Rift version of Carpet Mod for Minecraft 1.13.2 Client Based on Fabric Carpet by gnembon
Carpet Mod is a mod for vanilla Minecraft that allows you to take full control of what matters from a technical perspective of the game.
To help develop this mod:
Half of the libs are down, and the ones that are up and working doesn't look stable at all, for that reason I decided to
load them from a local directory. I'm not allowed to distribute those libs, if you want to help to develop this mod you
can find me on discord Kahzerx#0733
Open the project with eclipse/idea and on External libraries
-> start
-> net.minecraftforge.gradle
-> and run GradleStart
Set --tweakClass org.dimdev.riftloader.launch.RiftLoaderClientTweaker
as program arguments.
Java 1.8
and classpath module
-> RiftedCarpet.main