Towards High-fidelity Head Blending with Chroma Keying for Industrial Applications
Hah Min Lew*, Sahng-Min Yoo*, Hyunwoo Kang*, and Gyeong-Moon Park
We introduce an industrial Head Blending pipeline for the task of seamlessly integrating an actor's head onto a target body in digital content creation. The key challenge stems from discrepancies in head shape and hair structure, which lead to unnatural boundaries and blending artifacts. Existing methods treat foreground and background as a single task, resulting in suboptimal blending quality. To address this problem, we propose CHANGER, a novel pipeline that decouples background integration from foreground blending. By utilizing chroma keying for artifact-free background generation and introducing Head shape and long Hair augmentation (
This work was supported by the IITP grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.RS2022-00155911, Artificial Intelligence Convergence Innovation Human Resources Development (Kyung Hee University)).