I trained a model to detect orange cones in images and find the relative world coordinates of the cone from images.
I implement algorithms that learn the color model, segment the target color, and finally localize the target object from images. I used a set of training images, which I hand-labeled and from these training examples, I built a color classifier and orange cone detector. I created algorithms that marked the center of the detected orange cone and display the distance to the cone on new test images.
- Place a test image file in the Test_Images folder
- In the third code cell there is a function called "unlabeled_img = get_test_image(real_test_folder, 'test_5.png'):". Change the string to file you want to test.
- Now preconfiguration is finished so run all cells in the notebook.
- You can see the outputs from the last few cells.
SIDE NOTE: By running all the cells it trains the model since we don't use the EM step in the multivariate gaussian.