SCANsat Development Version 17.3
Unimplemented or Unfinished Features:
- MechJeb integration disabled
Known bugs:
- Some odd behavior may be observed when planetary overlay maps are left on when switching vessels or scenes
- Always manually turn off overlay maps
- Toggling any overlay map on and off should fix any problems (usually text that becomes unreadable)
- Some UI sychronization errors
- Changes in some settings will require toggling a window off and on again before taking effect
Not a bug:
- Existing settings will mostly be reset (scanning data is maintained)
- Reverting to SCANsat v16.x or earlier will result in loss of scanning data
Change Log:
- Implement BTDT scanner readout
- Implement planetary overlay map tooltips
- Scan width properly accounts for latitude
- Add a flashing waypoint icon when selecting waypoint site
- Add a separate option for zoom map (and RPM map) biome borders
- Fix instruments window resource selection buttons
- Fix scanning data reset button text
- Fix error in big map equatorial crossing lines
- Fix bug in zoom map sychronization
- Various UI updates