- 🤔 It's pronouced Jim-it
- 💻 In the past ive worked closely on full stack Open Source Software Engineering notably @ Zimbra, Elastic
- 🛡️ Present time Security Engineering at scale
- 🔭 Working on consolidating some years of notes as well as some of the new stuff im learning and fun into an organised tidy space. Trying and failing to drop daily commits in
2022. Missed a bunch due to unplanned circumstances. - 🌱 I -still- have an interest in macOS security research, but not enough time with a never ending list of books to read and skills to learn
- ⚡ I like to solve problems, I like to help others solve problems they may have, be it people, software, network, architecture, security...
- 💬 Ask me Anything
- 📫 How to reach me 🤔. Where can you find me first?
macOS Security Research
Navigating leadership and soft skills
WIP time permitting - Hoping to draft a couple in the next 9-12 months on medium, current ideas are for non technical pieces, thinking social anxiety and working in tech, leadership styles, and empathy as a leader. Will revisit
To Do list (areas I have or am reading about and or want to pursue, implement in some shape or form)
- macOS internals / malware / writing and learning my own escapes
- Working out time complexity because being able to think or work like a swe is never a bad idea
Currently listening to Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, on Audble.
- Apple Endpoint Security Framework ESF - Talk from BSides Munich by Connor Morley