .> 0.9, missing, rand(Float32, 100)) for _ in 1:4]

res = pairwise(f, xm, ym)
@test res isa Matrix{Missing}
@test res [missing for xi in xm, yi in ym]

res = pairwise(f, xm, ym, skipmissing=:pairwise)
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test isapprox(res, [f(collect.(skipmissings(xi, yi))...) for xi in xm, yi in ym],

res = pairwise(f, ym, zm, skipmissing=:pairwise)
@test res isa Matrix{Float32}
@test isapprox(res, [f(collect.(skipmissings(yi, zi))...) for yi in ym, zi in zm],

nminds = mapreduce(x -> .!ismissing.(x),
(x, y) -> x .& y,
[xm; ym])
res = pairwise(f, xm, ym, skipmissing=:listwise)
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test isapprox(res, [f(view(xi, nminds), view(yi, nminds)) for xi in xm, yi in ym],

if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV"
# inference of cor fails so use an inferrable function
# to check that pairwise itself is inferrable
for skipmissing in (:none, :pairwise, :listwise)
g(x, y=x) = pairwise((x, y) -> x[1] * y[1], x, y, skipmissing=skipmissing)
@test Core.Compiler.return_type(g, Tuple{Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}}) ==
Core.Compiler.return_type(g, Tuple{Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}},
Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}}) ==
Matrix{<: Union{Float64, Missing}}
if skipmissing in (:pairwise, :listwise)
@test_broken Core.Compiler.return_type(g, Tuple{Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}}) ==
Core.Compiler.return_type(g, Tuple{Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}},
Vector{Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}}) ==

@test_throws ArgumentError pairwise(f, xm, ym, skipmissing=:something)

# variable with only missings
xm = [fill(missing, 10), rand(10)]
ym = [rand(10), rand(10)]

res = pairwise(f, xm, ym)
@test res isa Matrix{Union{Float64, Missing}}
@test res [f(xi, yi) for xi in xm, yi in ym]

if VERSION >= v"1.5" # Fails with UndefVarError on Julia 1.0
@test_throws ArgumentError pairwise(f, xm, ym, skipmissing=:pairwise)
@test_throws ArgumentError pairwise(f, xm, ym, skipmissing=:listwise)

@testset "iterators" begin
x = (v for v in [rand(10) for _ in 1:4])
y = (v for v in [rand(10) for _ in 1:4])

@test pairwise(f, x, y) == pairwise(f, collect(x), collect(y))
@test pairwise(f, x) == pairwise(f, collect(x))

@testset "two-argument method" begin
x = [rand(10) for _ in 1:4]
@test pairwise(f, x) == pairwise(f, x, x)

@testset "symmetric" begin
x = [rand(10) for _ in 1:4]
y = [rand(10) for _ in 1:4]
@test pairwise(f, x, x, symmetric=true) ==
pairwise(f, x, symmetric=true) ==
Symmetric(pairwise(f, x, x), :U)
@test_throws ArgumentError pairwise(f, x, y, symmetric=true)

@testset "cor corner cases" begin
# Integer inputs must give a Float64 output
res = pairwise(cor, [[1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 2]])
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test res == [cor(xi, yi) for xi in ([1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 2]),
yi in ([1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 2])]

# NaNs are ignored for the diagonal
res = pairwise(cor, [[1, 2, NaN], [1, 5, 2]])
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test res [1.0 NaN
NaN 1.0]

# missings are propagated even for the diagonal
res = pairwise(cor, [[1, 2, 7], [1, 5, missing]])
@test res isa Matrix{Union{Float64, Missing}}
@test res [1.0 missing
missing missing]

for sm in (:pairwise, :listwise)
res = pairwise(cor, [[1, 2, NaN, 4], [1, 5, 5, missing]], skipmissing=sm)
@test res isa Matrix{Float64}
@test res [1.0 NaN
NaN 1.0]

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