Releases: KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader-CLI
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.2.4
- Update dependencies
- Addresses issue #85
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- 868A37E650B83D902C7CA1F7B173084830DD9AE88B7847BDC51F8729282C04F7
cultured-downloader-cli-linux (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- A462A538879B4613114D1AE20EA3D488F1375FB4E92FB88B16079E8F264636CF
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
- 17793B2D7AB56E21AC54C4A56899B5A4A9B67EB1094AF536C4DAAC4DF06CF4ED
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.2.3
- Update dependencies
- Addresses issue #44 and #78
- Kemono download fixes by ClownpieceClone
- Added support for
- Changed kemono creator directory name to
name [id]
instead ofid
- Added support for GDrive Service Account input instead of just GDrive API Key
- Changed file perms to 0755 from 0666
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- C790D65EC55B34D6BB8BFAD7C890D9D9E5D520A209084D28103D7F13DE7B3897
cultured-downloader-cli-linux (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- 1D733E9B24237559621A2C0AAED50ED58118308E0D66A8616162EFE974F47EDB
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.2.2
- Update dependencies
- Added program version checking
- Fixed some bugs with regard to the reCAPTCHA auto solver
- Addresses issue #42
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- C574429F037355B17B4550DCE13C64FCA9CD31797CB8C9BF03120E8F3C2B397B
cultured-downloader-cli-linux (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- 518E06AD5291F7D8F6823BB633884AE141AEE52FD88101756FC5EA39F542E69A
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
- F090F9ABD4414C52AD73D5ED1432089955BCB1A4840BB8DD1C80825C5BCFBF33
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.2.1
- Update dependencies
- Added shorthand flags for better usability/user experience
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- A328AE2A80014D30D0B8897E688FC1437ADCAD55CEE88410966FB16929B85BEE
cultured-downloader-cli-linux (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- 51CB7AC793FE11544F88DA59102951814C27AB3F400F3B7E76BFA58958BFC76C
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
- 271B7E7FA197C64C35BEAB2CD11845232AADC34A7FC100821224E8AD8BAD82C9
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.2.0
- Update dependencies
- Improved maintainability of codes
- Split large files of codes into multiple files
- Made struct for JSON models/API responses instead of using interfaces
- Added cleanup codes when there is a need to force quit/stop the download process
- Incomplete downloads will be deleted so that the next run will ensure a complete download instead of being skipped as its default behaviour in the previous versions.
- The use of the
or the-o
flag shouldn't be used now unless you really have to!
- Added support for Kemono Party
- Added GDrive download supports for Fantia
- Added boolean flag to log any external file hosting URL(s)
- GDrive, MEGA, etc.
- Before v1.2.0, all GDrive URL(s) will be logged regardless for Pixiv Fanbox posts which can be quite annoying.
- CMD Cobra modules description edits
- Forgor to edit Pixiv Fanbox Cobra CMD long description string...
- Bug fixes and optimisations
- Improved logging
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- 4F239A10DF5836699DBC73360EB11735989EE0437A8A57CAD445637A70E48C94
cultured-downloader-cli-linux (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- DB67F487B9E4E839692A91551556FF01934ED69979901B74B26274388D561022
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
- B2BC40171348C8E67232B6A97ECD102972A28259AA338BDCD71E7B7B11438073
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.1.0
Code Clean-ups:
- Removed most of the panic function calls throughout the download logic
- Improved code readability and maintainability
- Removed deprecated Golang codes
- rand.Seed(seed) to rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
Added Features:
- Added page support to Pixiv Fanbox and Fantia downloads
- Added HTTP/3 support for domains that supports it like Google Drive.
- Uses quic-go
- Added Netscape generated cookie file path support
- Supported tool: Get cookies.txt LOCALLY
Feature Changes:
- Replaced Golang's Flag with Cobra for better usability
- Replaced progressbar with custom made Spinner code to follow the Python program of Cultured Downloader
- Improved the logging function
- Replaced the unzip logic with archiver v4 for Pixiv's Ugoira downloads
GitHub files changes:
- Updated pull request template
- Added bug report template
- Added a PowerShell file to compile the program for Windows, Linux, and macOS
SHA256 Hashes
cultured-downloader-cli.exe (windows-amd64/Windows 64-bit):
- B14C6366D12230A7322F3ABD977B229F584073A60E6DC25C27A24BBBF9AEFE29
cultured-downloader-cli-386.exe (windows-386/Windows 32-bit):
- 4967172B39F027A6402F2ECA61F4C164783B50E0FDE98E65529C4EBB25C7C851
cultured-downloader-cli-linux-amd64 (linux-amd64/Linux 64-bit):
- C23790ADEB2DBBAED4605904D77DC284FA59465B8C8FDF9D82A20B317E6C73BF
cultured-downloader-cli-linux-386 (linux-386/Linux 32-bit):
- 36E7D7BF0C61D85F365AFBF1242DF4C24DDB9F3E795DE974DE1D4AA746E07B05
cultured-downloader-cli-darwin-amd64 (darwin-amd64/Darwin 64-bit):
- 85386B60859D3E99D1CD8901E1DC6812C539D216E7FBEE5B59393C563BBA70E9
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.0.4
- Added support for Fantia blog category posts
SHA256 Hashes
- C8BB72526B69F501FD2B9896558D9A451B7CA1B0E91DDE1BA65E268B288F749E
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.0.3
- Added Content-Length header checks to ensure the files are downloaded correctly.
- If the Content-Length header is not present in the response, the program will just check if the file exists and skip if the already existing file has more than 0 bytes.
- Added an
flag if the user wants to re-download all the URL(s) with no Content-Length header in the response regardless of whether the file exists or not.
- Added GDrive download file size checks on top of MD5 checksum checks
SHA256 Hashes
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.0.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug which crashes the program for Pixiv Fanbox Downloads when the post has no content due to insufficient permissions
- Usually when the user does not support the creator to a certain level/plan
SHA256 Hashes
- 82A96F408AE28EDB5F82C5D2CC3E83AE3F98047F338A42EEDB4D023A387BB723
Cultured Downloader CLI V1.0.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the
function where the necessary folders were not being created, leading to a panic in the code.
SHA256 Hashes
- 343BADA764527D447E085825AF3FA8A263BA915BB20674BDC70E2F48628CB759