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Fix and improve the reporting of errors from timeouts and crashes (#82)
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* Test we retry on timeouts

* Refactor test-error handling to always record the error

* Record more informative error: include timeout/abort info

* Update reference tests

* Test case where we timeout then pass on retry

* fixup! Test case where we timeout then pass on retry

* fixup! Test case where we timeout then pass on retry

* Reduce time of test so worker=0 case isn't so slow

* Handle test failure case differently to worker timeout or crash

* Bump version

* fixup! Handle test failure case differently to worker timeout or crash

* fixup! fixup! Handle test failure case differently to worker timeout or crash

* Update test/integrationtests.jl - typo

* Don't use `tempdir()`
  • Loading branch information
nickrobinson251 authored Jun 21, 2023
1 parent 4355418 commit 0859990
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Showing 8 changed files with 704 additions and 292 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "ReTestItems"
uuid = "817f1d60-ba6b-4fd5-9520-3cf149f6a823"
version = "1.8.1"
version = "1.9.0"

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
Expand All @@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ DeepDiffs = "ab62b9b5-e342-54a8-a765-a90f495de1a6"
IOCapture = "b5f81e59-6552-4d32-b1f0-c071b021bf89"
Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
XMLDict = "228000da-037f-5747-90a9-8195ccbf91a5"

test = ["AutoHashEquals", "DeepDiffs", "IOCapture", "Logging", "Pkg", "Test", "XMLDict"]
test = ["AutoHashEquals", "DeepDiffs", "IOCapture", "Logging", "Pkg", "Random", "Test", "XMLDict"]
104 changes: 52 additions & 52 deletions src/ReTestItems.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,16 +354,31 @@ function start_worker(proj_name, nworker_threads, worker_init_expr, ntestitems)
return w

function record_timeout!(testitem, run_number::Int, timeout_limit::Real)
timeout_s = round(Int, timeout_limit)
time_str = if timeout_s < 60
string(timeout_s, "s")
mins, secs = divrem(timeout_s, 60)
if iszero(secs)
string(mins, "m")
string(mins, "m", lpad(secs, 2, "0"), "s")
msg = "Timed out after $time_str evaluating test item $(repr( (run=$run_number)"
record_test_error!(testitem, msg)

# This is only used to signal that we need to retry. We don't use Test.TestSetException as
# that requires information that we are not going to use anyway.
struct TestSetFailure <: Exception end
throw_if_failed(ts) = ts.anynonpass ? throw(TestSetFailure()) : nothing
function record_worker_terminated!(testitem, run_number::Int)
msg = "Worker aborted evaluating test item $(repr( (run=$run_number)"
record_test_error!(testitem, msg)

function record_test_error!(testitem, ntries)
function record_test_error!(testitem, msg)
ts = DefaultTestSet(
err = ErrorException("test item $(repr( didn't succeed after $ntries tries")
err = ErrorException(msg)
Test.record(ts, Test.Error(:nontest_error, Test.Expr(:tuple), err,
Base.ExceptionStack([(exception=err, backtrace=Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.InterpreterIP}[])]),
LineNumberNode(testitem.line, testitem.file)))
Expand All @@ -384,7 +399,7 @@ function start_and_manage_worker(
ntestitems = length(testitems.testitems)
worker = start_worker(proj_name, nworker_threads, worker_init_expr, ntestitems)
nretries = 0
run_number = 1
while testitem !== nothing
ch = Channel{TestItemResult}(1)
testitem.workerid[] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,70 +430,55 @@ function start_and_manage_worker(
ts = testitem_result.testset
push!(testitem.testsets, ts)
push!(testitem.stats, testitem_result.stats)
print_errors_and_captured_logs(testitem, nretries + 1; logs)
print_errors_and_captured_logs(testitem, run_number; logs)
report_empty_testsets(testitem, ts)
# Run GC to free memory on the worker before next testitem.
@debugv 2 "Running GC on $worker"
remote_fetch(worker, :(GC.gc(true); GC.gc(false)))
# If the result isn't a pass, we throw to go to the outer try-catch
testitem = next_testitem(testitems,[])
nretries = 0
if ts.anynonpass && (run_number != (1 + retry_limit))
run_number += 1
@info "Retrying $(repr( on $worker. Run=$run_number."
testitem = next_testitem(testitems,[])
run_number = 1
catch e
@debugv 2 "Error" exception=e
if !(e isa WorkerTerminatedException || e isa TimeoutException || e isa TestSetFailure)
# we don't expect any other kind of error, so rethrow, which will propagate
# back up to the main coordinator task and throw to the user

if !(e isa TestSetFailure)
# Explicitly show captured logs or say there weren't any in case we're about
# to terminte the worker
_print_captured_logs(DEFAULT_STDOUT[], testitem, nretries + 1)

_print_captured_logs(DEFAULT_STDOUT[], testitem, run_number)
# Handle the exception
if e isa TimeoutException
@debugv 1 "Test item $(repr( timed out. Terminating worker $worker"
@warn "$worker timed out evaluating test item $(repr( afer $timeout seconds. \
Recording test error."
record_timeout!(testitem, run_number, timeout)
elseif e isa WorkerTerminatedException
@warn "$worker died evaluating test item $(repr( \
Recording test error."
record_worker_terminated!(testitem, run_number)
# We don't expect any other kind of error, so rethrow, which will propagate
# back up to the main coordinator task and throw to the user
if nretries == retry_limit
if e isa TimeoutException
@warn "$worker timed out evaluating test item $(repr( afer $timeout seconds. \
Recording test error, and starting a new worker."
record_test_error!(testitem, nretries + 1)
elseif e isa WorkerTerminatedException
@warn "$worker died evaluating test item $(repr( \
Recording test error, and starting a new worker."
record_test_error!(testitem, nretries + 1)
@assert e isa TestSetFailure
# We already printed the error and recorded the testset.
# Handle retries
if run_number == (1 + retry_limit)
testitem = next_testitem(testitems,[])
nretries = 0
run_number = 1
nretries += 1
if e isa TimeoutException
@warn "$worker timed out evaluating test item $(repr( afer $timeout seconds. \
Starting a new worker and retrying. Retry=$nretries."
elseif e isa WorkerTerminatedException
@warn "$worker died evaluating test item $(repr( \
Starting a new worker and retrying. Retry=$nretries."
@assert e isa TestSetFailure
@warn "Test item $(repr( failed. Retrying on $worker. Retry=$nretries."
run_number += 1
@info "Retrying $(repr( on a new worker. Run=$run_number."
if (e isa TimeoutException || e isa WorkerTerminatedException)
# The worker was terminated, so replace it unless there are no more testitems to run
if testitem !== nothing
worker = start_worker(proj_name, nworker_threads, worker_init_expr, ntestitems)
# now we loop back around to reschedule the testitem
# Now loop back around to reschedule the testitem
Expand Down
36 changes: 26 additions & 10 deletions test/integrationtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -604,29 +604,45 @@ end
# Test the error is as expected
err = only(non_passes(results))
@test err.test_type == :nontest_error
@test err.value == string(ErrorException("test item \"Abort\" didn't succeed after 1 tries"))
@test err.value == string(ErrorException("Worker aborted evaluating test item \"Abort\" (run=1)"))

@testset "test retrying failing testitem" begin
file = joinpath(TEST_FILES_DIR, "_retry_tests.jl")
results = encased_testset(()->runtests(file; nworkers=1, retries=2))
# This directory must match what's set in `_retry_tests`
tmpdir = joinpath("/tmp", "JL_RETESTITEMS_TEST_TMPDIR")
# must run with `testitem_timeout < 20` for test to timeout as expected.
# and must run with `nworkers > 0` for retries to be supported.
results = encased_testset(()->runtests(file; nworkers=1, retries=2, testitem_timeout=3))
# Test we _ran_ each test-item the expected number of times
read_count(x) = parse(Int, read(x, String))
# Passes on second attempt, so only need to retry once.
@test read_count(joinpath(tempdir(), "num_runs_1")) == 2
@test read_count(joinpath(tmpdir, "num_runs_1")) == 2
# Doesn't pass til third attempt, so needs both retries.
@test read_count(joinpath(tempdir(), "num_runs_2")) == 3
@test read_count(joinpath(tmpdir, "num_runs_2")) == 3
# Doesn't pass ever, so need all retries. This testitem set `retries=4` which is greater
# than the `retries=2` that `runtests` set, so we should retry 4 times.
@test read_count(joinpath(tempdir(), "num_runs_3")) == 5
@test read_count(joinpath(tmpdir, "num_runs_3")) == 5
# Doesn't pass ever, so need all retries. This testitem set `retries=1` which is less
# than the `retries=2` that `runtests` set, so we should retry 2 times.
@test read_count(joinpath(tempdir(), "num_runs_4")) == 3
@test read_count(joinpath(tmpdir, "num_runs_4")) == 3
# Times out always, so should retry as many times as allowed.
# Since it will be a new worker for each retry, we write one file for each.
@test count(contains("num_runs_5"), readdir(tmpdir)) == 3
# Times out on first run, then passes on second attempt.
@test count(contains("num_runs_6"), readdir(tmpdir)) == 2

# Test we _report_ the expected number of test-items
@test n_tests(results) == 4
# The first two testitems pass on retry.
@test n_passed(results) == 2
@test n_tests(results) == 6
# Testitems 1, 2, and 6 pass on retry.
@test n_passed(results) == 3

# Clear out any files created by this testset
foreach(readdir(tmpdir; join=true)) do tmp
# `force` in case it gets cleaned up between `readdir` and `rm`
contains(tmp, "num_runs") && rm(tmp; force=true)
rm(tmpdir; force=true)

@testset "testitem timeout" begin
Expand All @@ -641,7 +657,7 @@ end
# Test the error is as expected
err = only(non_passes(results))
@test err.test_type == :nontest_error
@test err.value == string(ErrorException("test item \"Test item takes 60 seconds\" didn't succeed after 1 tries"))
@test err.value == string(ErrorException("Timed out after 4s evaluating test item \"Test item takes 60 seconds\" (run=1)"))

@testset "Error outside `@testitem`" begin
Expand Down
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions test/junit_xml.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,11 +100,25 @@ end
mktempdir() do dir
try # Ignore the fact that the `_retry_tests.jl` testset has failures/errors.
run(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --project -e 'using ReTestItems; runtests("testfiles/_retry_tests.jl"; report=true, retries=2)'`)
run(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --project -e 'using ReTestItems; runtests("testfiles/_retry_tests.jl"; testitem_timeout=5, report=true, retries=2)'`)
# running `_retry_tests` creates files which we need to clean up before
# we run `_retry_tests` again, because these files store state that is
# used to control the behaviour of the tests.
foreach(readdir(joinpath("/tmp", "JL_RETESTITEMS_TEST_TMPDIR"); join=true)) do tmp
rm(tmp; force=true)
report = only(filter(endswith("xml"), readdir(dir, join=true)))
test_reference(joinpath(REF_DIR, "retry_tests_report.xml"), report)
# timeouts are not supported when running without workers, so
# with 0 workers the "retry tests" that are expected to timeout will pass.
ref = if nworkers == 0
joinpath(REF_DIR, "retry_tests_report_0worker.xml")
joinpath(REF_DIR, "retry_tests_report_1worker.xml")
test_reference(ref, report)
Expand Down

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