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KaiEDJ: Integrated DMFT-ED and MFT Framework for Correlated Magnetic Systems


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KaiEDJ: Integrated DMFT-ED and MFT Framework for Correlated Magnetic Systems


  • Hyeong Jun Lee -- hjuntaf (at)
  • Taekjung Kim -- (at)

The KaiEDJ is maintained by KAIST-ELST Group (

[Main Features]

  • Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculation
    • Exact diagonalization (ED) solver
    • Support an interface to external solver packages
    • DFT+DMFT interface - compatible with multiple density functional theory (DFT) codes
  • Magnetic force theorem (MFT) or magnetic force response theory calculation with correlated electronic structure.
  • Spin-wave dispersion analysis


(In preparation.) KaiEDJ: A program conducting dynamical mean-field theory and magnetic force theory calculation for correlated magnetic materials, Hyeong Jun Lee, Taek Jung Kim, Hongkee Yoon, Myung Joon Han

0. Preparation

  • Download KaiEDJ.

    git clone
  • Julia should be installed. (Download Julia here.) Julia doesn't require any configurations or compile-processes in the beginning. You will just download it and set its bin/ path to your PATH to use julia excutable.

    $ export PATH=<your-julia-full-path>/bin/:$PATH    # a shell-command example.
    export PATH=<your-julia-full-path>/bin/:$PATH      # a shell-script example such as in .bashrc or .bash_profile

    Version-test successfully done for

    • julia >= 1.8.5, <= 1.10.4
  • Install a set of required packages supported by Julia by running setup.jl provided in our package.

    $ julia setup.jl

    This will install the following packages. Formatting LinearAlgebra SparseArrays DelimitedFiles FastGaussQuadrature BenchmarkTools Optimization OptimizationOptimJL Arpack ThreadedSparseCSR SparseMatricesCSR Plots TickTock TimerOutputs FFTW JSON Dierckx ImageFiltering DFTforge

  • Export your PROJECT_PATH_KAIEDJ to your project-environment directory. (setup.jl will automatically generate the project-environment directory of envs/KEDJ.)

    $ export PROJECT_PATH_KAIEDJ=<your-KaiEDJ-full-path>/envs/KEDJ    # shell-command
    export PROJECT_PATH_KAIEDJ=<your-KaiEDJ-full-path>/envs/KEDJ      # shell-script such as .bashrc or .bash_profile

1. Files

  • is a single running script for all processes including the installation and all of the example codes.
  • setup.jl will install the required packages, activating a Julia-project-environment TOML directory.
  • kaiedj.jl is a main script for running KaiEDJ within Julia.
  • eddmft.jl is a script for running ED-DMFT within Julia.
  • dmftmft.jl is a script for running DMFT+MFT within Julia.
  • examples/ contains example codes of La2CuO4 for ED-DMFT, DMFT+MFT, Spinwave, and of Fe for (QMC-DMFT,) DMFT+MFT, Spinwave calculations.
  • src/ contains source codes.
  • envs/ is a temporary directory for Julia-project-environment TOML files. setup.jl will use this location and generate envs/KED/*.toml files.
  • scripts/ contains scripts for data-converting and patches.
  • hotfix/ contains a hotfix files.

2. Usage

Preparing the TOML script, e.g. example.TOML, you can run KaiEDJ as follow.

$ julia kaiedj.jl -T example.TOML

In order to activate the Julia-project-environment, you can add a flag as julia --project=<julia-project-environment path> ....

For tutorials, you can download in and run as follows.

$ julia tutorials/01_manybody_binary_basis.jl

Every tutorial code here contains include("../src/mybase.jl") with relative path to include mybase.jl and use KaiED. You will need to modify this path (../src/) when you want to run in a different directory/location.

Jupyter notebook

We also provide some tutorials within jupyter notebook (.ipynb). You can use the jupyter notebooks after an installation of IJulia as follows.


   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.9.3 (2023-08-24)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("IJulia")

or enter the Pkg REPL by pressing ] and install it :

(@v1.9) pkg> add IJulia


$ jupyter notebook

3. Tutorials

We provide some tutorial codes in formats of .jl (julia source code) and .ipynb (jupyter notebook). You can see and download them in the following repo.:

Following basic concepts are included.

  • Quantum many-body basis state manipulations
  • Quantum many-body wavefunction manipulations
  • Green functions
  • Impurity models
  • Tight-binding models
  • Exact diagonalization method
  • Dynamical mean-field theory

4. (Optional) External Packages

  • Our interface supports DMFT calculations with external DMFT solver packages.
  • Currently, it is compatible with two continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CT-QMC) solvers.
    • CT-QMC of COMSUITE package (

    • CT-QMC of EDMFTF (

      CT-QMC of EDMFTF package installation

      Below is a very brief introduction to the installation of EDMFTF package. Therefore, it may not work in your computer environment. For a more successful installation, please visit the EDMFTF package site directly (

      Download and extract compressed EDMFTF package

      $ wget
      $ tar -zxvf EDMFTF.tgz

      Modify file to suit your computer's compiler environment

      $ vim EDMFTF-*/

      ,and run

      $ python

      If at least the following files are created in /bini folder, it is possible to run Jx_DMFT.


      Finally, add the following lines to $ vi ~/.bashrc

      export WIEN_DMFT_ROOT=EDMFTF-installed folder/bini
      export SCRATCH="."

      CT-QMC(ComCTQMC) of COMSUITE package installation

      Below is a very brief introduction to the installation of the COMSUITE package. Therefore, it may not work in your computer environment. For a more successful installation, please visit the COMSUITE package site directly (

      Download zip file from and unzip the compressed folder

      $ unzip 

      Modify file to suit your computer's compiler environment

      $ vim comsuite-master/

      and, add the following two lines to $ vi ~/.bashrc

      export COMSUITE_BIN= comsuite-installed folder/comsuite-master/bin  


      $ make all

      If the following files are created in /bin folder, you are ready to run Jx_DMFT.



KaiEDJ: Integrated DMFT-ED and MFT Framework for Correlated Magnetic Systems







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