# Rails app to simulate an electronic store webpage aptly named “SellTronics”
Much of the code comes from Rails tutorials such as guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html#adding-some-validation and www.railstutorial.org/book
Sign up and Log in
Login feature with Admin. Admin are the only ones able to delete entries.
Profile that shows a Gravatar picture.
The code to generate samples is stored in /db/seeds.rb. The login information for the Admin person is also stored there.
If you want to run this locally, these series of installs should get you going:
First install ruby, jruby, jdk 8. Then run
gem install bundle
jruby -S gem install bundler
Then run
gem install rails
to install rails
Finally, clone this repository, direct to it, and run
bundle install
then run these series of commands:
rake db:create rake db:migrate:reset # :reset could be omitted if this is the first migrate rake db:seed
to generate one sample user with Admin privileges and 99 other sample users without privileges for local hosting.