Simple Chebyshev and Butterworth implementation in C, double precision. Works well on macOS 13.4.1.
- lowpass
- highpass
- butterworth
- chebyshev
- ripple percent
This imlementation is based on algorithm from
make example
Create a filter object using create_***_pass_filter(params...)
ChebFilter* filter = create_bw_low_pass_filter(ORDER, FC);
If fc is the cut-off frequency in hertz, the filter cut-off frequency must be expressed by fc/framerate. FC should be included in the [0, 0.5] range, 0.5 matching the Nyquist frequency.
For example, with a framerate at 44100Hz and a fc= 200Hz:
Run the filter:
double filtered_signal = applyfilter(filter, input[i]);
Use filter to filter incoming doubles one by one. The filtered output is a double as well.
After using the filter, release the filter.