This game was created as a task from course about OPP in JavaScript on Udemy. In this course instructor shown how to generate enemies (only two types of them), how to handle player ship (like move left/right and shooting) and increase difficulty, thats all for the rest he has gaves a free hand to develop this project
*Store - In my roject I was created a simple store where player can buy allies or unlock new ship with better stats. The last one have double shot.
*Allies - Player can buy allies (two types). Allies ships have normal moves to left/right (they change direction of move when they are on map edge) and they shooting (every 1.5 sec).
*Shooting by enemies and allies,
*Enemies - In this proejct we have got 4 types of enemies and 1 mini boss (he is generated every 100 points).
Type of enemies:
*fighter - bassic ship, he has only 1hp and he is shooting every 2 sec (only 1 shot),
*bomber - basic ship, he has drops bomb every 2 sec and has only 1hp,
*destoryer - ship of hight tier, he has 3hp and he is shooting every 2 sec but twice,
*commander ship - ship of hight tier, he has 10hp but he doesn't have any speciall skill (this is kind of tank to push line),
*star destroyer - mini boss, he has 50hp and doesn't have special skill, he is used as a tank to push the line.
*JavaScript (OPP),
status of project: finished.