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Svelte Heroicons

If you want to use more Icons Packs and components for multiple Frameworks (React, Vue, Lit and more), check out @steeze-ui/icons which is meant as a successor to svelte-hero-icons:

What is @steeze-ui/Icons ?

  • Icon Components for various frameworks (svelte, lit, solid and react)
  • Icon Packs (e.g heroicons, radix-icons, feathericons and more)
  • A template to create your own publishable Icon Pack
  • Now lives under an org that will focus on more ui tools for svelte


  • complete heroicons set optimized for svelte
  • programatically change solid or outline version based on the solid attribute (solid, mini, micro)
  • fully typed for a great IDE experience
  • works out of the box with SvelteKit
  • SSR compatible (no JS is needed for the client to display the icon)


  • install as devDependency

Example for npm

npm i -D svelte-hero-icons


  • svelte-hero-icons should work with SvelteKit without any configuration
  • If you have any problems, this could help adding to your vite.config.js:
ssr: {
   noExternal: ["svelte-hero-icons"],


  • Default is Outline version of icon
  • Use solid attribute for Solid Icons
  // Only import what you need!
  import { Icon, ArrowUp, Filter } from "svelte-hero-icons";
<!-- default it's using the outline version of this icon -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" />

<!-- use solid attribute to display the solid version of this icon -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" solid />

<!-- use mini attribute to display the mini version of this icon -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" mini />

<!-- use micro attribute to display the micro version of this icon -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" micro />

<!-- in this (rather unusual) case solid will have the precedence -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" solid mini />

<!-- use size attribute to set icon size (32 -> 32px | 2rem | 100% == default ) -->
<Icon src="{ArrowUp}" size="32" />

<!-- use Windi CSS or tailwindcss classes directly -->
<Icon src="{Filter}" class="h-6 text-red-500 w-6" />

Use with types

  import { Icon, Filter, type IconSource } from "svelte-hero-icons";
  export let icon:IconSource = Filter

<Icon src="{icon}" solid />


This package is based on heroicons

See all available icons here: