- This repo walks through hnsshim (hcn) to play with connectivity between windows containers on windows 2022 preview. This page are compiled based on resources from NPM and hcsshim teams.
- Create two dockers
- One for a server
# This dockerfile utilizes components licensed by their respective owners/authors.
# Prior to utilizing this file or resulting images please review the respective licenses at: http://nginx.org/LICENSE
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/server/insider:10.0.20344.1
LABEL Description="Nginx" Vendor="Nginx" Version="1.0.13"
RUN powershell -Command \
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; \
Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.9.13.zip -OutFile c:\nginx-1.9.13.zip ; \
Expand-Archive -Path c:\nginx-1.9.13.zip -DestinationPath c:\ ; \
Remove-Item c:\nginx-1.9.13.zip -Force
WORKDIR /nginx-1.9.13
CMD ["/nginx-1.9.13/nginx.exe"]
- Build docker and run it
docker build -t nginx -f Dockerfile .
docker run --name nginx -d nginx
- One for a client - to keep running docker container
docker run -d --name client mcr.microsoft.com/windows/server/insider:10.0.20344.1 ping -t localhost
- Test connectivity between docker
docker exec -it client cmd.exe
# you can access to console of nginx docker and type ipconfig
> powershell
> curl.exe <nginx ip address>
- Print current endpoint status
- nginx endpoint id :
- client endpoint id :
- nginx endpoint id :
# on powershell
PS C:\Users\azure> Get-HnsEndpoint
ID : edffc876-3051-46ec-80b3-820dda20aa14
ID : c047102f-2bb1-4f64-8f30-9ede02f464f1
- Run simple go example to use hns to control network policy.
It needs some manual option to change the code. Please check
go build -o hns main.go
- Output comparison after blocking and allowing traffic
* Output from `Get-HnsEndpoint` after blocking and allowing traffic
- nginx endpoint id : `edffc876-3051-46ec-80b3-820dda20aa14`
- client endpoint id : `c047102f-2bb1-4f64-8f30-9ede02f464f1`
# After blocking traffic
PS C:\k\debug> Get-HnsEndpoint
ID : edffc876-3051-46ec-80b3-820dda20aa14
Policies : {@{Action=Block; Direction=In; LocalAddresses=; LocalPorts=80; Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0; Type=ACL}, @{Action=Block; Direction=Out;
Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0; Type=ACL}, @{Action=Block; Direction=In; LocalAddresses=; LocalPorts=80; Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0;
Type=ACL}, @{Action=Block; Direction=Out; Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0; Type=ACL}}
ID : c047102f-2bb1-4f64-8f30-9ede02f464f1
# After allowing traffic
PS C:\k\debug> Get-HnsEndpoint
ID : edffc876-3051-46ec-80b3-820dda20aa14
Policies : {@{Action=Allow; Direction=In; LocalAddresses=; LocalPorts=80; Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0; Type=ACL}, @{Action=Allow; Direction=Out;
Priority=100; Protocols=6; Scope=0; Type=ACL}}
ID : c047102f-2bb1-4f64-8f30-9ede02f464f1
1. Compatible containers
* [Announcing a New Windows Server Container Image Preview](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/containers/announcing-a-new-windows-server-container-image-preview/ba-p/2304897?ranMID=24542&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-7G741ImEBgESfTcCBeFawQ&epi=je6NUbpObpQ-7G741ImEBgESfTcCBeFawQ&irgwc=1&OCID=AID2200057_aff_7593_1243925&tduid=(ir__ms1mv9qee9kfqib1cydiwswhr22xr3pgbcmzyur300)(7593)(1243925)(je6NUbpObpQ-7G741ImEBgESfTcCBeFawQ)() irclickid=_ms1mv9qee9kfqib1cydiwswhr22xr3pgbcmzyur300)
* [Nano Server Insider](https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-windows-nanoserver-insider)
* [Windows Server Insider](https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-windows-server-insider)
* [Windows Server Core Insider](https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-windows-servercore-insider)