TOHE v2.3.3
AmongUs versions earlier than v2023.2.28 cannot be launched.
- Base on TOH v4.1.2
- Fixed bug that update may crash or return to the vanilla
- Fixed bug that Workhorse doesn't work
- Fixed bug that the Imp and the Madmate could see the Charmed Imp
- Fixed bug that the Succubus would appear twice in the settlement interface after winning
- Fixed bug that the eject confirm also display the team will display the Madmate as a crew team
- Fixed bug that the eject confirm also display the team will display the team of exiled player's main role as the Charmed player
- Fixed bug that the common roles options will appear on the settings panel in PVP Mode
- Fixed bug that Task panel display error
- Fixed bug that abnormal player name display in the PVP mode of vanilla
- Fixed bug that The role text will disappear when the vnilla player get a name prompt
- Fixed bug that meeting skill buttons can still be selected when blocked by the chat interface
- Fixed bug that during the meeting, the name may change to a skill prompt
- Fixed bug that /win doesn't work
- Fixed bug that get incorrect role description when querying role
- Fixed bug that the bodies killed by the Scavenger can be reported
- Use Simplified Chinese when Traditional Chinese is missing translation
- Eject confirm will default to displaying Madmate and Charmed players
- Allow longer voting time
- Fine-tuning the settings panel
- Fine-tuning the tasks panel
- Move the position of color-blind text in the meeting to prevent it from being blocked
- Allows to set Arson's oiling cooldown to 0
- Option: Eject confirm Madmate
New Feature
- Added text to Succubus kill button
- Option: Charmed players can know each other
- Option: Madmate Count Mode
- Automatically add modded servers
- Option: Sheriff can kill Charmed players
- Option: Judge can trail Charmed player
- Option: Charmed players count mode
- Option: Hide Eraser's Votes
- Options: Imp/Neutral/Crew can be Bait
- Options: Imp/Neutral/Crew can be Beartrap
- Option: Bait Report Min/Max Delay
- Option: Warn that the killer who killed the Bait is about to report
- Translation: 100% support Traditional Chinese
Role Changing
- Observer skills will not take effect until the first meeting
- Lovers can now follow the Succubus to victory
- Crew Bait => Addon Bait
- Crew Beartrap => Addon Beartrap
AmongUs v2023.2.28 之前的版本无法启动
- 基于官方版本 v4.1.2
- 修复一键更新可能闪退或变回原版的问题
- 修复加班狂失效的问题
- 修复内鬼和叛徒可以看到被魅惑的内鬼的问题
- 修复魅魔胜利后会在结算界面出现两次的问题
- 修复驱逐确认同时显示阵营会将叛徒显示为船员阵营的问题
- 修复驱逐确认同时显示阵营会将魅惑玩家显示为主职业阵营的问题
- 修复个人竞技模式下设置面板会出现原版职业选项的问题
- 修复任务面板的部分显示错误
- 修复原版个人竞技模式下玩家名字显示异常的问题
- 修复原版玩家使用名字显示提示时职业文本会消失的问题
- 修复会议技能按钮被聊天界面遮挡时依然可以被选中的问题
- 修复会议期间名字可能变为技能提示的问题
- 修复/win指令失效的问题
- 修复查询职业时得到错误的职业的问题
- 修复清道夫击杀的尸体可能可以被报告的问题
- 繁体中文缺失翻译时使用简体中文
- 驱逐确认默认会显示叛徒和魅惑玩家
- 允许更长的投票时间
- 设置面板微调
- 任务面板微调
- 移动会议时色盲文字的的位置以防止被遮挡
- 允许将纵火的涂油冷却时间设置为0
- 选项:驱逐确认叛徒
- 为魅魔的击杀按钮添加文本
- 选项:被魅惑的玩家可以互认
- 选项:叛徒人数统计方式
- 自动添加私服
- 选项:警长可以执法魅惑玩家
- 选项:法官可以审判魅惑玩家
- 选项:被魅惑玩家人数统计方式
- 选项:隐藏抹除者的票
- 选项:内鬼/中立/船员可以成为诱饵
- 选项:内鬼/中立/船员可以成为陷阱师
- 选项:诱饵报告延迟下限/上限
- 选项:警告击杀诱饵的凶手即将报告
- 翻译:100%支持繁体中文
- 观察者的技能在首次会议召开前不会生效
- 恋人现在可以跟随魅魔胜利
- 诱饵变为附加职业
- 陷阱师变为附加职业