These are the dlls that you have to include in a Plugins folder inside of your Unity Project.
Then you can access your Database like this (replace username, password, DATABASE_NAME and ( only, if you host your database elsewhere)):
using MongoDB.Driver;
private const string MONGO_URI = "mongodb://username:password@";
private const string DATABASE_NAME = "testDatabase";
private MongoClient client;
private IMongoDatabase db;
client = new MongoClient(MONGO_URI);
db = client.GetDatabase(DATABASE_NAME);
Replace Model_User with your Model Class
Replace collectionName with the name of the collection you want to reference
make sure that the Model Class has public getter on all Properties and a public ObjectId _id with public getter and setter
private readonly IMongoCollection<Model_User> userCollection = db.GetCollection<Model_User>("collectionName");
// Model_User Sample
public class Model_User {
public ObjectId _id { set; get; }
public int ActiveConnection { set; get; }
public string Username { private set; get; }
public string Email { private set; get; }
public string ShaPassword { private set; get; }
//Possible Methods ...
Replace Model_User with your Model Class that represents a document in the Collection
Replace userCollection with the referenced collection
You Could replace "true" with a condition that matches the specific documents you want to get
List<Model_User> userModelList = userCollection.Find(user => true).ToList();
Replace Model_User with your Model Class that represents a document in the collection
Replace userCollection with the referenced collection
Replace "user._id.Equals(id)" with whatever your condition should be that matches the document
Model_User modelUser = userCollection.Find(user => user._id.Equals(id)).SingleOrDefault();
Replace userCollection with the referenced collection
Replace newModelUser with the Model you want to insert into the collection
Replace userCollection with the referenced collection
Replace newModelUser with the new version of your model you want to update
userCollection.FindOneAndReplace(user => user._id == newModelUser._id, newModelUser);
Replace userCollection with the referenced collection
Replace "user.ActiveConnection != 0" with the condition that should match the documents you want to update
Replace "user => user.ActiveConnection, 0" with the Attribute you want to change and the value you want to set to that Attribute
// on all users that have a ActiveConnection different from 0, set ActiveConnection to 0
userCollection.UpdateMany(user => user.ActiveConnection != 0, Builders<Model_User>.Update.Set(user => user.ActiveConnection, 0));