Spottube is a free and open source software which helps people to download their favourite Spotify playlist within a click and also enjoy Music Videos of the same.
- Spotify Playlist to Youtube Music
- Spotify Playlist to Downloadable MP3
- On the WEB
- Can be self hosted
To use this project locally, you may need to have
- Spotify developer account
- Google developer account
- Little knowledge of JS could help(though not necessary!)
- Spotify API to get playlist from playlist ID
- Youtube API to search Youtube music videos using search query
- Rapid API to download Music from youtube using youtube video ID.
Contributions are always welcome!
you can shoot a mail to if you have any queries or need any details.
FrontEnd: HTML/CSS (
Backend: JS
All content derived from the API belongs to the respective companies that provide the API.
Can be used by Music professionals and DJ's who would want to have a downloaded Mp3 of a spotify playlist.