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CTCI Resources

CTCI java library for node, trie, tree printer, etc.

CTCI Solutions

DataStructure Implementation and Notes
LinkedList Single and Double
Binary Tree Memorize Inorder, preorder, postorder. Implement DELETE in tree. Implement tree modified i.e. tracks sums.
Hash(Maps, Sets, Tables) Hashsets, maps, tables, know how to implement my own hash table in the space of an interview.
Stack Review or rewrite basic stack
Queue Review or rewrite basic queue
Graphs Which representation is best?
Trie Insert, search, maybe delete. Big Os
Hash array mapped Trie Wiki
Heap tutorialsPoint - Heap as array. Insert new element at tail, bubbleup. Extract by swapping root w. bottommost rightmost element, bubbledown root.
Vector+ArrayList Review basic API and how to use generics
Iterator Test self to get and use iterator i.e. for(String classObj : class)
Special Trees (Self-Balancing) - RedBlack How to implement, traverse. Why are they good, FB mentioned red-black trees
Spanning Tree
Algorithm Implementation and Notes
Binary Search Recursive(array, searchedForValue, low, high)
Bubble Sort Two for loops, comparing elements right next to each other. Usage - small data sets
Merge Sort Remember only a few lines of code, and the recursion only takes an array as the single parameter. writing merge(left,right) is longest part
Quick Sort choose pivot (usually rightmost), between lo and hi find all lower than pivot, insert pivot when lo = hi. Probably good for partially sorted data. choosing a random partition makes worst case less likely for a bad array.
Bucket Sort (check if more than just these two) bucket sort good for uniformially distributed data or we could have tons of empty buckets Create buckets, hash values to each bucket, sort buckets individually, iterate buckets one by one to sorted array.
Radix Sort Use counting sort on every digit, starting with least significant.
Counting Sort best for keys in a small specific range make array size of data range, add number of values appearances up in counting array. Use counting array to create sorted array.
BFS Use a queue, mark nodes
DFS DFS(node) for node.children DFS(Child) => make nodes for cycles
*Selection Sort Done
*Insertion Sort Iterate through list. Insert next element into subarray starting at front of original array
*Heap Sort heapsort by extract root (swap w/ bottommost rightmost) bubbledown root using only remaining elements.
*Tree Sort Turn data into BST, the in-order traversal for sorted data.
*Cube Sort Complex 3d array sort. info & code for cubesort
*Shell Sort Use insetion Sort on sub arrays. Sub arrays are determined by an interval: h = h*3+1. Shrink interval. Useful for sorting small arrays in place, worst case is better than some other algos. Also simplier to implement
Djikstra, Bi-directional search Investigate Djikstra, Bi-directional search and more - FB seems key about graphs, i.e. their main API
*Topological Sort 4.7 in CTCI, order all nodes so edge (a, b), a appears before b. linearly sorted.
Concept Implementation and Notes
Recursion Need practice for linked list, binary search, and others. Bottom up or top down. Bottom-up think mergesort - solve small subsets, then combine result. top-down - ?
Bit Manipulation Need programming practice, general ops are good
Java & O-O Design O-O concepts abstraction, inheritance, cohesion, coupling etc. & other mastery/Basic APIs - especially math
Threads, locks, mutex, semaphore
Dynamic Programming Memomiztion and bottom up. Memomization - solve each problem, cache results i.e. making a fib call to each number once. Bottom-up solve the small problems, use the results to add to your new set of sub-problems i.e. step counting problem, only set amount of ways to reach a new step, add prev totals also. start with recursion then cache the result. Bottom up => build from previous, Top down => save results, check if you already solved
Memory (Stack vs. Heap)
Minimum Cuts
Powers of 2
Trick Explanation
Find digit in number With 802 digit at place 2 is 8, place 1 is 0, place 0 is 2


  • BitSet & BitVector classes - 8.4 bits
  • 8.9, possible common FB question 2D array
  • Review LinkedList Recursion
  • Super usage, ctci 3.2
  • External sort, ctci 10.6
  • BFS 4.1, look at code
  • 5.3 look at code
  • 1.6, string builder ops

Data Structures


Whatever you do, do not sort it

    implement Node(), appendToTail(), deleteNode(Object data)

Run Times - Single and Double
  	O(n)Θ(n) Access, search	
   	O(1)Θ(1) Insert, delete

Binary Tree


    /* Inorder   - left subtree, root, right subtree
     * Preorder  - left subtree, right subtree, root. Bottom up.
     * Postorder - root, left subtree, right subtree. Start with root, recurse through left, recurse through right. top down.
    public static void inOrder(TreeNode node) {
		 * Searched smallest to largest
		if (node != null) {
	public static void preOrder(TreeNode node) {
		 * Check the root first
		if (node != null) {
	public static void postOrder(TreeNode node) {
		 * Root is always last visited
		if (node != null) {
Run Times
    Insert Worst/Avg. O(log(n)), find any worst O(log(n)), create worst O(nlog(n))

Hash(Maps, Sets, Tables)

    key % hashTableSize
    Use an array of lists to store the values. 
    If there is a collision append the value to that keys location in the array.

Run Times
    Θ(1) lookup, insert, delete
    This is amortized based off if the hash function has no collisions - worst is O(n) for above
    O(n) Best and worst

HashMap - Not Synchronized, not thread safe, but faster. Allows nulls.
HashTable - Synchronized, slower, thread safe. Does not allow nulls.
HashSet - Does not allow duplicate values, use when we need a unique list.


Implementation (Not Done)
    pop() push() peek(), use Obeject data for node data

Run Times
    O(1)Θ(1) push, pop, head
    O(n) search
    O(n)Θ(n) search, access


Implementation (Not Done)
    enqueue(), dequeue(), size(), peek()

Run Times
    O(1)Θ(1) enqueue(), dequeue(), peek()
    O(n)Θ(n) search, access


Implementation (Need construction of a graph)
    Implement by..

Run Times


Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times


	 * Insert - insert element at bottom, rightmost spot => bubble up swapping with parent
	 * Extract min/max - remove root by swapping with bottommost rightmost element => bubble down
	 public static void heapInsert(int[] heap, int value) {
		heap[tailIndex] = value;
		bubbleUp(heap, tailIndex);

	private static void bubbleUp(int[] heap, int index) {
		if (index == 0) {return;}
		int parentIndex = (int) Math.floor((index-1)/2);
		if (heap[index] > heap[parentIndex]) {
			swap(heap, index, parentIndex);
			bubbleUp(heap, parentIndex);
	public static int extractMax(int[] heap) {
		int max = heap[0];
		heap[0] = heap[tailIndex];
		heap[tailIndex] = max;
		bubbleDown(heap, 0);
		return max;
		private static void bubbleDown(int[] heap, int index) {
		if (index >= tailIndex) {return;}
		int leftChild = (2*index)+1;
		int rightChild = (2*index)+2;
		if (leftChild >= tailIndex) return;
		// If right child exists and is greater than the left child
		// Compare heap[index] with right child
		if (rightChild <= tailIndex && heap[leftChild] < heap[rightChild] && heap[index] < heap[rightChild]) {
			swap(heap, index, rightChild);
			bubbleDown(heap, rightChild);
		// Else we can compare the left child	
		else if (heap[index] < heap[leftChild]) {
			swap(heap, index, leftChild);
			bubbleDown(heap, leftChild);


Run Times
    	Θ(log n) O(log n) Extract and insert <=make sure

Vector + ArrayList

Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times


    public class myClassIterator<String> implements Iterator<Object> {
        private ArrayList<?> myClass;
        private position;
        public myClassIterator(myClass myClassBase) {
            this.myClass = myClassBase.getMyClass();
        public boolean hasNext() {...} // position < myClass.size()
        public Object next() {...} // myClass.get(position++)
        public void remove() {...} // myClass.remove(position)
    public class myClass implements Iterable<String> {
        public Iterator<String> iterator() { 
            return new myClassIterator(this);
        private ArrayList<String> myClass = new ArrayList<String>();

        public myClass(ArrayList myClass){
            this.myClass = myClass;

        public ArrayList getMyClass() {
            return myClass;

Run Times

Special Trees

Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times

Spanning Trees

Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times


Binary Search

    public static int binarySearch(int[] array, int value, int low, int high) {
		int mid = (low + high) / 2;

		if (value == array[mid]) return mid;
		if (value == array[mid+1]) return mid+1; // Only needed if size is odd

		if (value > array[mid]) {
			return binarySearch(array, value, mid, high);
		else if (value < array[mid]) {
			return binarySearch(array, value, low, mid);
		return mid;

Run Times
    O(log n) Θ(log n) - due to recursion takes stack size of O(log n)
	O(1) for search, O(n) for the tree

Bubble Sort

    Two for loops. In the inner loop swap if a[i] > a[i+1]

Run Times
   	Θ(n^2)	O(n^2)

Merge Sort

   	private static int[] mergeSort(int[] array) {
		if (array.length <= 1) {
			return array;
		int[] left = mergeSort(Arrays.copyOfRange(array, 0, array.length/2));
		int[] right = mergeSort(Arrays.copyOfRange(array, array.length/2, array.length));
		int[] merged = merge(left, right);
		return merged;

Run Times
    	O(n log(n)) Θ(n log(n))

Quick Sort

    Pick partition (middle of low-high). 
    Put all elements lower than partition to the left, all elements higher to the right. 
    perform quick sort on low-partition-1, partition+1-high.
    void sort(int arr[], int low, int high)
        if (low < high)
            /* pi is partitioning index, arr[pi] is 
              now at right place */
            int pi = partition(arr, low, high);
            // Recursively sort elements before
            // partition and after partition
            sort(arr, low, pi-1);
            sort(arr, pi+1, high);
    /* This function takes last element as pivot,
       places the pivot element at its correct
       position in sorted array, and places all
       smaller (smaller than pivot) to left of
       pivot and all greater elements to right
       of pivot */
    int partition(int arr[], int low, int high)
        int pivot = arr[high]; 
        int i = (low-1); // index of smaller element
        for (int j=low; j<high; j++)
            // If current element is smaller than or
            // equal to pivot
            if (arr[j] <= pivot)
                // swap arr[i] and arr[j]
                int temp = arr[i];
                arr[i] = arr[j];
                arr[j] = temp;
        // swap arr[i+1] and arr[high] (or pivot)
        int temp = arr[i+1];
        arr[i+1] = arr[high];
        arr[high] = temp;
        return i+1;
Run Times
    	Θ(n log(n))	O(n^2) - Randomized pivot makes O(n log n) much more likely

Bucket Sort

    // Like using hash functions. 
    // To choose which bucket to put value in: ((value-minvalue) / bucketSize). 
    // Sort the buckets individually, then place back into original array.

Run Times
    	Θ(n+k)	O(n^2) - where k is number of buckets
	O(n) - number of buckets

Radix Sort

	private static int[] sort(int[] array) {
		// Find the maximum number to know number of digits
		int m = getMax(array, array.length);

		// Do counting sort for every digit. Note that instead
		// of passing digit number, exp is passed. exp is 10^i
		// where i is current digit number
		for (int exp = 1; m/exp > 0; exp *= 10) {
		    countSort(array, array.length, exp);
			return array;

Run Times
    	Θ(nk)	O(nk) => k is range a digit can be. in normal decimal it is 0-9 (or 10). 

Counting Sort

		For simplicity, consider the data in the range 0 to 9. 
		Input data: 1, 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 2
		  1) Take a count array to store the count of each unique object.
		  Index:     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
		  Count:     0  2  2  0   1  1  0  1  0  0

		  2) Modify the count array such that each element at each index 
		  stores the sum of previous counts. 
		  Index:     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
		  Count:     0  2  4  4  5  6  6  7  7  7

		The modified count array indicates the position of each object in 
		the output sequence.

		  3) Output each object from the input sequence followed by 
		  decreasing its count by 1.
		  Process the input data: 1, 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 2. Position of 1 is 2.
		  Put data 1 at index 2 in output. Decrease count by 1 to place 
		  next data 1 at an index 1 smaller than this index.
    void sort(char arr[])
        int n = arr.length;
        // The output character array that will have sorted arr
        char output[] = new char[n];
        // Create a count array to store count of inidividul
        // characters and initialize count array as 0
        int count[] = new int[256];
        for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)
            count[i] = 0;
        // store count of each character
        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
        // Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual
        // position of this character in output array
        for (int i=1; i<=255; ++i)
            count[i] += count[i-1];
        // Build the output character array
        for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i)
            output[count[arr[i]]-1] = arr[i];
        // Copy the output array to arr, so that arr now
        // contains sorted characters
        for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i)
            arr[i] = output[i];
Run Times
    	Θ(n+k)	O(n+k)	- n is number of elements, k is range elements can be from 1-k. i.e. only values 0 to 9 appear in an array, k=9


Implementation (Not Done)
    Using a Queue -> Need to mark visited nodes if we are worried about a cycle.
    I.e. BFS of a binarytree does not need to mark nodes

Run Times


Implementation (Not Done)
    Recursion, track the depths

Run Times

*Selection Sort

   	Step 1 − Set MIN to location 0
	Step 2 − Search the minimum element in the list
	Step 3 − Swap with value at location MIN
	Step 4 − Increment MIN to point to next element
	Step 5 − Repeat until list is sorted

Run Times
    	Θ(n^2)	O(n^2)	

*Insertion Sort

  	Step 1 − If it is the first element, it is already sorted. return 1;
	Step 2 − Pick next element
	Step 3 − Compare with all elements in the sorted sub-list
	Step 4 − Shift all the elements in the sorted sub-list that is greater than the 
	         value to be sorted
	Step 5 − Insert the value
	Step 6 − Repeat until list is sorted

	private static int[] insertionSort(int[] array) {
		for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
				// Found where to insert i
				if (array[i] <= array[j] ) {
					array = insert(array, i, j);
		return array;
	private static int[] insert(int[] array, int indexToInsertFrom, int indexToInsertAt) {
		int valueToInsert = array[indexToInsertFrom];
		for (int i = indexToInsertFrom; i > indexToInsertAt; i--){
			array[i] = array[i-1];
		array[indexToInsertAt] = valueToInsert;
		return array;
Run Times
    	Θ(n^2)	O(n^2)	

*Heap Sort

	 /* HeapSort - Remove root, insert at end, heapify the remaining nodes
	  * 	children at indices 2i + 1 and 2i + 2
	  *	parent at index floor((i − 1) ∕ 2)
	public static int extractMax(int[] heap) {
		int max = heap[0];
		heap[0] = heap[tailIndex];
		heap[tailIndex] = max;
		bubbleDown(heap, 0);
		return max;
	private static void bubbleDown(int[] heap, int index) {
		if (index >= tailIndex) {return;}
		int leftChild = (2*index)+1;
		int rightChild = (2*index)+2;
		if (leftChild >= tailIndex) return;
		// If right child exists and is greater than the left child
		// Compare heap[index] with right child
		if (rightChild <= tailIndex && heap[leftChild] < heap[rightChild] && heap[index] < heap[rightChild]) {
			swap(heap, index, rightChild);
			bubbleDown(heap, rightChild);
		// Else we can compare the left child	
		else if (heap[index] < heap[leftChild]) {
			swap(heap, index, leftChild);
			bubbleDown(heap, leftChild);

Run Times
    Θ(n log(n))	O(n log(n))
	O(1) takes O(n) to maintain structure

*Tree Sort

Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times

*Cube Sort

Implementation (Not Done)
    implement by...

Run Times

*Shell Sort

    	 /* 	 Step 1 − Initialize the value of h
		 Step 2 − Divide the list into smaller sub-list of equal interval h
		 Step 3 − Sort these sub-lists using insertion sort
		 Step 3 − Repeat until complete list is sorted
	private static int[] shellSort(int[] array) {
		int interval = 0;
		while( interval < array.length / 3) { 
			      interval = interval * 3 + 1;
		for (; interval > 0; interval-- ) {
			for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++) {
				array = sortIntervalValues(array, interval, i);
		return array;
	private static int[] sortIntervalValues(int[] array, int intervalSize, int startLoc) {
		int interval = startLoc;
		while (interval < array.length) {
			int minIndex = getMinIndexFromInterval(array, interval, intervalSize);
			array = swapAndShiftWithInterval(array, minIndex, interval, intervalSize);
			interval += intervalSize;
		return array;
	private static int[] swapAndShiftWithInterval(int[] array, int minIndex, int indexToInsert, int intervalSize) {...}
	private static int getMinIndexFromInterval(int[] array, int interval, int intervalSize) {...}
Run Times
    	Ω(n log(n))	



divide and conquer can be bottom up or top down.



Bit Manipulation


Java & O-O Design


Threads, locks, mutex, semaphore


Dynamic Programming




Memory (Stack vs. Heap)


Minimum Cuts


Powers of 2

Power           Exact Value         Approx Value        Bytes
7                             128
8                             256
10                           1024   1 thousand           1 KB
16                         65,536                       64 KB
20                      1,048,576   1 million            1 MB
30                  1,073,741,824   1 billion            1 GB
32                  4,294,967,296                        4 GB
40              1,099,511,627,776   1 trillion           1 TB


Find digit

	private static void printNumberAtPlace(int num, int place) {
		int exp = 1;
		for (int i =0; i < place; i++) {
			exp *= 10;
		System.out.println(num + " at place: " + place + " is: " +(num/exp)%10);