This code allows you to calculate the variance of a mathematical function. Variance is a measure of the variability of values assumed by a function.
The user needs to input the following information:
- The number of variables of the function
- The mathematical function
- The values of the variables
- The variances of the variables
- The covariances of the variables
- The code then calculates the variance of the function using the following formula: var = Σ(xi * xj * cov_mat[i,j])
xi is the first derivative of f() of variable i
xj is the first derivative of f() of variable j
cov_mat[i,j] is the covariance between variables i and j
The first derivative of f() of each variable is calculated using the SymPy module
The covariance between two variables is calculated as the average of the squared products of the variable values.
- The mathematical function entered by the user
- The values of the variables entered by the user
- The variances entered by the user
- The covariances entered by the user
- The calculated variance of the function
- The standard deviation of the function
The code also provides an option to download the user-entered data. To do this, the user must click the "Download Data" button. The code creates a text file with the user-entered data and downloads it into the user's computer.
Python 3.6 or higher NumPy module SymPy module
Inserisci numero incognite (max 10): 2
Inserisci funzione: a + b
Valore incognita "a" ==> 1
Valore incognita "b" ==> 2
Sicuro di aver messo le varianze? (Rispondi si per continuare, altrimenti ricarica la pagina per ricominciare): si
Varianza "a" ==> 1
Varianza "b" ==> 4
Covarianza "a-b" ==> 3
Funzione: a + b
Valori delle incognite:
a: 1
b: 2
a: 1
b: 4
a-b: 3
Varianza = 10
Deviazione standard = 3.162277660168379