Name | Age | Address |
Kenny Simpson | 34 | Melbourne |
Currently studying Front End Development and hopefully will get my certification in August. The online course is with The Learning People Global and they cover a significant amount of courses that can be done in your own time and online. My first project is a basic portfolio about myself and there are guidelines to follow for this part of the course. I feel the course is well done but can be difficult sometimes especially if there is a problem that is hard to resolve. Working full time and having family makes it even harder but my interest in Software Design and Front End programming has increased since I started the course. The webpage will be quite basic as I have only covered off on HTML and CSS and a little bit of Javascript but like anything, experience and exposure is all that is required and I will get there. Enjoy the page, feel free to comment or advise ways of changing things if you view this project. I am learning and happy to be guided in any way. Enjoy!
This webpage will be updated regularly as I intend to add other projects and continue to build a portfolio to assist with employment down the track.
Highly recommend The Learning People Global
[Learning People]
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