This is my Windows 10 💻 themed portfolio, created using React and Styled Components.
This project is not in anyway affiliated with Microsoft or any of the Microsoft’s Operating System or Products. This is also not Windows 365 cloud PC.
I'm working actively on the project but some times I make mistakes, so if you want to help me out, just shoot me a message or open up a pull request. I have a list of future updates at the bottom, so you can check that out and see what the future will offer. If you want to see specific updates you can also open an issue, and let me know :)
I got really bored of looking at my current portfolio, cause it looked the same as everyone elses. So I thought what can I do to make it nicer/stand out. And this was pretty much what I decided to do. (Thinking about making a different design now so...)
- Animations
- Applications:
- Calculator
- Github Desktop
- Google Chrome
- KSJaay
- Notepad
- React Editor
- Recycle Bin
- Terminal
- VS Code
- Microsoft Store
- Context menu
- Delete applications, files, & folders
- Desktop & Navbar icons
- Drag, minimize, close, & resize windows
- File Explorer
- Games (Knots and Crosses, Chess?, & idk...)
- Multiple windows support
- Side Navigation
- Startup screen
- Start menu, Search menu, & Widgets
- Task bar feed (News, Weather, & More!)
- Themes & backgrounds
- User local weather updates
- Create the highlight box (Mousedown on Windows)
- Better start menu
- Games
- Live React coding
- Login/Logout screen
- Move to a state manager (Redux or Mobx)
- Framework - React
- Styling - Styled-components
- Icons - React-Icons
- Opening applications through terminal doesn't bring application to front