Game created as a task from course on Udemy about OPP in JavaScript. You have to pass/won current level to unlock next one. In settings you can set volume of background music and game sounds
Types of ball and paddle are random, they are randomize for each new game.(they don't have any unique skills/props).
This game has 6 levels with different hight of difficulty. To unlock next level player has to pass/won current level (info about which level is unlocked is in local storage).
I used i this game 5 kinds of bricks with different hp (the hardest one is yellow and the weakest is blue), also in this game we have 5 types of paddles and 6 types of ball, but each one doesn't has any unique skill, they are the same, but have only different color
I used in this project:
- JavaScript,
- Sass,
- BEM.
status of project: finished.