Aphrodite is a high-performance, Vulkan-based graphics engine designed for game development and graphics applications on Linux.
- Vulkan
- Mesh Shading Support
- Render Graph
- Async Resource Management
- Multi-threading, Job System
- Scene Management
- Built-in Windowing, Input, Event Support
- UI Support
- Shader Reflections
- Application Framework
To clone the Aphrodite repository, execute the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/K1ngst0m/Aphrodite -b next
cd Aphrodite
To build and run the project, use the following commands:
cmake -B build && cmake --build build -- -j$(nproc)
For complete and most recent examples, please refer to the examples/xxxx/
- Resource Loading
// loading vertex buffer aph::BufferLoadInfo loadInfo{ .debugName = "triangle::vertexBuffer", .data = vertexArray.data(), .createInfo = {.size = static_cast<uint32_t>(vertexArray.size() * sizeof(vertexArray[0])), .usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT}}; m_pResourceLoader->loadAsync(loadInfo, &m_pVB); // loading texture aph::ImageLoadInfo loadInfo{.data = "texture://container2.png", .createInfo = { .alignment = 0, .arraySize = 1, .usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, .domain = aph::ImageDomain::Device, .imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, }}; m_pResourceLoader->loadAsync(loadInfo, &m_pImage); // loading shader aph::ShaderLoadInfo shaderLoadInfo{.stageInfo = { {aph::ShaderStage::VS, {"shader_slang://triangle.slang"}}, {aph::ShaderStage::FS, {"shader_slang://triangle.slang"}}, }}; m_pResourceLoader->loadAsync(shaderLoadInfo, &m_pProgram); // ... // wait for resource loading complete m_pResourceLoader->wait();
- Frame Graph Operations
// record graph execution m_renderer->recordGraph([this](auto* graph) { auto drawPass = graph->createPass("drawing quad with texture", aph::QueueType::Graphics); drawPass->setColorOutput("render target", { .extent = {m_pSwapChain->getWidth(), m_pSwapChain->getHeight(), 1}, .format = m_pSwapChain->getFormat(), }); // import external resource drawPass->addTextureInput("container texture", m_pImage); drawPass->recordExecute([this](auto* pCmd) { pCmd->bindVertexBuffers(m_pVB); pCmd->bindIndexBuffers(m_pIB); pCmd->setResource({m_pImage}, 0, 0); pCmd->setResource({m_pSampler}, 0, 1); pCmd->setProgram(m_pProgram); pCmd->insertDebugLabel({ .name = "draw a quad with texture", .color = {0.5f, 0.3f, 0.2f, 1.0f}, }); pCmd->drawIndexed({6, 1, 0, 0, 0}); }); }); ... // render loop { ... m_renderer->update(); m_renderer->render(); ... }