Releases: JustOff/ca-archive
Releases · JustOff/ca-archive
- Fix links to categories from addon pages
- Keep the button position when it's placed right before space, flexible space or separator
- Add hidden option to skip toolbar unhide
- Add support for Iceape-UXP
- Migrate to a new service domain
- Added the extensions removed from AMO before October 2017
- Recovered other extension files lost by Mozilla
- Fixed creation times for extensions corrupted on March 5, 2007
More details here: #43.
- Properly handle error when extension is not found
- Suggest to use CAA on AMO 404-pages (e10s must be disabled)
- Open the Wayback Machine links with the date closest to October 2018
- Link users reviews to the Wayback Machine
- Remove the main content strict width declaration to make it adaptive
- Enable automatic update in SeaMonkey
- Add workaround to run CAA on Waterfox in multi-process mode
- Properly handle special characters in the search string
- Switch download links from AMO to cloud storage
- Fix broken AMO pages on Wayback Machine
- Implement basic compatibility with SeaMonkey
- Soften security restrictions on the caa: protocol (for Waterfox 56.1+)